[Games] US Top 1000 KUY Congrats - round 2
Welcome to round 2 of US Top 1000 congrats game. Feel free to join the game at any time. Gender(s), multiple(s) and structure of your family is up to you. Be as brief or as detailed as you want with your family. Most of all, have fun!Round 1 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/4615884Places (801-900)Boys
Abdiel, Agustin, Alfonso, Amare, Anson, Anton, Apollo, Arnav, Axl, Azariah, Blaise, Braeden, Braiden, Brantlee, Brent, Brice, Briggs, Camdyn, Castiel, Chaim, Clay, Clyde, Coen, Cristiano, Dariel, Darrell, Deshawn, Dilan, Dimitri, Draven, Dwayne, Eliezer, Emory, Ernest, Finnley, Ford, Franco, Gauge, Gerald, Giancarlo, Gibson, Gilbert, Graysen, Harold, Henrik, Hugh, Ishaan, Jadon, Jairo, Jamarion, Jamir, Javion, Jaydon, Jerome, Jessie, Jonathon, Jordyn, Joziah, Junior, Justus, Kaeden, Kalel, Kamdyn, Keenan, Kenny, Konnor, Kyree, Lamar, Landry, Leighton, Lyric, Mack, Marcel, Marley, Marquis, Micheal, Miller, Ramiro, Reginald, Reuben, Rey, Rudy, Rylee, Salvatore, Santana, Seamus, Sonny, Stefan, Stetson, Steve, Terrell, Thatcher, Titan, Tristian, Triston, Tyrone, Vance, Vincenzo, Zavier, ZaynGirls
Abbigail, Adrienne, Aimee, Aiyana, Alaya, Alisha, Alissa, Aliya, Aliza, Amalia, America, Amya, Angeline, Ariadne, Ariya, Asia, Audriana, Aurelia, Aviana, Avianna, Ayanna, Ayleen, Aubri, Barbara, Bonnie, Briley, Bryleigh, Carla, Carlee, Chana, Cherish, Collins, Diamond, Dixie, Elliott, Ellison, Emmalee, Emmaline, Esme, Estrella, Evalyn, Hadleigh, Hana, Harlee, Heather, Holland, Giovanna, Iliana, Jaida, Janiya, Jenny, Jessa, Jewel, Jordynn, Joslyn, Kaidence, Kailee, Kairi, Karlie, Katalina, Kenia, Kenna, Keyla, Kimora, Kori, Kristen, Lara, Laurel, Libby, Lillianna, Lilyanna, Lorelai, Magnolia, Marianna, Marisol, Mariyah, Mckayla, Mollie, Natalee, Nola, Paloma, Penny, Rayna, Rory, Roselyn, Rosie, Rylan, Salma, Saniyah, Sharon, Sherlyn, Sloan, Susan, Taryn, Tegan, Temperance, Wynter, Zainab, Zaria, ZendayaMy name list
top Thomas, flop Dagmar
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DH: Johnathon Grey *John*
DW: Sonia LiliaDD: Alyvia Anniston
-DH: Jonathon Braeden *John*
--DD: Lorelai Rayna
--DS: Kaeden Brent
--DS: Konnor Camdyn
--DD: Joslyn LilliannaDD: Scarlette Raina
DS: Aaden Cristopher
DD: Natalya Emmeline
DS: Konner Camren
DD: Kylah Estella
DD: Jocelynn Dalia
DS: Jaycob Kale
DD: Addilynn Ayva
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DH: Magnus Valentin Foster
DW: Dalia-Ann Foster [nee Grey]
-DS: Leif Magnus Foster
-DS: Henrik Justus Foster
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DH: Lachlan Randall McCarthy (31)
DW: Emmeline Faye (Osborne) McCarthy (35)DD1: Renee Paulina McCarthy (12)
DD2: Judith Macey McCarthy (10)
DD3/DS1: Carlie Jocelynn McCarthy/Craig Jaycob McCarthy (9)
DD4: Moriah Bryn McCarthy (7)
DD5: Emmalee Kenna McCarthy (3)
DS2: Harold Gauge McCarthy (nb)
Lachlan and Emmeline McCarthy with Renee, Judith, Carlie, Craig, Moriah, Emmalee, and Harold

This message was edited 7/2/2015, 8:35 AM

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DH: Lachlan Heath McMahon (31)
DW: Louisa Cordelia McMahon (27)DD1: Alannah Bryn McMahon (11)
DS1: Houston Reagan McMahon (7)
DS2/DS3: Clinton Gavyn McMahon/Camren Gino McMahon (5)
