[Opinions] Re: If you had to name your daughter after a day of the week, which one and why (more)
in reply to a message by Perrine
Sunday for sure. It sounds the most name-y to me. I love the sunny theme of it, and it’s a nice chill day of the week.
Monday would actually be a pretty decent name. I especially like the meaning.
Tuesday? Nah.
Wednesday, I never understood the hype for. Doesn’t sound that good.
Thursday is a nice day of the week (At least for me) but it’s hardly a name.
Friday would also be okay. More so as a middle name.
Saturday is also hardly a name.
"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves." - William Shakespeare

Monday would actually be a pretty decent name. I especially like the meaning.
Tuesday? Nah.
Wednesday, I never understood the hype for. Doesn’t sound that good.
Thursday is a nice day of the week (At least for me) but it’s hardly a name.
Friday would also be okay. More so as a middle name.
Saturday is also hardly a name.