[Games] 1986 Top 1000 KUY Congrats Game - Round 3
Round 3!Places 201-300Boys
Abraham Alberto Alfredo Andres Andy Antoine Armando Arturo Barry Brad Brady Branden Brock Bryant Bryce Byron Cedric Cesar Clarence Clifford Colby Cole Courtney Dale Dane Darnell Darryl Daryl Dean Demetrius Devon Dwayne Eddie Edgar Eduardo Elijah Emmanuel Enrique Erick Ernest Eugene Francis Franklin Gerardo Gilbert Glenn Harold Ivan Jaime Jamal Jarrod Jermaine Jerome Jessie Johnathon Julio Karl Kelly Kelvin Kurt Leon Leonard Levi Lorenzo Marco Marcos Marshall Marvin Max Melvin Micah Miles Neil Nelson Nickolas Nicolas Noah Orlando Pedro Preston Rafael Ralph Ramon Raul Ray Rene Ronnie Stanley Steve Stuart Terrance Terrell Terrence Tommy Tristan Tyrone Tyson Wade Warren XavierGirls
Abby Adriana Alexandria Alissa Allyson Amelia Angelina Ashleigh Ashton Autumn Beth Bianca Bonnie Briana Brianne Carly Carmen Charity Charlotte Cheryl Christie Deborah Diane Donna Elise Ellen Emma Esther Evelyn Gabrielle Gloria Grace Haley Hayley Hilary Hillary Hope Jacquelyn Jade Jaime Janelle Janet Jeanette Jessie Jocelyn Jodi Joy Justine Kaitlyn Karla Kasey Katharine Kelley Kellie Keri Lacy Latasha Lydia Madeline Maggie Mandy Marisa Martha Melody Mindy Naomi Nikita Nikki Nina Olivia Paige Paula Rachelle Randi Raquel Regina Robyn Rosa Rose Ruth Sade Sasha Shana Shanna Shawna Sheila Shelby Sonia Sophia Summer Suzanne Sylvia Tammy Taylor Toni Tonya Traci Trisha Yesenia Yolanda
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DH: John William
DW: Jacqueline MonicaDD: Lauren Victoria
-DH: Luke Brendan
--DD: Kate Savannah
--DD: Lacey Cristina
--DS: Grant Dylan
--DD: Audrey Jaclyn
--DD: Carrie MarieDD: Kathryn Elizabeth *Kate*
-DH: Preston Levi
--DS: Nicolas Branden *Nick*
--DD: Olivia Madeline
--DD: Sophia RoseDS: Joseph Nathan
DS: Jacob Ryan
DD: Julia Rachel
DS: Kyle Austin
DS: Brandon Trevor
DD: Megan Michelle
DD: Alexandra Natalie
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DH: Joel Robert Quist (40)
DW: Karen Elizabeth Quist [nee White] (38)
-DS: George Benjamin (18)
-DS: Thomas Christian (16)
-DS: Paul Alexander (15)
-DS: Joseph Patrick (13)
-DS: Henry Lawrence (10)
-DS: Lucas Frederick (8)
-DD: Esther Rose (6)
-DD: Lydia Madeline (5)
-DD: Charlotte Hope (2)
-DS: Leon Emmanuel (nb)
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DH: Matthew Peter
DW: Amanda NicoleDS: Alexander Gabriel
--DW: Tamara Angelica
---DD: Charlotte GraceDS: Nicholas Anthony
--DW: Audrey Caroline
---DD: Sophia GabrielleDD: Angela Katherine
--DH: Dominic Theodore
---DS: Xavier TristanDD: Elizabeth Margaret
--DH: Lucas Henry
---DS: Elijah FrancisDD: Maria Christine
--DH: Caleb Julian
---DS: Levi Eugene
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DH: David Mark
DW: Natasha DominiqueDD: Mallory April
-DH: Mathew Allen
--DD: Tabitha Priscilla
--DD: Carolyn Audrey
--DD: Heidi Bridget
--DS: Rodney Allen "Roddy"DD: Erin Elizabeth
-DH: Levi Nicolas
--DS: Noah Brady
--DD: Charity Esther
--DS: Micah Jarrod
--DD: Hope Lydia
--DD: Joy Deborah
--DS: Elijah Cole
--DD: Grace NaomiDS: Jason Alexander
-DW: Laurie Elisabeth
--DS: Ethan Josiah
--DD: Aubrey Rochelle
--DS/DS: Damien Kendall / Dillon Kirk
--DD: Callie Gabriela
--DS: Landon Beau
--DS: Mason Tanner
--DD: Jennie AlysonDS: Bradley Keith "Brad"
DD: Krista Megan
DS: Trevor Kyle
DS: Craig Wesley
DD: Whitney Jennifer
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DH: Anthony Jeremy Thurman (40)
DW: Catherine Jennifer Chelsea [Swanson] Thurman "Cate" (35)
-DS: Spencer Martin Wesley Thurman (9)
-DD: Adrienne Rachael Natasha Thurman (6)
-DS: Derek Stuart Brady Thurman (4)
