[Games] 1986 Top 1000 KUY Congrats Game - Round 2
Wow! Everyone likes my game!!! Anyways, here's round 2!Places 101-200Boys
Alan Albert Alejandro Allen Andre Angel Arthur Billy Blake Bobby Brendan Bruce Caleb Calvin Cameron Carl Chase Clayton Clinton Colin Danny Darrell Darren Dennis Devin Dominic Drew Dylan Edwin Fernando Francisco Frederick Garrett Geoffrey Gerald Grant Hector Henry Isaac Jack Jake Jamie Javier Jay Jeffery Jeremiah Jerry Jesus Jimmy Joe Johnathan Johnny Jon Jonathon Jorge Julian Kristopher Lance Larry Lawrence Lee Logan Louis Lucas Luke Manuel Marc Mario Martin Mathew Maurice Micheal Miguel Mitchell Omar Oscar Randall Randy Reginald Ricardo Ricky Roberto Rodney Roger Ross Roy Ruben Russell Sergio Shaun Spencer Taylor Terry Theodore Todd Tony Troy Walter Wayne WillieGirls
Abigail Adrienne Aimee Alexis Alisha Ana Angel Angelica Ann Anne Ashlee Audrey Barbara Brenda Brianna Bridget Britney Brooke Candace Candice Cara Carla Caroline Carolyn Carrie Cassie Christa Christy Cindy Claire Claudia Colleen Cristina Dawn Deanna Denise Desiree Ebony Gina Heidi Jaclyn Jenny Jill Jillian Joanna Jordan Kaitlin Kara Kari Kate Katelyn Kelli Kelsey Kendra Kristi Kristine Kristy Krystle Lacey Latoya Linda Lori Marie Marissa Mayra Meagan Melinda Meredith Michele Miranda Misty Molly Monique Morgan Nancy Nichole Pamela Priscilla Rachael Rebekah Renee Robin Sabrina Sandra Savannah Sharon Sheena Sierra Stefanie Susan Tabitha Tamara Tanya Tasha Teresa Theresa Tina Tracy Virginia Wendy
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DH: John William
DW: Jacqueline MonicaDD: Lauren Victoria
-DH: Luke Brendan
--DD: Kate Savannah
--DD: Lacey Cristina
--DS: Grant Dylan
--DD: Audrey Jaclyn
--DD: Carrie MarieDD: Kathryn Elizabeth *Kate*
DS: Joseph Nathan
DS: Jacob Ryan
DD: Julia Rachel
DS: Kyle Austin
DS: Brandon Trevor
DD: Megan Michelle
DD: Alexandra Natalie
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DH: Joel Robert Quist
DW: Karen Elizabeth Quist [nee White]
-DS: George Benjamin
-DS: Thomas Christian
-DS: Paul Alexander
-DS: Joseph Patrick
-DS: Henry Lawrence
-DD: Lucas Frederick
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DH: Ian Thomas Williams (34)
DW: Tiffany Rebecca Williams (36)DD1/DD2: Valerie Meghan Williams/Vanessa Michelle Williams (14)
DS1: Samuel Joseph Williams (11)
DD3: Allison Cassandra Williams (10)
DD4: Heidi Katelyn Williams (7)
DD5: Brianna Angelica Williams (2)
Ian and Tiffany Williams with Valerie, Vanessa, Samuel, Allison, Heidi, and Brianna
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DH: Matthew Peter
DW: Amanda NicoleDS: Alexander Gabriel
--DW: Tamara AngelicaDS: Nicholas Anthony
--DW: Audrey CarolineDD: Angela Katherine
--DH: Dominic TheodoreDD: Elizabeth Margaret
--DH: Lucas HenryDD: Maria Christine
--DH: Caleb Julian
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Arthur Julian
Frederick Angel
Brendan Theodore
Isaac FernandoSabrina Virginia
Claudia Bridget
Carolyn Angel
Miranda Brooke
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The Galante-Wexler FamilyDH [34]: Michael Phillip Galante
DW [26]: Hannah Rebecca WexlerDS1 / DS2 [4]: Wesley Gabriel Galante-Wexler / William Gregory Galante-Wexler
DD1 [1]: Miranda Caroline Galante-Wexler
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W: Elizabeth Laura [66]
H: Thomas Nathan [67]S: Benjamin Paul [41]
-W: Rebecca Melanie [40]
--D: Anna Victoria [12]
--D: Mary Danielle [8]
--S: Lucas Theodore "Luke" [5]S: Nicholas Joel [39]
-W: Katherine April [38]
--D: Julia Margaret [9]
--D: Alexandra Michelle [6]
--S: Gabriel Evan [4]
--S: Colin Isaac [1]D: Sarah Natalie [36]
-H: Adam Jacob [36]
--D: Claire Sabrina [7]
--S: Henry Martin [6]
--D: Abigail Joanna [2]S: David Matthew [34]
-ExGf: Holly Nicole [31]
--D: Leah Jasmine [7]
--S: Daniel Peter [5]
-W: Adrienne Stefanie [34]
--W'sD: Miranda Susan "Mira" [3]D: Alison Christina [33]

