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[Facts] Is SELMA the name of a country or a castle?
I read that the name SELMA is not only (as this site says) a short form of ANSELMA but also a name of its own right, invented by James MacPherson (1736-96).
I haven't read the poems, but I heard that SELMA there is the name of a country. Another source claimed it was the name of a castle.
Now which is correct?Thanks for your help!Andy ;—)
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Selma is also a Turkish name, I think one of the grand daughters of the last sultan bore that name. She was born around 1910 or something.
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Thank you, Claire!
Yes, I've read that, too. It is a short form of SELIMA. Also "selma" in Greek means "beams of a ship" - but this, I think, is pure accident.Andy ;—)P.S.: You got mail
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Try Google. I found...hits for both Selma Castle and for a place name Selma.Really, a good search engine can save you so much time. If you have queries about what you find, by all means bring them here, but do a bit of a search first yourself :)
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Thanx for your help!Andy ;—)
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