[Games] Re: Ishild's NTNB - round 6
THE WILLIAMS FAMILYDH [42]: Nathan David Williams
DW [43]: Anna Grace (Cochran) WilliamsDD [21]: Olivia Grace (Williams) Klein [elliott, RowenaRavenclaw & Julia]
-DH [21]: Jamie Frederick Klein [elliott]
-DD [2]: Magnolia Grace Klein [BlueChicken]
-DS/DD [exp]: Otto Jeremiah & Willa Salome KleinDS [19]: Samuel Joseph Williams [HailCthulhu]
-DGf [18]: Britt Gabriela Valiente DD [17]: Lauren Joy Williams [ruby]
DD [15]: Abigail Natasha Williams [BlueChicken]
DS [13]: Peter Morgan Williams [Jessamine]
DD [11]: Eva Felicity Williams [skinnyminnie]
DD/DD [7]: Layla Hannah Williams & Julia Sarai Williams [Princess_Shireen & Jessamine]*THE RUBIN-MOES FAMILYDW [53]: Shira Esther (Rubin) Rubin-Moes
DW [51]: Dakota Liv (Moes) Rubin-MoesDD [24]: Poet Chava Josephine (Rubin-Moes) Lowenthal [RowenaRavenclaw]
-DH [24]: Conrad Isaac Lowenthal [Wordsmith]
-DS [exp]: Albert Ronen LowenthalDS [21]: Bodhi Elisha Arthur Rubin-Moes [skinnyminnie]
-DGf [22]: Tiffany Chichiro Yamashita [Darkbone]DS [19]: Alden Beck Moes [faelsean]
-DGf [19]: Peyton Oona Hall [cher529s]
-DD [3 mo.]: Ryan Anneliese Moes-HallDD/DS [17]: Saga Efrat Lucinda Rubin-Moes & Oslo Dov Edmund Rubin-Moes [molly & RowenaRavenclaw]*THE FABBRI-MOLINARI FAMILYexDBf [43]: Bruno Ludovico Fabbri
-DW [36]: Alessandra Silvia (Buchholz) Fabbri [Wordsmith]
exDGf [42]: Giorgia Asia (Molinari) Souček
-DH [42]: Cyril Souček [RowenaRavenclaw]DS [19]: Elia Antonio Fabbri [Darkbone] (twin to Pietro)
-DGf [19]: Yekaterina Aleksandrovna PavlovaDS [19]: Pietro Matteo Fabbri [Darkbone] (twin to Elia)DS [18]: Jacopo Daniele Fabbri [Wordsmith]
-DGf [17]: Muna Hajar SaqqafDS [7]: Luca Alessandro Fabbri [Laura B. & Julia]
DS [4]: Federico Bruno Fabbri [molly]
DD [1]: Palmira Santina FabbriDD [10]: Vittoria Johana Souček [Laura B.]
DD [8]: Caterina Lucie Souček [Evie]
DD [6]: Elisabetta Helena Souček [RowenaRavenclaw]*THE DONOHUE FAMILYDH [49]: Shane Matthew Donohue
DW [49]: Paraskevi (Petrounias) DonohueDS [21]: Declan Lazaros Donohue [Laura B.]
-DGf [21]: Aisling Zoe McDermott [faelsean]DD [19]: Gaia Saoirse Donohue [Laura B.]
-DBf [21]: Campbell Jones Van RensselaerDS [16]: Lorcán Atlas Donohue [BlueChicken]
DS [14]: Cormac Orion Donohue [Story]
Odds are, you nudged shoulders on a busy street
with a broken human today, and you didn't even know it.
Practice empathy. Practice kindness. Always.
Track Sixteen
Sorry I Haven't Texted You Back
Alicia Cook
Archived Thread - replies disabled
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Ishild's NTNB - round 6  ·  ishild  ·  3/13/2021, 7:39 AM
Re: Ishild's NTNB - round 6  ·  Laura B.  ·  3/13/2021, 6:20 PM
Re: Ishild's NTNB - round 6  ·  skinnyminnie  ·  3/13/2021, 12:50 PM
Re: Ishild's NTNB - round 6  ·  Julia  ·  3/13/2021, 11:50 AM
Re: Ishild's NTNB - round 6 + note  ·  Darkbone  ·  3/13/2021, 11:14 AM
Re: Ishild's NTNB - round 6  ·  molly  ·  3/13/2021, 10:59 AM
Re: Ishild's NTNB - round 6  ·  Wordsmith  ·  3/13/2021, 10:57 AM
Re: Ishild's NTNB - round 6  ·  RowenaRavenclaw  ·  3/13/2021, 10:46 AM
Re: Ishild's NTNB - round 6  ·  Princess_Shireen  ·  3/13/2021, 10:07 AM
Re: Ishild's NTNB - round 6  ·  Jessamine  ·  3/13/2021, 9:28 AM
Re: Ishild's NTNB - round 6  ·  cher529s  ·  3/13/2021, 8:02 AM