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This message was edited 6/28/2015, 8:31 PM

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DH: David Mark
DW: Natasha DominiqueDD: Mallory April
-DH: Mathew Allen
--DD: Tabitha Priscilla
--DD: Carolyn Audrey
--DD: Heidi Bridget
--DS: Rodney Allen "Roddy"DD: Erin Elizabeth
DS: Jason Alexander
DS: Bradley Keith "Brad"
DD: Krista Megan
DS: Trevor Kyle
DS: Craig Wesley
DD: Whitney Jennifer
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Round 1 + 5 yearsH: Adrian George David Lindsey [52]
W: Veronica Christina Craig Lindsey [49]Adrian & Veronica; Daniel, Mary, Edward (Ned), James (Jamie), Katherine (Kate), Diana (Dinah), Thomas (Tom), Oscar, and Henry.S: Daniel Vincent Frank Lindsey [25]
-W: Caroline Susan Devin [23]
--D: Virginia Audrey Miranda Lindsey [3]
--D: Abigail Theresa Anne Lindsey [nb]Daniel (Danny) & Caroline; Virginia (Ginny) and Abigail (Abby).D: Mary Samantha Laura Lindsey [22]
-F: Julian Javier Spencer [22]
--S: Brendan Jack Louis Spencer [exp]Mary (Maisie) & Julian; Brendan.S/S: Edward John Raymond Lindsey & James Nathaniel Aaron Lindsey [19]
D: Katherine Jessica Amy Lindsey [17]
D: Diana Rebecca Emily Lindsey [14]
S: Thomas Gabriel Andrew Lindsey [12]
AS: Oscar Jeremiah Calvin Lindsey [9]
AS: Henry Dominic Albert Lindsey [5]
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DH(53)- Nathaniel Keith 'Nate' Elliott
DW(52)- Meghan Laura Elliott
DS(23)- Edward Patrick 'Eddie' Elliott
-Dgf(23)- Cara Nancy Brunt
DS(20)- Evan Nicholas Elliott
-Dgf(18)- Bridget Susan Zeosky
DD(17)- Stephanie Melissa 'Stevie' Elliott
-Dbf(20)- Oscar Francisco Estrada
DD(15)- Bethany Allison 'Beth' Elliott
DD(10)- Vanessa Rebecca Elliott
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DH: Kenneth Aaron Shane
DW: Cynthia Alexandra HollyDD: Katherine Rachel Shane
--DH: Julian Lucas Grant
--DD: Marissa Claire Grant
--DS: Spencer Alan Grant
DS: Alexander Wesley Shane
--DW: Carolyn Theresa Jordan
--DS: Henry Garrett Shane
--DD: Joanna Marie Shane
DS: Adrian Victor Shane
--DW: Heidi Miranda Kelsey
--DS: Dominic Troy Shane
--DS: Edwin Walter Shane
DS: Edward Joel Shane
--DW: Claudia Meredith Blake
--DS: Oscar Blake Shane
DD: Anna Lauren Shane
--DH: Alejandro Hector Martin
--DD: Cara Angelica Martin / Ricardo Sergio Martin
DS: Jeremy Daniel Shane
--DW: Kendra Jillian Morgan
--DD: Morgan Bridget Shane
DS: Zachary Vincent Shane
--DF: Tasha Dawn Cameron DD: Heather Valerie Shane
--Dbf: Jack Brendan Ross
DD: Cassandra Meghan Shane
DS: Marcus Jonathan Shane
DD: Julia Mallory Shane
DS: Tyler Kevin Shane
DS: Jason Keith Shane
DD: Tara Jennifer Shane

