[Opinions] Re: Susan, Susannah, or Suzanne? (m)
in reply to a message by Billina
My favorite is Susannah, which is my top name and has been for eons. My second favorite is Susan, which I have always liked. I like it most as a middle name. Suzanne isn't a favorite, but I can kind of imagine it as a chic French person name.
I'm also surprised to hear that Susannah is perceived as "highfalutin." It seems the opposite to me.

I'm also surprised to hear that Susannah is perceived as "highfalutin." It seems the opposite to me.

I feel like it's supposed to seem like a sort of 19th c. fresh farm girl name. But it's the supposed-to impression ... it's not stuck up, it's not pompous, it's not pretentious, but I feel like it recalls a romanticized ideal too carefully and deliberately, and so it's not just being a nice traditional name. It says it's Special, but undercover of "just" being down-home ultra-traditional Susannah. I'm sure that's because it has been uncommon in my experience, or else always shortened to the actually down-home Sue or Susie. If it were more common, like Laura, I bet I wouldn't get that impression.