[Opinions] Conrad
What is your opinion on the name Conrad?
Do you prefer Conrad or Connor?

Do you prefer Conrad or Connor?

Conrad, I hate Connor. It is such a bad name and brings to mind an obnoxious person. Conor is bad too, I would prefer Constantine to Connor or even Constant. Conrad reminds me of Germany and wolves and it is not a favorite but I would not mind hearing that name on someones child or someone else. The nickname Con or Connie aren´t that good though... maybe Rad? I don´t think a name like Conrad or Connie needs to be shortened, though.
Conrad's one of my top names for a boy, so it's definitely my preference. I like it because it's a name with a history that has few alternate spellings or pronunciations. Additionally, I like that there are forms of it in many languages.
Conrad is beautiful. I far prefer it over Connor. ...although Connor has a wild thing about it. Conrad is so fuzzy and nice.
Someone else asked about it not long ago: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/baby/5071209
I prefer Conrad to Connor. They're both alright.
I prefer Conrad to Connor. They're both alright.
sorry dont like Conrad, Connor is ok