[Opinions] Howell
Howell is a last name of a popular teens youtuber. i like it, but it might be associated with him
howl ...
That's all I have to say.
No good as a name.
That's all I have to say.
No good as a name.
I had a Welsh friend called Howel - only one l thougj
My immediate association is Thurston Howell and his wife Lovey from Gilligan's Island. I like the homophonic affinity with howl, though. I don't think of it as a first name, but it wouldn't bother me, either.
I much prefer the spelling 'Howl', like the main character from the book and movie Howl's Moving Castle. The original spelling 'Howell' makes me think of a very milquetoast kinda guy.
The name itself sounds okay, but I just can’t see it as a first name because it’s a pretty common surname where I live.