[Opinions] BA
I don't like posting twice in a row but this was such a different topic. I heard a BA of a friend of a friend the other day (I don't know this person at all). She named her son Jamin.
I absolutely hate it! Not only is it made up and will in all likelihood be shortened to Jamie which is awful, but how is it any different to all the Jaydens, Jabins, Aidens, Haydens, Kaidens, Braydens, Taylens, Taygens, Baylans, Deakins, Keelins, Zaydens, Shaydens and Kaylans?!?!? What the hell is wrong with just James?!
Anyway, WDYT?
I absolutely hate it! Not only is it made up and will in all likelihood be shortened to Jamie which is awful, but how is it any different to all the Jaydens, Jabins, Aidens, Haydens, Kaidens, Braydens, Taylens, Taygens, Baylans, Deakins, Keelins, Zaydens, Shaydens and Kaylans?!?!? What the hell is wrong with just James?!
Anyway, WDYT?
I don't know why I didn't look up Jamin before posting it to see if it was legit, I usually do. But my point still stands and I still hate it.
I don't like it at all...makes me think of the word jammin'. I'm in the States, and have never heard it on a kid. Didn't know it was so popular elsewhere.
I agree... It's awful. Poor kid.
Very popular in the Netherlands
It's a candy store

It's a candy store
Vanna wouldn't let her buy B E N, it seems like.
Also makes me think of Jammin', like he's a DJ doing afternoon drive-time on some lite-rock station. Jammin, Jeff Jamison, on EZ93.
Also makes me think of Jammin', like he's a DJ doing afternoon drive-time on some lite-rock station. Jammin, Jeff Jamison, on EZ93.
I think it's a Biblical name, like Benjamin, so not made up.
Is it supposed to be pronounced JAY-min? Because all I see there is jammin'...