[Opinions] Re: neat..find your name in Hawaiian.
in reply to a message by Corbinsmom
Dana - Kana (KAH-NAH)
Eric (DH) - Elika (AY-LEE-KAH)
Corbin (DS) – Kolupine (KOH-LOO-PEE-NEH)
Gavin (DS) – Kawine (KAH-WEE-NEH)
Colin (DS) – Kalina (KAH-LEE-NAH)
A LOT ... Mark That A LOT of male names in Hawaiian are what most would consider girly. My husband to this day loves the name Kalani..(KAH-LAH-NEE) it sounds so girly to me... But he says it is very masculine and strong.

Proud Momma:
Jason Keanu
Nathan Joshua
Eric (DH) - Elika (AY-LEE-KAH)
Corbin (DS) – Kolupine (KOH-LOO-PEE-NEH)
Gavin (DS) – Kawine (KAH-WEE-NEH)
Colin (DS) – Kalina (KAH-LEE-NAH)
A LOT ... Mark That A LOT of male names in Hawaiian are what most would consider girly. My husband to this day loves the name Kalani..(KAH-LAH-NEE) it sounds so girly to me... But he says it is very masculine and strong.

Proud Momma:
Jason Keanu
Nathan Joshua