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[Facts] Adding a name & assistance, please
GuysI'm gonna be out of town May 11-May 14, and I'm doing a few friends a favor beforehand.I would like to add to our list of names Barra (m), short for Fionnbharr , which is Irish for "fair-haired". I got the info from real favor, though, is to find the etymology of the name Dineen. I tried the list here and at, but neither site had a hit. I'll be keeping in touch with you guys until May 11 on this problem, but, if nobody can find anything before then, please don't stop.Go raibh maith agaibh (thank you, plural)
Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
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I had a friend in school named "Denean" which is probably pronounced the same as Dineen, which I think is a really pretty name, by the way. Anyway, try researching the name spelled this way and see if you turn up any hits. I'll keep looking, too.
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Hi. where did you go to school?
I am finding I am not so 'unique' after all.
I am finding thousands of "Deneans" even with my unique spelling.
I grew up in Southern California.
Now I live in Northern Minnesota
tell me more about yourself!
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I was expecting Celtic Guy (a.k.a. Daividh ) to tackle this one last night. The only reference to the surname "Dineen" that I have states that it means: "grandson of little Donn (brown)".-- Nanaea
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The only reference I was able to find is similar to what Nanaea found:
"descendant of Duininn (meaning dark brown)"
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