DD2/DD3: Jordynn Heather McMahon/Joslyn Hana McMahon (nb)Lachlan and Louisa McMahon with Alannah, Houston, Clinton, Camren, Jordynn, and Joslyn
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DH: Quintin Howard Holcomb (35)
DW: Ingrid Estelle (McLeod) Holcomb (36)DS1: Broderick Valentin Holcomb (19)DD1: Moriah Janae Holcomb (18)
-DBF: Harold Marcel Hester (17)DS2: Houston Gino Holcomb (13)
DS3/DD2: Cristopher Davin Holcomb/Carlie Dalia Holcomb (10)
DS4/DD3: Jerome Keenan Holcomb/Jessa Kristen Holcomb (8)
DS5: Zavier Triston Holcomb (4)
Quentin and Ingrid Holcomb with Broderick, Moriah, Houston, Cristopher, Carlie, Jerome, Jessa, and ZavierMoriah Holcomb and Harold Hester
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The Kermode FamilyDH (31): Lochlan Foster Kermode
DW (30): Dominique Renee (Bouchard) KermodeDS1 (n.b.): Emory Anton Kermode

This message was edited 6/22/2015, 10:13 AM

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DH: Randall Emmet Conrad (34)
DW: Mattie Estelle (Reilly) Conrad (34)DD1: Judith Moriah Conrad (16)
-DBF: Harold Joziah Petty (14)DS1: Aydan Chace Conrad (12)
DS2: Darien Heath Conrad (11)
DD2: Karlie Magnolia Conrad (9) (twin)
DS3: Keenan Marcel Conrad (9) (twin)
Randall and Mattie Conrad with Judith, Aydan, Darien, Karlie, and Keenan
-Judith Conrad and Harold Petty

This message was edited 6/21/2015, 10:46 AM

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DH: Judson Deangelo Guthrie (31)
DW: Louisa Magdalena (O’Neil) Guthrie (31)DS1: Jayvion Heath Guthrie (13)
DS2: Johnathon Houston Guthrie (13)
DS3: Reagan Maddux Guthrie (8)
DS4: Gavyn Craig Guthrie (5)
DD1: Anabel Kiana Guthrie (4)
DS5: Harold Anson Guthrie (1)
DD2: Emmalee Carla Guthrie (nb)
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Family: Davin-Magnus -2DH: Teagan Lachlan Magnus [28]
DH: Valentin Dario Davin [25]
DW: Estella-Lilia Magdalena Giovanny [26]DS: Dimitri Castiel [nb]
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LN: ColemanDH: Ephraim Augustine [30]
DW: Clementine Estelle (nee Bridger) [31]DD/DD: Ingrid Reina / Cordelia Mercy [5]
DS: Clyde Justus [3]
DD: Barbara Laurel "Bobbi" [nb]
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DH: Turner Lachlan
DW: Estelle Antonia "Elle"DD: Aya Louisa
DS: Stefan Thatcher
DD: Sloan Roselyn
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H: Craig Deangelo Vaughn
W: Julianne Dalia Landry VaughnD: Tara Yasmin Vaughn Ford
-H: Stefan Emory FordD: Pyper Annalee VaughnS/S: Heath Kylen Vaughn / Lachlan Rylen Vaughn
-W: Esme Audriana Miller VaughnD: Micah Addilynn Vaughn
D: Kailani Ryann Vaughn
S: Stetson Landry Vaughn
D/D: Lorelai Dixie Vaughn / Lilyanna Karlie Vaughn
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DH: Gordon Leif Bridges
DW: Judith Mercy WellsDS: Reagan Howard Bridges
DD: Julianne Louisa Bridges
DD: Paula Faye Bridges
DS: Ernest Clyde Bridges
DD: Laurel Magnolia Bridges
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DH: Lachlan Heath Foster (36)
DW: Emmeline Tabitha [Braverman] Foster (33)DD: Cordelia Annalee Foster (10)
DD: Magdalena Renee Foster (9)
DD: Louisa Clementine Foster (6)
DS: Reuben Seamus Foster (5)
DS: Stefan Jerome Foster (2)
DD: Magnolia Penny Foster (nb)Lachlan and Emmeline Foster & Cordy, Maggie, Lulu Reuben, Stefan and Nolie.
