[Opinions] Archie
I have realised that there are at least 5 Archies in the family and i was thinking it would be nice to honor them. But there full names are Archibald but i prefer Archie.
Does Archie fit with Caspian?
Any middle name suggestions or sib sets?
I like: Archie, Olive & Ewan
~~* BEX *~~
Surfing is my religion!
Does Archie fit with Caspian?
Any middle name suggestions or sib sets?
I like: Archie, Olive & Ewan
~~* BEX *~~
Surfing is my religion!

I don't think Archie fits with Caspian.
Caspian is long and sort of flouncy; Archie is simple and unpretentious. They seem very unbalanched.
I don't mind Archie as a full name, which is rare for me. But I dislike Archibald so much I'd rather see just Archie.
Caspian is long and sort of flouncy; Archie is simple and unpretentious. They seem very unbalanched.
I don't mind Archie as a full name, which is rare for me. But I dislike Archibald so much I'd rather see just Archie.
Archie is nice on a child, but as a full formal name, it doesn't age well. Can you picture a 60-year-old heart specialist called Archie? can you imagine how your son would hate his name at the age of 16, when he will want to be cool and butch?
Archibald is an option, but a bit out there. How about Archer?
Mathilda: I think I'm kina falling in love with you.
Léon: How do you know it's love if you've never been in love before?
Mathilda: 'Cause I feel it.
Léon: Where?
Mathilda: In my stomach.It's all warm. I always had a knot there and now it's gone.
Archibald is an option, but a bit out there. How about Archer?
Mathilda: I think I'm kina falling in love with you.
Léon: How do you know it's love if you've never been in love before?
Mathilda: 'Cause I feel it.
Léon: Where?
Mathilda: In my stomach.It's all warm. I always had a knot there and now it's gone.
Archie does fit with Caspian (only I think Caspian is better)
Where's the Kaboom? There's suppose to be an Earth shattering kaboom!" -Marvin the Martian.
Dag: No way! I can be more Euro than You-oh!
Norb (In Euro accent) I doubt it. I eemagine your peetifal Amer-icuhn attempt to be Europ-ee-aahn and, I am schad vounc
Where's the Kaboom? There's suppose to be an Earth shattering kaboom!" -Marvin the Martian.
Dag: No way! I can be more Euro than You-oh!
Norb (In Euro accent) I doubt it. I eemagine your peetifal Amer-icuhn attempt to be Europ-ee-aahn and, I am schad vounc
I love Archie! It's very cute. And it fits well with Olive and Ewan. I also love Caspian. They are both different but charming.
I think it's fine to use on it's own.
Julia Keelan
Warning! May start singing songs from any of the following musicals spontaneously:
Mamma Mia, Rent, We Will Rock You, Wicked, or Spamalot!
I think it's fine to use on it's own.
Warning! May start singing songs from any of the following musicals spontaneously:
Mamma Mia, Rent, We Will Rock You, Wicked, or Spamalot!