[Opinions] Martina
I've recently become intrigued with the name Martina for a girl. There's two little sisters at my church name Martina & Arianna and they are just adorable and so are their names! The only thing about Martina is that I really don't like Tina as a name or nickname, do you think it would be used by others and is the name too Spanish sounding?
Any pretty combos leap to mind? Thanks! :)

Ciaran Douglas, Aidan Stone, Simon Andrew & Amy Frances, Julia Mary, Elena Beatrice
Any pretty combos leap to mind? Thanks! :)

Ciaran Douglas, Aidan Stone, Simon Andrew & Amy Frances, Julia Mary, Elena Beatrice
I don't think it sounds too Spanish. Martina is an international name; the only one I know myself comes from Germany. I doubt people would shorten it to Tina, unless Martina herself wanted that. It's a very pretty name, and so is Arianna.
I like Martina. Did you know it's the name of the real von Trapp daughter who was represented by Gretl in "The Sound of Music"?
I don't think Hispanic at all when I hear it - I think of the two great tennis players named Martina (Hingis and Navratilova, both originally from Czechoslovakia).
♦ Chrisell ♦
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
I don't think Hispanic at all when I hear it - I think of the two great tennis players named Martina (Hingis and Navratilova, both originally from Czechoslovakia).
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
Martina is OK, but I adore French Martine. Don't ask me why the difference. Martine just seems so much more elegant. I don't think of Martina as necessarily Spanish, by the way. I'm not sure where it came from; it has a sort of generic "feminine form of Martin" feeling to it. Combos:
Martina Lucy
Martina Sophie
Martina Lily
Martina Tess
Martina Ruby
Martina Cecily
Martina Frances
Martina Gisele (zhee-ZELL)
Martina Vivien
Martina Valerie
Martina Catherine
Martina Alice
Martina Violet
Martina Lucy
Martina Sophie
Martina Lily
Martina Tess
Martina Ruby
Martina Cecily
Martina Frances
Martina Gisele (zhee-ZELL)
Martina Vivien
Martina Valerie
Martina Catherine
Martina Alice
Martina Violet
Thanks for your comments, Martine is lovely but I still like Martina better. These combos are great, I really like:
Martina Sophie
Martina Lily
Martina Ruby
Martina Frances
Martina Gisele (but not zhee-ZELL, like JEE-zell)
Martina Violet

Ciaran Douglas, Aidan Stone, Simon Andrew & Amy Frances, Julia Mary, Elena Beatrice
Martina Sophie
Martina Lily
Martina Ruby
Martina Frances
Martina Gisele (but not zhee-ZELL, like JEE-zell)
Martina Violet

Ciaran Douglas, Aidan Stone, Simon Andrew & Amy Frances, Julia Mary, Elena Beatrice
Why Spanish?
Martina is a very international name, so why would it sound Spanish?
It is used here in Sweden too. I think it sounds classy.
You could use the full name and tell others to do so, but once she's in school her friends might call her Tina. Unless she protests herself.
"But it’s all right now.
I learned my lesson well.
You see you can’t please everyone
So you got to please yourself."
Rick Nelson, GardenParty
"It does not become me to make myself smaller than I am." (Edith Södergran 1891-1923)
Martina is a very international name, so why would it sound Spanish?
It is used here in Sweden too. I think it sounds classy.
You could use the full name and tell others to do so, but once she's in school her friends might call her Tina. Unless she protests herself.
"But it’s all right now.
I learned my lesson well.
You see you can’t please everyone
So you got to please yourself."
Rick Nelson, GardenParty
"It does not become me to make myself smaller than I am." (Edith Södergran 1891-1923)
I really like it. I think of Martina McBride, who has an AMAZING voice and the ability to sing both country and rock music really well. (Seriously--I've seen her do covers of Benetar's stuff and she sounded better than Pat.) Since when I hear "Martina" I hear an Irish surname, it doesn't sound too Spanish at all.
There's no need to call her Tina, or Marty, for that matter, if you don't like those nicknames. I'd go with her full name, or Mina if you really felt she needed a nickname.
Some combos:
Iris Martina
Martina Lilian
Martina Penelope
Martina Fleur
Martina Colette / Martina Cosette
Martina Mary
Martina Joy
Martina Lucy
Martina Ruby
Martina Hazel
Martina Lilith
Martina Florence
Martina Bethan
Martina Glory
Martina Wendy
Martina Julie
Martina Violet
Martina Grey
Martina Pearl
There's no need to call her Tina, or Marty, for that matter, if you don't like those nicknames. I'd go with her full name, or Mina if you really felt she needed a nickname.
Some combos:
Iris Martina
Martina Lilian
Martina Penelope
Martina Fleur
Martina Colette / Martina Cosette
Martina Mary
Martina Joy
Martina Lucy
Martina Ruby
Martina Hazel
Martina Lilith
Martina Florence
Martina Bethan
Martina Glory
Martina Wendy
Martina Julie
Martina Violet
Martina Grey
Martina Pearl
Thanks Array! I really like the nn Mina, it's so cute! No, I wouldn't need a nickname, in general I prefer full names over nicknames, but I just worried about a girl with that name being called Tina a lot.
Thanks for the combo suggestions, I really like these:
Iris Martina ~ But I like Martina Iris better.
Martina Joy
Martina Ruby
Martina Florence
Martina Glory
Martina Violet
Martina Pearl
Martina Kirsten ~ really pretty!
Thanks again!
Laurie (who also like Martin, or rather Marten, for a boy)

Ciaran Douglas, Aidan Stone, Simon Andrew & Amy Frances, Julia Mary, Elena Beatrice
Thanks for the combo suggestions, I really like these:
Iris Martina ~ But I like Martina Iris better.
Martina Joy
Martina Ruby
Martina Florence
Martina Glory
Martina Violet
Martina Pearl
Martina Kirsten ~ really pretty!
Thanks again!
Laurie (who also like Martin, or rather Marten, for a boy)

Ciaran Douglas, Aidan Stone, Simon Andrew & Amy Frances, Julia Mary, Elena Beatrice
I love the nn Mina. :-)
mina is a great name