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[Surname] Wittels, Wittelsbach
What is the origin of the German names Wittels and Wittelsbach? Bach is 'stream' in Middle High German.
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The surname Wittelsbach is from a placename in Baden-Württemburg. Wittel is derived from Germanic wid 'wood'.
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Wow. Thanks. So what would Wittelsbach means? Forest stream?
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1: in Leyland, Lancashire, England, Wittels means Woods.
2: Otto I. der Rotkopf (um 1117 wohl in Kelheim)
3: With him began the rule of the Wittelsbacher over Bavaria
4: Kelheim is the site of a large Iron Age oppidum from the La Tène period, which has been tentatively identified with the Celtic city of Alcimoennis mentioned by Ptolemy in his Geography(
5:in Kelheim there was some seltic words.
6:Wittels means Woods.
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No, Wittelsbach probably means Wittel's stream.
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Thanks so much. I hope they can make a Wittels entry on the site. :)
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