-DS: Cedric Christopher Dean Thurman (nb)DNeph: Tristan Miles Thurman (16) [son of Derek Thurman]
-DGf: Kelley Ruth Swanson (16) [daughter of Jared Swanson]
DNiece: Olivia Paige Thurman (14) [daughter of Derek Thurman]
DNiece: Shelby Emma Thurman (12) [daughter of Derek Thurman]
DNeph: Micah Jarrod Thurman (10) [son of Derek Thurman]
DNeph/DNeph: Byron Elijah Thurman / Barry Demetrius Thurman [sons of Derek Thurman] (8)

Anthony's FamilyDFather: Craig Wesley Thurman
DMother: Shannon Rachel [Lee] ThurmanDSister: Courtney Jennifer Thurman
DSister: Julia Allison Thurman
DSister: Monica Natalie Thurman
DBrother: Derek Benjamin Thurman
Anthony*Cate's FamilyDFather: Timothy Victor William Swanson
DMother: Brittany Kathleen [Miller] SwansonDBrother: Christopher David Jason Swanson
DBrother: Jared Samuel Matthew Swanson
DBrother: Stephen Nathaniel Gregory Swanson
DSister: Natasha Rebecca Christine Swanson
Four years ago, Anthony's older brother Derek passed away. Derek was a single father, his wife having left him for another man, leaving him to raise their six kids alone. This was a couple years before his death and Derek never dated again. Despite his ex-wife's heart being elsewhere, his was always with her. In order to bring in more money to raise his six beautiful, growing children, Derek had picked up doing odd jobs on the weekend, such as mowing lawns and fixing sheds. He was doing so when he fell, cracking his head open. He died on the spot. His poor children didn't know for awhile. He had been gone for several hours, too long for him to be working on the job still, so the eldest, twelve year old Tristan, called the client. They went out to check on their father and found him dead. This took quite the toll on the poor Thurman children. Tristan had to try to be strong for his five younger siblings, but it wasn't easy. Olivia, ten, broke down. She had already had anxiety issues from when her mother left, but this threw her deeper into this anxiety. Shelby, eight, was caught up trying to calm Olivia, leaving Tristan with the three younger children. Micah, six, and the twins, Byron and Barry, four, were terribly affected.

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The Galante-Wexler FamilyDH [54]: Michael Phillip Galante
DW [46]: Hannah Rebecca WexlerDS1 [24]: Wesley Gabriel Galante-Wexler
-DFiancée [23]: Amelia Rose Marcos
-DD1 [1]: Sonia Elise Galante-WexlerDS2 [24]: William Gregory Galante-Wexler
DD1 [21]: Miranda Caroline Galante-Wexler

This message was edited 6/30/2015, 9:09 AM

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Orlando Xavier
Julio Arturo
Rafael Francis
Abraham KellyCharlotte Robyn
Olivia Melody
Nina Yolanda
Joy Sylvia
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H: "Joe" Joseph Vincent
W: "Sandra" Cassandra MonicaS: Jason Joshua
-W: "Jill" Jillian Deanna
-D: Desiree HeidiD: Stacy Tara
-H: Dominic Russell
-S: Colin Blake
-D: Autumn Paige D: Brandi Caitlin
-H: Grant Julian
-D: Lacey Sierra
-S: Colby DeanS: "Wes" Wesley Ryan
-W: Naomi Olivia
-S: Nicolas Orlando S: Keith Jeremy
-W: Janelle HaleyS/S: Jared Cody / Jesse Cory
-W: Ashleigh Hope
-D: Shelby Emma-W: Carly Bianca
-S: Tristan MicahD: Victoria Jasmine
-H: Devon Marshall
-D: Jade MadelineD: Chelsea Vanessa
S: Tyler Ian
D: Valerie Lindsey
S: "Nick" Nicholas Austin
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The Romanescu Family- Round 3DH: James Bradley [Winter] Romanescu
DH: Steven George [Capitani] Romanescu
DW: Natasha Alexandra Romanescu
DS: Dominic Spencer "Nico"
DS: Xavier Miles
Xavier Romanescu
This time, the baby came as a little less of a surprise. And luckily, the trio was a little more prepared.
