[Opinions] Symphorian
I was wondering: what is your impression of this extremely rare masculine name (e.g. what is its usability?), how would you pronounce it and how would you abbreviate it?For those who might be interested, other forms of this name are (in alphabetical order):Safourian (Provençal)
Sefrian (Gascon)
Simforià (Catalan)
Simforian (Lengadocian and Russian)
Simforians (Latvian)
Simforijan (Croatian and Slovene)
Simforijonas (Lithuanian)
Simporiane (Georgian)
Sinforiano (Italian, Portuguese and Spanish)
Symforiaan (Dutch)
Symforian (Polish)
Symphorianos (Greek)
Symphorianus (Latin)
Symphorien (French)
Szimforián (Hungarian)

"It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society." ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986)
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Wow, I really love this name, it evokes images of an erudite young man during the Age of EnlightenmentI agree with Rachel that it would be best as a middle name, but it seems like a waste since hardly anyone pays attention to middle names these days...Symphorian is my favorite version but Sefrian is really nice
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What bothers me about this name is that I feel like I should like, but it doesn't really do anything special for me.I like Symphony and I like Florian and I feel like between those, I should like this name as well, but I'm kind of meeting it with just an "eh" impression.
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I knew a guy in college (he was in my Intro to Linguistics class, actually) named Hilary. He was a Quaker, had long hair, wore kilts and a top hat semi-regularly, and had a hamster named Precious. I could easily imagine his middle name being Symphorian, so...It is eccentric but could be fun. sim-FOR-ee-in.I wouldn't use it personally because I'm not wild about the mph sound. I do like Cymbeline (also rare, with same initial sound) enough to use, though.I slightly prefer the look of Symphorien. Safourian or Szimforián would be okay...and maybe Symphoreo?...I don't really like the others.

This message was edited 11/26/2018, 12:29 PM

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Hi !!!All these forms fits a knight very well.I'd expect to see them in a epic poem set in the Middle-Age.They could be good also for fictional novels (e.g. ASOIAF) or in a manga/anime set in a remote or alternative Medieval world.Simforià is the best form imo.

This message was edited 11/26/2018, 11:04 AM

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I really like it (and the French feminine Symphorienne). I put it on my middle name list but DH just wrote question marks by it, boo. If you do a search of this board, I'm the only person who has ever mentioned it until today (except for one person who was replying to me). It's more usable as a middle name, unless you like Sym as a nickname I guess? It is too long and unusual to go without a nickname in the US.

This message was edited 11/26/2018, 11:01 AM

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I was surprised to hear that you were the only person who has ever mentioned Symphorian on this board, because I distinctly recall mentioning it on here before. I came across it years ago through an etymologically related feminine name, after which I immediately fell in love with the name and made sure to add it to the Submitted Names database. I remember making a post about that at the time, and fortunately, after some digging I just managed to find it:https://www.behindthename.com/bb/baby/3806336 (also mentions Symphorian and other related names)It seems that when one selects "All Messages" in the search function of this board, it will only display all messages from 2018 and not any further than that. Perhaps we should contact Mike about that, because a lot of posts from before this year aren't even in the deep archive yet and thus should have appeared in the search results.Anyway, it's really good to see another person who has a soft spot for Symphorian! :D I agree with you that the name works best as a middle name. In all these years that it's been one of my favourites, I could only momentarily imagine it as a first name. In the sense of: it looks really beautiful on paper, but it won't work that well in daily life, because the look and flow of the name is a bit too off for quick and casual everyday use. It's just... not quite intuitive enough? As a result, I tend to feel that it's best suited for the middle name slot, but then another problem pops up: it seems hard to make any good combos with Symphorian, at least with the type of names that I like (which are legitimate names that are similarly rare and old-fashioned). I guess that's perhaps a hint that it's not meant to be... but still, I'm not quite ready to let go of this darling. :3Also, it sucks that your husband is having doubts about the name! :( It's sophisticated and a legitimate name that is so rare that it's unique by today's standards (which should be good, because uniqueness is important these days)... plus it would be in the middle name slot... what's not to love? I hope he'll end up changing his mind again, heh. ;) *crosses fingers*

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