[Opinions] Astrophel
What do you think of the name Astrophel? Thoughts, first impressions? I'm not sure about a middle name to pair it with yet.
Brothers' first names are Hjörtur (half-brother), Barnabas, Leonid & Endymion.**Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much**
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So dreamyIt makes me a think of a poet who does all of his thinking in a meadow. I love it!
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I think so too. Astrophel is at the top of my list if we ever decide to try for a fifth child.
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DittoNailed it!
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It makes me think of a spaceship name. Also I would assume an Astrophel in that set would be a daughter, it seems very feminine in comparison.
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I don't mind that it sounds feminine. Thank you for your opinion!
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