[Opinions] Shae
Thoughts on Shae? Hmm. Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
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It seems incomplete as a boys name. I went to school with a boy named Shay that was short for Shaylor.
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I like it better for a boy, instead of a girl. Although, I'm definitely more inclined to the spelling of 'Shay' and used only as a nn to names such as Shane or Sèamus/Seamus.
I'm aware that 'Shae' is meant to be the "female" equivalent of Shay (a short form of 'Shaelyn' and such) but it still just sounds really boyish to me.

This message was edited 12/2/2019, 9:38 AM

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Do you remember "Bread and Jam For Frances"? At one point, her parents are trying to get her interested in eggs, and she says about, I think, poached eggs "They just lie on their stomachs and wait." That's kinda what Shae seems to do. It's okay, if you like it, but it just sits there and waits for whatever's next.
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I loved "Bread and Jam for Frances".
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Wrong placeI love it. Although I can never settle on a spelling. I don’t much care for Shay. I’m kind of neutral on the all the rest (Shea, Shae, Shaye)

This message was edited 12/3/2019, 8:49 PM

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This particular spelling immediately makes me think of Shae from Game of Thrones, and that isn't exactly a positive association.Even though it originated as a masculine name, I find the sound of Shea (my favored spelling) quite feminine, possibly due to the similar Fay. That said... unlike Fay / Faye, Shea sounds rather insubstantial to my ears, like a nickname more than a full name.I do know someone named Shaelyn, which I think is more tolerable than a lot of other "modern / tryndee" names.
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It feels incomplete to me, but I've got nothing against it
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Reminds me too much of the GoT/ASoIaF character. Shay or Shai is more useable.
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its ok
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It's fine, for both genders. Nothing I'd ever use, but I have nothing against it.
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Hi Billina !!!I rate Shae 7/10.
It is a great feminine form of both Shai and Shea.
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A "country"-vibe name, for a city girl. I expect it to be followed by Lynn.
Goes with names like Raelyn, Kacey, Nevaeh, Janae, Shilo, Cheyenne, Makenna
Not my thing. It feels so flip to say out loud, it almost annoys me.
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I love it, for a girl, for a middle name. Anything else, no thanks. I think it’s very pretty and simple.
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I like it. It has a gentle sound to it. I like Shea better, and for a boy, though.
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