While Xavier did get a number of Nico's hand-me-downs in terms of toys and crib and onesies, no one is thinking of him as second best or second rate. Nico can't stop looking at him and asking to touch him (much to little Xavi's annoyance if his face-scrunch is any indication). He looks lot like Nico too (Natasha assumes they're both James's biologically)- dark hair and bright eyes, though his are brown where Nico's are blue.
Nico was excited to be moved up to a "big boy bed" because "babies sleep in cribs" so moving the crib to Xavier's room wasn't an issue and if anything helped them all mentally prepare for Xavier before his arrival. This time, the parents knew what they were doing. They were pros at changing diapers and 2am feedings and which baby things they would need and which things were really unnecessary. They've even discussed future children.
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This message was edited 12/3/2015, 11:12 PM

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W: Elizabeth Laura [70]
H: Thomas Nathan [71]S: Benjamin Paul [45]
-W: Rebecca Melanie [44]
--D: Anna Victoria [16]
--D: Mary Danielle [12]
--S: Lucas Theodore "Luke" [9]
--D: Sylvia Hope "Sylvie" [6]
--D: Rose Gabrielle [5]S: Nicholas Joel [43]
-W: Katherine April [42]
--D: Julia Margaret [13]
--D: Alexandra Michelle [10]
--S: Gabriel Evan [8]
--S: Colin Isaac [5]
--D/D: Charlotte Amelia / Olivia Joy [3]
--S: Micah Neil [exp]D: Sarah Natalie [36]
-H: Adam Jacob [36]
--D: Claire Sabrina [11]
--S: Henry Martin [10]
--D: Abigail Joanna [6]S: David Matthew [38]
-ExGf: Holly Nicole [35]

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This message was edited 6/28/2015, 8:42 PM

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DH: Kenneth Aaron Shane
DW: Cynthia Alexandra HollyDD: Katherine Rachel Shane
--DH: Julian Lucas Grant
--DD: Marissa Claire Grant
--DS: Spencer Alan GrantDS: Alexander Wesley Shane
--DW: Carolyn Theresa Jordan
--DS: Henry Garrett Shane
--DD: Joanna Marie Shane
--DS/DD: Tristan Miles Shane / Evelyn Alexandria ShaneDS: Adrian Victor Shane
--DW: Heidi Miranda Kelsey
--DS: Dominic Troy Shane
--DS: Edwin Walter ShaneDS: Edward Joel Shane
--DW: Claudia Meredith Blake
--DS: Oscar Blake ShaneDD: Anna Lauren Shane
--DH: Alejandro Hector Martin
--DD/DS: Cara Angelica Martin / Ricardo Sergio Martin
--DS: Rafael Enrique MartinDS: Jeremy Daniel Shane
--DW: Kendra Jillian Morgan
--DD: Morgan Bridget Shane
--DS: Preston Cole ShaneDS: Zachary Vincent Shane
--DW: Tasha Dawn Cameron
--DS: Demetrius Jamal Cameron-ShaneDD: Heather Valerie Shane
--Dbf: Jack Brendan Ross
--DD: Emma Paige RossDD: Cassandra Meghan Shane
--DH: Micah Warren Brady
--DS: Max Emmanuel Brady
DS: Marcus Jonathan Shane
--DW: Brianne Elise Ashton DD: Julia Mallory ShaneDS: Tyler Kevin Shane
--DF: Autumn Janelle Glenn DS: Jason Keith Shane
--DW: Jocelyn Olivia Charlotte Dean
--DD: Amelia Justine Rose Shane
DD: Tara Jennifer Shane
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Round 2 + 5 yearsDH: [49] Casey Nicholas Linville
DW: [48] Leah Margaret Switzer LinvilleDS: [23] Wesley Peter Linville
-DW: [23] Molly Savannah Prescott Linville