This message was edited 6/27/2015, 1:28 AM

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The Romanescu Family- Round 2DH: James Bradley [Winter] Romanescu
DH: Steven George [Capitani] Romanescu
DW: Natasha Alexandra RomanescuDS: Dominic Spencer "Nico"I'm going to find pictures to be each of these children because why not?Dominic Romanescu, sometimes called Nico
Natasha is a little unsure of herself because she's good with children, really, but she didn't exactly ever plan to have any of her own. And James probably would have been fine without them too, but Steve likes children and so Nico was a surprise he just couldn't get over. And Natasha and James aren't disappointed or anything, just hesitant and unsure- like a lot of new parents- at first. They'll get the hang of it. Besides, it's not like Nico has ever done this before either so he won't judge. Dominic comes into this world healthy and wide-eyed and with the loudest voice and healthiest lungs the three have ever heard which probably means he's James's biologically, but no one feels the need to look into it. They parent him together- make their mistakes together; show him off together; feed him, wash him, and put him to bed together; then they collapse into bed in exhaustion together after each long day. It's working so far. They're happy. Image and video hosting by TinyPic
(I'm stealing all these pictures from Google. I don't know/own any of them.)

This message was edited 12/3/2015, 11:09 PM

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DH: Michael David (55)
DW: Alexandra Jenna "Alex" (55)DS: Zachary Adam "Zach" (33)
-DW: Marissa Brooke (33)
--DS: Dylan Mitchell (8)
--DS: Jack Henry (5)
--DD: Abigail Claire "Abby" (2)DS: Andrew William (30)
-DW: Virginia Marie "Ginny" (30)
--DD: Kaitlin Meredith (5)
--DS: Logan Arthur (3)DD: Brittany Victoria (28)
-DH: Theodore Lee "Theo" (29)
--DD: Meagan Jillian / Bridget Caroline (2)DD: Cassandra Megan "Cassie" (Charlie's twin) (26)
-DH: Caleb Blake (28)
--DS: Colin Dominic (2)
--DS: Cameron Lucas (exp.)DS: Charles Thomas "Charlie" (Cassie's twin) (26)
-DW: Rebekah Sierra (26)
--DD: Molly Cara (1)DS: Daniel Scott (23)
-Dgf: Theresa Kate "Tessa" (23)DD: Elizabeth Leah "Beth" (22)
DD: Hannah Katherine (20)
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Round 1 + 10 yearsDH: [44] Casey Nicholas Linville
DW: [43] Leah Margaret Switzer Linville
DS: [18] Wesley Peter Linville
-DGf: [18] Molly Savannah Prescott
DS: [16] Adrian Douglas Linville
-DGf: [17] Caroline Renee Wexler
-DD: [exp] Tabitha Audrey Linville

DD/DD: [15] Katrina Elizabeth Linville / Veronica Danielle Linville
DD: [13] Mallory Christine Linville
DS: [10] George Matthew Linville
DS: [8] Oscar Dominic LinvilleCasey and Leah thought about having more children after Oscar was born, but Casey found out that he had a brain tumor after Oscar turned one. Despite a very scary diagnosis and a full year of treatment, he is in remission and the doctors are optimistic about his health. Leah got a promotion a couple years ago and now oversees health and safety procedures for several of her company's production facilities. She also hosts safety seminars for all of the production facilities in the region. Wesley shadowed his mom at her job for a couple summers while he was in high school and just got a part-time job in the company office before he leaves for college. At a company picnic, he met Molly Prescott, the daughter of one of Leah's coworkers, and they just started dating. Though his older brother stopped playing baseball in grade school, Adrian still plays for his high school's team as a first baseman. His girlfriend, Caroline, plays softball at their school. She just found out that she is expecting his child, a girl. Caroline has prospects of playing softball at the college or even professional level and was worried that having to raise a child would damage her chances of being recruited. However, Adrian stepped up and told Caroline that he would raise their daughter so that she could pursue her dream. Adrian knows that he has little chance of being recruited to play in college, so he wants to give Caroline that opportunity.Katrina and Veronica really enjoyed their first year of high school. Katrina loves being in the school book and art clubs and even got a small role in a school play this year, which was a big leap out of her comfort zone. Veronica is on the softball team with Adrian's girlfriend Caroline and is thinking about joining the academic team next year.

