[Opinions] Re: Jemima
in reply to a message by PrincessZ
Well, no ones harping on Remus because no one uses the name Remus. Just like almost no one uses Jemima here.
I also agree with Martha that your remark about people changing their names was way divergent from the original argument and has nothing to do with anything.
But I agree with you that it’s not a big deal in England where the brand doesn’t exist.
And I did read the thread on the lounge about how the ancestors of Jemima feel about it and it gave me more nuanced opinions of the situation overall. I wouldn’t speak on behalf of black ppl about whether using the name is offensive/hurtful to them or not. Just for me personally, my first association is a black nanny brand image and I wouldn’t feel comfortable using it - not bc its offensive to others, but bc it turns me off personally.

I also agree with Martha that your remark about people changing their names was way divergent from the original argument and has nothing to do with anything.
But I agree with you that it’s not a big deal in England where the brand doesn’t exist.
And I did read the thread on the lounge about how the ancestors of Jemima feel about it and it gave me more nuanced opinions of the situation overall. I wouldn’t speak on behalf of black ppl about whether using the name is offensive/hurtful to them or not. Just for me personally, my first association is a black nanny brand image and I wouldn’t feel comfortable using it - not bc its offensive to others, but bc it turns me off personally.

That's fair. I re read my post and other's posts and I think I misread or misunderstood something, it does seem very divergent.
I do agree that now I'm very aware of the association, rather than it, say, being a passing news article heading, I'd be less inclined to use it myself. However I wouldn't feel like other's were being insensitive at all if they did... unless they're American and in which case I hope it was honorific.
I do agree that now I'm very aware of the association, rather than it, say, being a passing news article heading, I'd be less inclined to use it myself. However I wouldn't feel like other's were being insensitive at all if they did... unless they're American and in which case I hope it was honorific.