[Facts] Re: Question on Madeline!
in reply to a message by Sarah
Unfourtunatly, if her name is the Mad-e-line pronunciation she will have her name mispronounced; however, it would also be mispronounced if it was Mad-e-lyn so either way it's hard to avoid because both are correct. I have first hand experiance with mispronunciations as many people want to say my name Caro-lyn rather than Caro-line. I would sugest going with the one you like the best, and I agree with you that Mad-e-line is a bit prettier than Mad-e-lyn.

"And I believe, that angels breathe, and hat love will live on and never leave" -Josh Groban

"And I believe, that angels breathe, and hat love will live on and never leave" -Josh Groban