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DH: Victor Philip Rose
DW: Caitlin Sarah (McCartney) RoseDS: Nicholas Gregory Rose
-DW: Meredith Audrey (Clinton) Rose
--DD: Bridget Miranda Rose
--DS: Spencer Arthur Rose
--DS: Calvin Theodore Rose
--DS: Oscar Julian Rose
DS: Alexander Scott Rose
DS: Christopher Eric Rose
DD: Elizabeth Mary Rose
DD: Margaret Allison Rose
DS/DS: Jonathan Douglas Rose & Benjamin Joel Rose
DD/DD: Veronica Holly Rose & Jacqueline Kelly Rose
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DH: Stephen Wesley Lombard
DW: Elizabeth Rachel {Eckhart} LombardDS: Samuel Edward Lombard
DS: Thomas Daniel Lombard
DS: William James Lombard {twin}
DD: Rebecca Holly Lombard {twin}
DD: Caroline Marie Lombard
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DH: Samuel Austin Windass (46)
DW: April Megan Mills Windass (45)DS: George Alexander Windass (22)
DD: Margaret Anna Windass (19)
DD: Katherine Julia Windass (17)
DS: Benjamin James Windass (14)
DS: William Jacob Windass (13)
DD: Elizabeth Sarah Windass (11)
DS/DS: Joseph Gabriel Windass and Charles Adam Windass (8)
DD: Theresa Claire Windass (3)Sam and April Windass & George, Maggie, Kitty, Ben, Will, Libby, Joe, Charlie and Tess.----------DS: George Alexander Windass (22)
DGF: Renee Caroline Kate Durham (23)George Windass and Renee Durham.----------DD: Margaret Anna Windass (19)
exBF: Henry Arthur Bates (22)
-DS/DS: Albert Dominic Windass and Theodore Hector Windass (nb)Maggie Windass & Bertie and Teddy.
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DH(52)- Eric Vincent Dawes
DW(50)- Diana Whitney O'Gill Dawes
DS(29)- Paul Anthony Dawes
-DW(28)- Priscilla Alexis Dawes (nee Jamison)
-DS(3)- Kristopher Spencer Dawes
-DD(exp)- Savannah Pamela Dawes
DD/DD(21)- Felicia Dominique 'Lisha' Dawes
-Dgf(18)- Theresa Renee 'Tess' Carillo/
Elizabeth Christina 'Liz' Dawes
-Dbf(23)- Theodore Jonathon 'Teddy' Parks
DD(18)- Cassandra April 'Cassie' Dawes
DD(16)- Rebecca Dana 'Becca' Dawes
-Dbf(16)- Isaac Randall Galton
DS(11)- Timothy Shawn 'Timmy' Dawes
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H: "Joe" Joseph Vincent
W: "Sandra" Cassandra MonicaS: Jason Joshua
-W: "Jill" Jillian Deanna
-D: Desiree Heidi D: Stacy Tara
-H: Dominic Russell
-S: Colin Blake D: Brandi Caitlin
-H: Grant Julian
-D: Lacey SierraS: "Wes" Wesley Ryan
S: Keith Jeremy
S/S: Jared Cody / Jesse Cory
D: Victoria Jasmine
D: Chelsea Vanessa
S: Tyler Ian
D: Valerie Lindsey
S: "Nick" Nicholas Austin
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DH: [52] Charles Donald MacKinnon
DW: [51] Mary Alexandra MacKinnon (nee Ross)DS: [25] Alexander Robert MacKinnon "Alec"
-exgf: [25] Tabitha Claire Morgan
--DD: [5] Molly Morgan MacKinnon
--DD: [2] Nancy Morgan MacKinnon
DD: [23] Margaret Laura MacKinnon "Peggy"
-Dbf: Frederick Henry Hector Cameron-Bruce "Freddie"
DD: [17] Katherine Emily MacKinnon "Kat" (Kit's Twin)
DS: [17] Christopher Thomas MacKinnon "Kit" (Kat's Twin)
-Dgf: [16] Ebony Miranda Lawrence

