[Opinions] Cressida
What do you think of Cressida?
Cressida is lovely, very Shakespearean. It also reminds me of watercress, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.
I do like it. It sounds kind of villainous to me so it is the name of a villain in a book I’m writing.
I love it very much!
Pity about the cars: as a human name it's good. Pity also about the Trojan War character - not a role model!
Fun and sparkly, golden and bubbling, like champagne.
It's ok
I adore it! It's a twinkly treasure with gravitas.
This was one of the names I considred for myself, once upon a time. I think it's very pretty but just a bit awkward. That Cress- part, hmm. Also, I want to say it kres-EE-dah; but is that even right? Is it more like KRES-ih-dah? That pronunciation seems so unnatural to me, like I'm pretending to be a posh Brit.
I like in on paper, but in reality it just doesn't work for me. I'd love to meet one, though.
I like in on paper, but in reality it just doesn't work for me. I'd love to meet one, though.