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[Opinions] Re: Angelica
in reply to a message by Azula
Funny, I just finished reading "My Dear Hamilton", about Eliza Schuyler Hamilton, the wife of Alexander Hamilton. The name Angelica is mentioned frequently because it was the name of Eliza's intelligent, daring, humorous, unconventional yet practical and also beautiful and sexy older sister. On the other hand, Eliza and Alex named their oldest daughter Angelica after her sister and she turned out to be mentally ill for most of her life. Also on the other hand, Eliza was left wondering whether or not her husband and her sister had an affair, so......yeah. I'm torn between finding Angelica beautiful and unspeakably bratty. It's both, I guess. Angelica Irene is quite nice.
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Hamilton was a serial cheater.I guess it’s a little hard to get over the character association (Rugrats) at first. That’s why it took me so long to see the appeal of it I think.
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I'm such an Angelica Schuyler fan.
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