-DS: [exp] Tristan Bryant LinvilleDS: [21] Adrian Douglas Linville
-XGf: [22] Caroline Renee Wexler
-DD: [4] Tabitha Audrey Linville "Tabby"
-DGf: [20] Rosa Yesenia SalgadoDD: [20] Katrina Elizabeth Linville
-DFiancé: [22] Neil Franklin OwensDD: [20] Veronica Danielle Linville
-DBf: [20] Elijah Nickolas Brennan "Eli"DD: [18] Mallory Christine Linville
DS: [15] George Matthew Linville
DS: [13] Oscar Dominic LinvilleLast year, Casey started working at another non-profit organization. This one reaches out to cancer patients and their families to provide emotional support and counseling, which of course means a lot to Casey. He works on fundraising and recruiting volunteers for the organization. Leah scaled back her time in the office after Tabitha was born so that she could help Adrian and Caroline, but now she is back to work full-time. She is now the safety seminar coordinator for all of her company's plants in the region. She has found that she really enjoys teaching hands-on classes.Wesley and Molly got married a few months ago and just learned that they are expecting their first child! Molly teaches science and math at a middle school and hopes to become a principal in the future. She also coaches girls' basketball for her school in her spare time, though she'll have to take a break once her son is born. Wesley works as a mechanical engineer for a car parts manufacturer and acts as Molly's assistant coach for the basketball team.Adrian and Caroline broke up once Caroline moved away for college. Caroline visits their daughter, Tabitha, when she can, though she is very busy playing college softball. Adrian dotes on Tabby and loves being a father. At his job in sales for a car dealership, he met a temporary worker named Rosa, who had a part-time summer job in the office. After a couple of dates, he introduced her to Tabby. With his daughter's approval, he and Rosa officially became boyfriend and girlfriend.

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DH: Michael David (72)
DW: Alexandra Jenna "Alex" (72)DS: Zachary Adam "Zach" (50)
-DW: Marissa Brooke (50)
--DS: Dylan Mitchell (25)
---DW: Autumn Lydia (25)
----DS: Colby Miles (exp.)
--DS: Jack Henry (22)
--DD: Abigail Claire "Abby" (19)DS: Andrew William (47)
-DW: Virginia Marie "Ginny" (47)
--DD: Kaitlin Meredith (22)
---Dbf: Brady Cole (23)
--DS: Logan Arthur (20)DD: Brittany Victoria (45)
-DH: Theodore Lee "Theo" (46)
--DD/DD: Meagan Jillian / Bridget Caroline (19)
--DD: Kaitlyn Emma (16)DD: Cassandra Megan "Cassie" (Charlie's twin) (43)
-DH: Caleb Blake (45)
--DS: Colin Dominic (19)
--DS: Cameron Lucas (17)
--DD: Carly Gabrielle (15)
--DD: Carmen Sylvia (14)DS: Charles Thomas "Charlie" (Cassie's twin) (43)
-DW: Rebekah Sierra (43)
--DD: Molly Cara (18)
--DD: Shelby Paige (16)
--DD: Hayley Joy (13)DS: Daniel Scott (40)
-DW: Theresa Kate "Tessa" (40)
--DD: Madeline Elise "Maddie" (15)
--DD: Amelia Rose "Mia" (13)
--DS: Max Elijah (10)DD: Elizabeth Leah "Beth" (39)
-DH: Noah Ray (40)
--DD/DD: Alexandria Grace "Alex" / Angelina Hope "Lina" (14)
--DD: Alissa Katharine "Lissa" (12)
--DD: Adriana Charlotte "Adria" (9)DD: Hannah Katherine (37)
-DH: Tristan Neil (39)
--DD: Sophia Ruth (12)
