I like both, but they still come out sounding like Katrina when I say them. I think the name, any spelling, is still too closely connected the hurricane and will be for a little while. I have a friend named Katrina (and a cousin) and she dislikes even saying her name anymore because it seems like everyone says 'like the hurricane?' Sheesh.


I love Caitriona! I am seriously considering it for a daughter.
I prefer the Caitriona spelling, but prefer ka-TREE-o-na. I'm not quit sure how to solve this problem yet :-)
Also, I would like the nn Cat, which is hard with the spelling I prefer, where the nn would probably be Kate or something similar.

I prefer the Caitriona spelling, but prefer ka-TREE-o-na. I'm not quit sure how to solve this problem yet :-)
Also, I would like the nn Cat, which is hard with the spelling I prefer, where the nn would probably be Kate or something similar.

I love Catriona which would have gone really well with our Scottish surname. I never seriously considered it, though. Too afraid people (in laws) would call her cate-tree-O-na!
They're actually both pronounced ka-TREE-na or ka-TREE-uh-na. I like Caitriona, because I have a cool cousin by the name. :)

yes I know, Ive seen both pronounciations on a few people.