[Games] Re: Violetta's Game of Life - Round 3
in reply to a message by Violetta
Her name is Ella Camille Piquet! The middle name partially comes because it's her mother's name, and we both like naming the middle name after a parent.
We are so estatic! She is beautiful and very mild-tempered, like her mother was as a baby. She is a very little baby, (5 pounds 3 oz. at birth, just a little more than her mother did) but very happy and fairly quiet.
We think that if we get another little girl we will name her Juliet because that was one of our top picks for Ella.

Photo taken by Kit
We are so estatic! She is beautiful and very mild-tempered, like her mother was as a baby. She is a very little baby, (5 pounds 3 oz. at birth, just a little more than her mother did) but very happy and fairly quiet.
We think that if we get another little girl we will name her Juliet because that was one of our top picks for Ella.

Photo taken by Kit