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[Opinions] Edited
Laura Ingalls Wilder had a younger sister, Carrie, whose full name was Caroline Celestia Ingalls. I think it's a very pretty combo.I also think in general a three to four syllable middle name would be best. I agree with the previous suggestion of Victoria that would be lovely. Also:
Caroline Marguerite
Caroline Ilaria
Caroline Vivica
Caroline Josephine
Caroline Meredith
Caroline Tabitha
Caroline Veronica
Caroline Gwendolyn
Caroline Eugenia
Caroline Agatha
Caroline Magnolia
Caroline Winifred * also I hate to self advertise but in my personal names lists I have a couple I keep of different middle names marked as MN. You can check it out if you want for ideas but I won't be offended if you don't hahaPlease rate my "Names I would use" list if you have a spare moment, feel free to rate other lists too if you want but ik there's a lot lol, thank you :)

This message was edited 5/20/2021, 2:04 PM

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