[Opinions] Cassandra
I love the name drusilla. Michael hates it. :/ Is it REALLY that bad? Im not willing to change my mind, but I want to see if other people share his opinion. I also know the story behind it. Dru or Silla are cute NN's.
Drusilla is nmsaa. Priscilla is nms but I definitely prefer it to Drusilla. btw Cassandra is a pretty name.
that name reminds me of Cruelella (sp?) deville from 101 Dalmations or some evil sea serpent.
I don't mind the name, but you should try to compromise with your husband.
Just an FYI: Keep your name as the poster and your topic as the subject.

Just an FYI: Keep your name as the poster and your topic as the subject.

oops. I must have gotten the windows mixed up! sorry.