[Opinions] Bobby & Frankie
My fixation with Jersey Boys has led me to think of Bobby (or Bobbie) and Frankie.
Which genders do you prefer Bobby and Frankie for?
What full names would you use for Bobby and Frankie?
What do you think of them?
Much obliged!

Which genders do you prefer Bobby and Frankie for?
What full names would you use for Bobby and Frankie?
What do you think of them?
Much obliged!

I like Frankie for a boy Francis or girl Frances, but prefer it for a boy.
Bobby just sounds too funny. The word association with "bob" as a verb meaning to bounce up and down doesn't help.
Bobby just sounds too funny. The word association with "bob" as a verb meaning to bounce up and down doesn't help.
Bobby and Frankie are definitely male names imo. I'm not exactly a fan of either name tbh. The full names I'd like for them are Robert and Franklin or Robert and Francis.
Bobbi for a girl; not short for anything except possibly Robin. Bobby is okay as a nn for Robert for a boy. My little nephew is often called Bobby, though Valerie calls him Bobert.
Frankie is annoying. On a boy it sounds like a hoodlum, on a girl it sounds hipsterish and/or phonily tomboy. I do know a very nice male ferret named Frankie.
Frankie is annoying. On a boy it sounds like a hoodlum, on a girl it sounds hipsterish and/or phonily tomboy. I do know a very nice male ferret named Frankie.
I prefer both as male names, although I know a few female Frankies. I quite like them both but I wouldn't use them myself.
I don't really like any of the full name options. I suppose, if forced, I would go for Robert and Frank, but I don't like them much.
I don't really like any of the full name options. I suppose, if forced, I would go for Robert and Frank, but I don't like them much.
Bobby I've never really liked, I think just because it's been so overdone. It might be nearly nice to think of on a little boy nowadays, but not quite yet. I've only ever preferred it on a boy, though, always really disliked it on a girl.
Frankie I think is cute though, for either gender, as a nn for Francis or Frances.
Frankie I think is cute though, for either gender, as a nn for Francis or Frances.
Fine as nicknames.
Bad as full names.
Frankie on either (as a nickname, strongly dislike as a full name on either)
Bobby on a boy.
Francesca for a girl, Franklin for a boy. (Frances/Francis (girl/boy) also an option)
I guess there's only Robert? Can't come up with anything else. So yeah, that. Not a huge fan, but I prefer Robert nn Bobby to just Bobby.
Bad as full names.
Frankie on either (as a nickname, strongly dislike as a full name on either)
Bobby on a boy.
Francesca for a girl, Franklin for a boy. (Frances/Francis (girl/boy) also an option)
I guess there's only Robert? Can't come up with anything else. So yeah, that. Not a huge fan, but I prefer Robert nn Bobby to just Bobby.