[Opinions] Eurydice?
Thoughts on Eurydice? Favorite spelling? How would you pronounce it? What modern variant of this name would be? Nickname ideas? Combo ideas?"Your goal in life should be to make your past self envious of your current self""Be kind, please rewind" - an ancient proverb
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I like it. Although when I was a kid I thought it was yuri-dice (along with purse-phone for Persephone :P)Nicknames:
Kiki (if you say it the Greek way)
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I really dislike this. It sounds ugly and looks it. sorry.
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I love the mythology behind it, but in practice it sounds like a question you’d ask to a person who was supposed to get rid of something/somebody.
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I really like the look and sound (I would pronounce it yuh-RIH-dee-see), but I'm not sure how usable it would be. I assume lots of people would pronounce it yuh-ree-DICE or something. Not a lot of goof nickname options either.
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My favorite spelling would probably be Eurydike (it’s the non-anglicized version), but Eurydice is really nice too. I really love the meaning. Nicknames could be (this is kinda tough):Dee / Deedee
Ryd / Ryddie
Evvie (from the modern Greek form, Evridiki)
Evan (from the modern Greek form)
Evkie (also from the modern form)
Justice (from the meaning)Combos:Eurydike Sophia
Eurydike Diana
Eurydike Demeter
Eurydike Photine
Eurydike Despoina
Eurydike Katerina
Eurydike Marina
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I like it. It’s a very joyful sounding name to me, despite the tragedy of the myth attached to it.yer-id-eh-seeEuridica?Dissy? Euri? Ryddie? Eurydice Ruth
Eurydice Violet
Eurydice Leila
Eurydice Laurel
Eurydice Harriet
Eurydice Fiona
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