This message was edited 6/26/2015, 6:02 AM

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DH: Evan Marcus Lowell (40)
DW: Danielle Alicia Lowell, née McKinley (40)DD: Alexandra Christina Lowell (16)
DS: Nicholas Eric Lowell (14)
DS: Gregory Vincent Lowell (12)
DD: Victoria Jennifer Lowell (10)
DS: Theodore Oscar Lowell (8)
DS: Henry Louis Lowell (6)
DD: Caroline Anne Lowell (4)
DD: Tamara Claire Lowell (2)
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The Thurman FamilyDH: Anthony Jeremy Thurman (35)
DW: Catherine Jennifer Chelsea [Swanson] Thurman "Cate" (30)
-DS: Spencer Martin Wesley Thurman (4)
-DD: Adrienne Rachael Natasha (1)
Anthony's FamilyDFather: Craig Wesley Thurman
DMother: Shannon Rachel [Lee] ThurmanDSister: Courtney Jennifer Thurman
DSister: Julia Allison Thurman
DSister: Monica Natalie Thurman
DBrother: Derek Benjamin Thurman
Anthony*Cate's FamilyDFather: Timothy Victor William Swanson
DMother: Brittany Kathleen [Miller] SwansonDBrother: Christopher David Jason Swanson
DBrother: Jared Samuel Matthew Swanson
DBrother: Stephen Nathaniel Gregory Swanson
DSister: Natasha Rebecca Christine Swanson
In the past five years, Cate and Anthony have had two children: Spencer, 4, and Adrienne, 1. Both children are incredibly intelligent for their age. Spencer has already learned to read and knows how to write his name. Adrienne is a very curious little thing, always getting into trouble and winding up in spots she shouldn't be in. Spencer has started taking care of his sister, being very protective of her, standing up for her when she winds up in trouble. Cate foresees them having a very close relationship that will hopefully last their entire lives.
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DH: Jonathan George Patrick
DW: Veronica Elizabeth Amber
DS: Samuel Ian Alexander
DD: Julia Stephanie Holly
DD: Jennifer Katherine Leah
DS: Daniel Edward William
DS: Henry Isaac Theodore
DS: Luke Frederick Dominic
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I love these types of games! =) =) =)DH: George Samuel (52)
DW: Anna Rachel (51)DS: Thomas Benjamin (26)
-DW: Desiree Ebony (28)
-DD: Molly Kate (6)
-DS/DS: Taylor Isaac and Chase Angel (3)
DD: Sarah Lauren (24)
-DH: Marc Henry (24)
-DS: Arthur Colin (4)
-DD: Claire Tabitha (3)
-DS: Jack Allen (1)
-DD: Audrey Brooke (nb)
DD: Elizabeth Maria (22)
DS: Jared Brandon (21)
DD/DD: Holly Caitlin and April Stephanie (19)
DS: William Jonathan (16)
DS: Alexander Bradley "Alec" (14)George and Anna have Thomas, Sarah, Elizabeth, Jared, Holly, April, William and Alec.
Thomas and Desiree have Molly, Taylor and Chase.
Sarah and Marc have Arthur, Claire, Jack and Audrey.
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LN: DouglasDH: Samuel Wesley Douglas "Sam" [32]
DW: Mary Alyssa Douglas (née Gregory) [29]DD: Karen Julia Douglas [5]
DD/DS: Frederick Henry Douglas "Freddie" / Miranda Claire Douglas [4]
DD: Claudia Heidi Douglas [1]
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DH: Robert Jonathan Parker (39)
DW: Patricia Nicole (Campbell) Parker (38)DD1: Leah Cassandra (Parker) Hicks (19)
-DH: Louis Jon Hicks (20)
--DS1/DD1/DD2: Spencer Lucas Hicks/Sheena Lacey Hicks/Sierra Lori Hicks (nb)Leah is nineteen now and just married a handsome man named Louis Hicks. When Leah became pregnant with Louis’ twins, they were both thrilled. But when it came time for the birth, they got a surprise—a third baby! Leah was so afraid Louis would walk out on her, especially since the surprise baby, Sierra Lori Hicks, was born with a heart defect, but amazingly, he didn’t. He stayed right there and was very supportive of her newborn triplets. Sierra has to stay in the hospital while the doctors treat her heart condition, but the other two babies, Spencer Lucas and Sheena Lacey, were able to go home on their first day.DD2: Veronica Shannon Parker (17)
DS1: Nicholas Evan Parker (16)
DD3: Meghan Danielle Parker (13)
DS2: Zachary James Parker (12)
DS3: Alexander Travis Parker (8)
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