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DH: Maximo Aaden Harcourt [25]
DW: Reina Gwen Harcourt [24]ADD: Zendaya Cherish Susan Harcourt [2]
ADS: Ramiro Brent Hugh Harcourt [6mo]
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DH: Turner Lachlan
DW: Estelle Antonia "Elle"DD: Aya Louisa
DS: Stefan Thatcher
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Mum: Magdalena PatienceD1: Stevie-Faye
D2: Alisa Mercy
D3: Louisa Annalee
D4: Gwen Antonia
D5: Lilia Nala
S1: Bridger DashDad: Vincenzo ZavierSD1/SD2: Esme Barbara & Lara Bonnie
S2: Stefan Salvatore***D1: Stevie-Faye
-H: Keenan ThatcherS: Rudy Stetson***D2: Alisa Mercy
-BF: Reuben Vance***"Mags (37) amd Vince (41) with: Stevie-Faye (21), Esme & Lara (18), Lisa (15), Louisa (14), Gwen (10), Lil (8), Bridger (3) and Stefan (nb).
Stevie-Faye (21) and Keenan (28) with: Rudy (nb).
Lisa (15) and Reuben (17)."
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Camilo Valentin & Dalia Janae;
Castiel Stefan, Vincenzo Rudy, & Draven Dimitri
--Vaughn Jericho & Faye Julieta;
Lara Marisol & Hugh Eliezer
--Leif Magnus & Astrid Magdalena--Aya Estelle & Remy Sonia;
Tegan Heather
--Santos Grey;
Lilianna Esme
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DH: Augustine Dominique
DW: Natalya AntoniaDD: Clementine Louisa
DD/DD/DD: Amalia Marianna, Lara Adrienne, Ariadne Barbara
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DH: Darwin Heath Grey
DW: Kiana Emmeline LandryDH's DS: Darien Bridger Grey
--DW: Tegan Alisha Elliott
----DD: Esme Ariadne Grey
----DS: Anton Brice Grey
DW's DD: Lilia Astrid Landry [twin to Rosalyn]
--Dbf: Vincenzo Castiel Blaise
----DD: Angeline Laurel Blaise Landry
----DD: Nola Magnolia Blaise Landry
DW's DD: Rosalyn Ingrid Landry [twin to Lilia]
--DH: Brent Miller Leighton
----DD: Lorelai Taryn Leighton
DD: Cordelia Clementine GreyDD: Julianne Estelle Grey
--Dgf: Heather Amalia Roselyn HollandDD: Alannah Patience GreyDS: Magnus Gordon GreyDS: Stefan Landry GreyDD: Aurelia Temperance Grey
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DH (34): Emmet Heath Zaire
DW (30): Julieta Cambria [Boden]DD (7): Emmeline Dalia Zaire
DS (6): Quintin Grey Zaire
DD (4): Renee Ingrid Zaire
DS (2): Chaim Jerome Zaire
DD (1): Salma Magnolia Zaire
DD (nb): Jessa Amalia Zaire
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Augustine Lachlan Turner
Louisa Clementine Hadlee
- Emory Blaise Turner
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Round 1 + 5 yearsDH: [31] Lachlan Grey Kerr
DW: [29] Remy Julianne Morgan Kerr
DD: [3] Bonnie Temperance Kerr
DS/DS: [1] Seamus Emory Kerr / Finnley Harold Kerr "Finn"
Remy and Lachlan were thrilled to find out that they were expecting their first child not long after their first anniversary. They converted the small study in their newlywed apartment into Bonnie's bedroom, but they knew that they would have to move if they wanted to have more children. Bonnie was named after Remy's grandmother Temperance and Lachlan's late aunt Bonnie. As soon as Lachlan and Remy began to try for their second child, they started looking at houses. It was a shock to discover that they were expecting not one, but two more children! They found a nice house with plenty of room for their growing family. Seamus' middle name honors Lachlan's grandfather, and Finn's middle name is after Remy's father.