--DS: Bryce Xavier (9)
--DD: Olivia Melody (7)
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DH: Stephen Wesley Lombard
DW: Elizabeth Rachel {Eckhart} LombardDS: Samuel Edward Lombard
- DW: Jocelyn Paula {Mills} LombardDS: Thomas Daniel Lombard
- DW: Evelyn Suzanne {Bishop} LombardDS: William James Lombard {twin}
DD: Rebecca Holly Lombard {twin}
DD: Caroline Marie Lombard
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DH: Samuel Austin Windass (54)
DW: April Megan Mills Windass (53)DS: George Alexander Windass (30)
DD: Margaret Anna Windass (27)
DD: Katherine Julia Windass (25)
DS: Benjamin James Windass (22)
DS: William Jacob Windass (21)
DD: Elizabeth Sarah Windass (19)
DS/DS: Joseph Gabriel Windass and Charles Adam Windass (16)
DD: Theresa Claire Windass (11)Sam and April Windass & George, Maggie, Kitty, Ben, Will, Libby, Joe, Charlie and Tess.----------DS: George Alexander Windass (30)
DW: Renee Caroline Kate Durham (31)
-DD: Martha Nina Rose Windass (3)
-DD: Joy Esther Grace Windass (1)George Windass and Renee Durham & Martha and Joy. ----------DD: Margaret Anna Windass (27)
exBF: Henry Arthur Bates (30)
-DS/DS: Albert Dominic Windass and Theodore Hector Windass (8)
DBF: Max Tristan Connolly (29)Maggie Windass and Max Connolly & Bertie and Teddy.----------DD: Katherine Julia Windass (25)
DF: Noah Jerome Wilding (33)
-DF's DD: Gloria Charlotte Wilding (5)
-DF's DD: Rosa Madeline Wilding (4)Kate Windass and Noah Wilding & Gloria and Rosa.
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Round 2 + 5 yearsH: Adrian George David Lindsey [57]
W: Veronica Christina Craig Lindsey [54]Adrian & Veronica; Daniel, Mary, Edward, James (Jamie), Katherine, Diana, Thomas (Tom), Oscar, and Henry.S: Daniel Vincent Frank Lindsey [30]
-W: Caroline Susan Devin Lindsey [28]
--D: Virginia Audrey Miranda Lindsey [8]
--D: Abigail Theresa Anne Lindsey [5]
--S: Miles Xavier Tristan Lindsey [2]
--S: Nicolas Franklin Levi Lindsey [exp]Daniel (Danny) & Caroline; Virginia (Ginny), Abigail (Abby), Miles (Milo), and Nicolas (Nicky).D: Mary Samantha Laura Lindsey Spencer [27]
-F: Julian Javier Spencer [27]
--S: Brendan Jack Louis Spencer [4]
--D: Lydia Emma Olivia Spencer [2]Mary (Maisie) & Julian; Brendan and Lydia.S/S: Edward John Raymond Lindsey & James Nathaniel Aaron Lindsey [24]
-GF: Sylvia Gloria Taylor [23]
--HerD: Nina Rose Leonard [6]
--HerD: Sophia Elise Leonard [5]Edward (Ned) & Sylvia (Sylvie); Nina and Sophia (Sophie).D: Katherine Jessica Amy Lindsey [22]
-H: Abraham Cedric Courtney [25]
--S: Rafael Terrence Orlando Courtney [1]
--D: Charlotte Joy Deborah Courtney [exp]Katherine (Kate) & Abraham (Abram); Rafael (Ray) and Charlotte (Charlie).D: Diana Rebecca Emily Lindsey [19]
-BF: Lorenzo Eduardo Andres [19]Diana (Dinah) and Lorenzo (Enzo).S: Thomas Gabriel Andrew Lindsey [17]
AS: Oscar Jeremiah Calvin Lindsey [14]
AS: Henry Dominic Albert Lindsey [10]
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DH: [57] Charles Donald MacKinnon
DW: [56] Mary Alexandra MacKinnon (nee Ross)DS: [30] Alexander Robert MacKinnon "Alec"
-exgf: [30] Tabitha Claire Morgan
--DD: [10] Molly Morgan MacKinnon
--DD: [7] Nancy Morgan MacKinnon
-Dgf: [24] Martha Olivia Bryce
