[Opinions] Rumi
I picked up a collection of Rumi’s poems today and I’m wondering what the consensus on the name is here. Technically it’s one of the poet’s nisbahs https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nisba_(onomastics) and comes from Rûm https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/R%C3%BBm
What do you think of the name Rumi on a boy?

★ Top 25: https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/136993/97278 ★
What do you think of the name Rumi on a boy?

★ Top 25: https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/136993/97278 ★
Well he was racist - ironic I know - and committed shirk so I won't name either a son or a daughter after him.
It makes me think of Beyonce as her daughter is named Rumi.
I completely forgot about that!
Makes me think of rummy the card game.
I like Rumi. Though, I had a favorite manga as a preteen with a Japanese female named Rumi, so that is my first thought and as a male name it needs adjusting to. I think it could be very handsome. I am always leery of names with one very famous bearer, so I would probably hesitate to use it without knowing if it has a lot of use outside of that.
I too find roomy and rheumy somewhat offputting for use in an English speaking place.
I too find roomy and rheumy somewhat offputting for use in an English speaking place.
This message was edited 4/14/2018, 6:40 PM
Is it weird I’ve never heard the word rheumy before? Even my autocorrect doesn’t seem to recognise it!
This message was edited 4/15/2018, 5:03 AM
Probably not. I feel like it's archaic and not often found in conversation, so it may not be a huge concern. BtN has weird people.
I agree
About everything except the character association. I've never read manga.
About everything except the character association. I've never read manga.
It doesn't havbe a very attractive sound. Roomy is about the best association; rheumy eyes and ruminants chewing their cud are not so nice.
I think ruminants is a bit of a stretch since it’s not a hugely used word but I take your point!
This message was edited 4/15/2018, 3:04 AM
Hi Jagoda !!!
Yes Rumi is a nisba that is usually a geographical name. Obviously he is known by it so it is normal consider it as a name.
I know it is a very important poet although I've not read it yet.
As a name (on a Persian or Arabic boy) it would be wondetful! I rate it 8/10 amyway. Great!
Yes Rumi is a nisba that is usually a geographical name. Obviously he is known by it so it is normal consider it as a name.
I know it is a very important poet although I've not read it yet.
As a name (on a Persian or Arabic boy) it would be wondetful! I rate it 8/10 amyway. Great!
Yeah I think it could be a great name, but I don’t think it necessarily needs to be restricted to use on an Arab child, as people of many ethnicities speak Arabic across the world.