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[Facts] Re: name meaning HELP!!!!!
Give the girl a break she apologized and im sure shes very sorry from not understanding the rules and if your reading this Kylie 1 congratulations on ur baby to be...Malakai is variant of Malachi which means "my messenger" or "my angel" in Hebrew. This was one of the minor prophets in the Old Testament, the author of the Book of Malachi, which some claim foretells the coming of Christ. Hope that helps XXX
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Doona, Thanks for the congratulations, and thanks alot of the meaning of the name...
we had a check up today and found out its a little girl, so it will be, Malakai Rose.
Thanks to all who helped with this question, and again, sorry for the misunderstanding before.~ Kylie and Michael
Our 1st baby is due on june 1st and its a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Miranda was polite and told her for future reference, she didn't scold Kylie for this one.

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That's right...That wasn't scolding. If I was scolding, everybody would know it. :-pJust, in the future, use the site as it was meant to be used, OK? It's really quite easy, even for the newbies. :-)
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