--DS: [exp] Tristan Bryce MacKinnonDD: [28] Margaret Laura Cameron-Bruce "Peggy" (nee MacKinnon)
-DH: [31] The Rt. Hon. Frederick Henry Hector Cameron-Bruce "Freddie"
--DS: [2] The Hon. Orlando Edgar Cameron-Bruce / The Lady Melody Charlotte Cameron-Bruce DD: [22] Katherine Emily MacKinnon "Kat" (Kit's Twin)
-Dgf: [23] Sylvia Ellen Stuart DS: [22] Christopher Thomas MacKinnon "Kit" (Kat's Twin)
-DF: [21] Ebony Miranda Lawrence
--DS: [nb] Rosa Sophia MacKinnon "Rosy"

This message was edited 6/27/2015, 9:21 AM

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DH: Jonathan George Patrick
DW: Veronica Elizabeth AmberDS: Samuel Ian Alexander
-DW: Shanna Olivia
-DD: Lydia Charlotte
-DD/DD: Ellen Sophia / Amelia Haley
-DS: Leon LeviDD: Julia Stephanie Holly
-DH: Elijah Franklin
-DD: Grace Alissa Taylor
-DS: Micah Xavier DevonDD: Jennifer Katherine Leah
-DH: Nicolas Dean
-DS: Max NoahDS: Daniel Edward William
DS: Henry Isaac Theodore
DS: Luke Frederick Dominic
DD: Paige Jocelyn Rose
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DH: Evan Marcus Lowell (50)
DW: Danielle Alicia Lowell, née McKinley (50)DD: Alexandra Christina Devereux, née Lowell (26)
- DH: Antoine Ralph Devereux (27)
- DD/DD: Gabrielle Yolanda Devereux & Amelia Sophia Devereux (3)
- DD: Charlotte Emma Devereux (nb)DS: Nicholas Eric Lowell (24)
- DW: Autumn Joy Lowell, née Bereswill (25)
- DW'sDS: Levi Francis Bereswill-Tyson (5)
- DS: Melvin Rafael Lowell (1)DS: Gregory Vincent Lowell (22)
- DBf: Elijah Marco Mazzo (22)DD: Victoria Jennifer Lowell (20)
DS: Theodore Oscar Lowell (18)
DS: Henry Louis Lowell (16)
DD: Caroline Anne Lowell (14)
DD: Tamara Claire Lowell (12)
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DH: Victor Philip Rose
DW: Caitlin Sarah (McCartney) RoseDS: Nicholas Gregory Rose
-DW: Meredith Audrey (Clinton) Rose
--DD: Bridget Miranda Rose
--DS: Spencer Arthur Rose
--DS: Calvin Theodore Rose
--DS: Oscar Julian RoseDS: Alexander Scott Preston-Rose
-DH: Emmanuel Dean Preston-Rose
--DD: Sonia Madeline Preston-Rose
DS: Christopher Eric Rose
DD: Elizabeth Mary Rose
DD: Margaret Allison Rose
DS/DS: Jonathan Douglas Rose & Benjamin Joel Rose
DD/DD: Veronica Holly Rose & Jacqueline Kelly Rose
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DH: George Samuel (56)
DW: Anna Rachel (55)DS: Thomas Benjamin (30)
-DW: Desiree Ebony (32)
-DD: Molly Kate (10)
-DS/DS: Taylor Isaac and Chase Angel (7)
-DD: Jade Bianca (3)DD: Sarah Lauren (28)
-DH: Marc Henry (28)
-DS: Arthur Colin (8)
-DD: Claire Tabitha (7)
-DS: Jack Allen (5)
-DD: Audrey Brooke (4)
-DD/DD: Rose Sophia and Sylvia Ellen (2)DD: Elizabeth Maria (26)
-DH: Miles Jarrod (31)
-DS: Elijah Tommy (2)
-DS: Micah Levi (1)
-DS: Noah Xavier (nb)
DS: Jared Brandon (25)
-DW: Jessie Autumn (27)
-DD: Sasha Paige (3)
-DS: Brady Arturo (1)
DD/DD: Holly Caitlin and April Stephanie (23)
DS: William Jonathan (20)
DS: Alexander Bradley "Alec" (18)George and Anna have Thomas, Sarah, Elizabeth, Jared, Holly, April, William and Alec.
Thomas and Desiree have Molly, Taylor, Chase and Jade.
Sarah and Marc have Arthur, Claire, Jack, Audrey, Rose and Sylvia.
Elizabeth and Miles have Elijah, Micah and Noah.
Jared and Jessie have Sasha and Brady.
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DH(62)- Eric Vincent Dawes
DW(60)- Diana Whitney O'Gill DawesDS(39)- Paul Anthony Dawes
-DW(38)- Priscilla Alexis Dawes (nee Jamison)
-DS(13)- Kristopher Spencer Dawes
-DD(10)- Savannah Pamela Dawes
-DS(2)- Wade Bryce DawesDD/DD(31)- Felicia Dominique 'Lisha' Dawes
-Dgf(28)- Theresa Renee 'Tess' Carillo
-DD(exp)- Sophia Naomi Dawes-Carillo/
Elizabeth Christina 'Liz' Dawes
-Dbf(33)- Theodore Jonathon 'Teddy' Parks
-DD/DD(5)- Kasey Olivia and Deborah Raquel 'Debbie' ParksDD(28)- Cassandra April 'Cassie' Nester (nee Dawes)
-DH(35)- Brady Clarence Nester
-DstepD- Sasha Christie Nester
-DD(nb)- Taylor Elise NesterDD(26)- Rebecca Dana 'Becca' Dawes
-Dbf(26)- Jaime Stanley Townsend DS(21)- Timothy Shawn 'Tim' Dawes
-Dgf(19)- Evelyn Hillary 'Eve' Palmer

This message was edited 6/27/2015, 2:45 AM

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LN: DouglasDH: Samuel Wesley Douglas "Sam" [37]
DW: Mary Alyssa Douglas (née Gregory) [34]DD: Karen Julia Douglas [10]
DD/DS: Frederick Henry Douglas "Freddie" / Miranda Claire Douglas [9]
DD: Claudia Heidi Douglas [6]
DD: Bianca Jeanette Douglas [3]
DS: Clifford Miles Douglas "Cliff" [nb]
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DH(63)- Nathaniel Keith 'Nate' Elliott
DW(62)- Meghan Laura Elliott
DS(33)- Edward Patrick 'Eddie' Elliott
-DW(33)- Cara Nancy Brunt
-DD(4)- Charity Olivia 'Cherrie' Elliott
DS(30)- Evan Nicholas Elliott
-DW(28)- Bridget Susan Elliott (nee Zeosky)
-DS/DS(exp)- Noah Kelly and Neil Bryce Elliott
DD(27)- Stephanie Melissa 'Stevie' Estrada (nee Elliott)
-DH(30)- Oscar Francisco Estrada
DD(25)- Bethany Allison 'Beth' Elliott
-Dbf(24)- Francis Marshall 'Frank' Barton
DD(20)- Vanessa Rebecca Elliott
-Dbf(20)- Nelson Emmanuel Wilkinson
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DH: Robert Jonathan Parker (48)
DW: Patricia Nicole (Campbell) Parker (47)DD1: Leah Cassandra (Parker) Hicks (28)
-DH: Louis Jon Hicks (29)
--DS1/DD1/DD2: Spencer Lucas Hicks/Sheena Lacey Hicks/Sierra Lori Hicks (9)
--DS2: Elijah Bryce Hicks (6)Leah and Louis’ triplets are thriving. They’re nine years old now, and they have a brother, Elijah. Sierra is the only one who goes to a special needs school, since she has a developmental disability, but her brothers and sisters are all normal.DD2: Veronica Shannon Parker (26)DS1: Nicholas Evan Parker (25)
-DW: Robyn Regina (Fletcher) Parker (22)
--DD1: Ashleigh Grace Parker (4)
--DS1: Brock Francis Parker (exp)
Nick and his wife Robyn have a wonderful four-year-old daughter named Ashleigh. She looks just like her mommy, and her parents can already tell she’ll be a great sister to Brock, who’s coming in just a few months.DD3: Meghan Danielle Parker (22)
-ExFiance: Colby Dwayne Lambert (20)
--DD1: Hayley Brianne Lambert (2)
--DS1: Erick Dean Lambert (exp)
Meghan hasn’t had the best of luck in the love department. She recently broke up with her fiancé of a year, Colby Lambert, because he was cheating on her. She was devastated, because she thought he loved her. She’s left to raise her daughter Hayley alone and wants to find a new mate before her second child, Erick, is born.DS2: Zachary James Parker (21)
DS3: Alexander Travis Parker (17)
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