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H: Eliseo Vivaan [34]
W: Lilia Astrid [34]D: Emmeline Antonia [9]
D: Dalia Belen [7]
S: Stefan Eliezer [6]
D: Lara Zainab [3]
S: Dimitri Ishaan [2]
D: Hana Aliya [nb]
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The Caruso FamilyDH: Magnus Clinton Caruso "Max" (32)
DW: Aubriella Renee [Branković-Banner] Caruso "Ella" (30)DD: Laurel Audriana Caruso "Lolo" (3)
DS/DS: Blaise Castiel Caruso "Cas" / Hugh Graysen Caruso "Gray" (nb)
Five years have passed. Max's practice has begun to flourish. Ella has had to give up her job as a nurse in order to stay at home with her three lovely children--three-year-old Lolo and newborn twins Cas and Gray.
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DH: Broderick Grey "Brody"
DW: Julianne MicahDD: Gwen Magdalena
-DH: Jonathon Seamus
---DS: Anson Brice
---DD: Lorelai Wynter
---DS: Keenan Gilbert
---DS: Thatcher Vance
---DD: Nola Cherish
---DD: Esme JewelDD: Lilia Clementine
DD: Tabitha Jocelynn
DS: Lachlan Heath
DS: Craig Randall
DD: Mercy Ann
DS/DS: Emmet Johnathon / Ean Jericho
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DH: Howard Lachlan Bishop "Howie" (27)
DW: Natalya Emmeline (Rustev) Bishop "Talya" (27)
DD: Kailee Taryn Bishop (2)
DS: Henrik Braeden Bishop "Ricky" (0)
DH: Gordon Emmet Bishop "Gordo" (29)
DW: Rosalyn Ann (Lewiston) Bishop "Rose" (28)
DD: Jessa Laurel Bishop (3)
DD: Alissa Natalee Bishop (0)
The past four years have been ones of constant change for the Bishop brothers.
Three years ago, Gordo and Rose welcomed a little girl into the family.
Two years ago, Howie and Talya also had a little girl. By then, everyone was feeling cramped in their two bedroom apartment. Gordo and Rose remained in the apartment, and Howie and Talya moved into a small house.
Last year, Gordo received his master's degree in education, and Howie entered his (hopefully) last year of grad school.
This year, Howie has graduated with a master's degree in social work and welcomed a little boy into the family! Gordo and Rose had a second little girl this year!
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H: Magnus Ephraim Benton [29]
W: Emmeline Louisa Mercy Sidney Benton [30]D/D: Lilia Ingrid Estella Benton and Antonia Clementine Judith Benton [5]
S: Clyde Dimitri Jerome Benton [2]
D: Esme Aurelia Susan Benton [nb]Magnus (Gus) & Emmeline; Lilia (Lily), Antonia (Nina), Clyde, and Esme (May).
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DH: Ean Truman Williamson
DW: Magdalena Scarlette (Santos) WilliamsonDS: Augustine Howard Williamson
-DW: Heather Carla (Cohen) Williamson
--DS: Emory Justus Williamson
--DS: Anton Gilbert Williamson
--DD: Katalina Paloma Williamson
--DD: Esme Temperance Williamson
--DD/DD: Amalia Laurel Williamson & Ariadne Roselyn Williamson
--DD: Bonnie Aurelia Williamson
DS: Ephraim Gordon Williamson
DD: Cordelia Estelle Williamson
DD: Astrid Clementine Williamson
DD: Sonia Paulina Williamson
DD: Emmeline Faye Williamson
DD: Rosalyn Ingrid Williamson
DS: Quintin Valentin Williamson
DS: Emmet Jericho Williamson
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H: Ephraim Randall Lyon
W: Tara Janae [Glenn] LyonDS: Vaughn Foster Lyon
DD: Mercedes Ann [Lyon] Maxwell
DD: Cordelia Faye Lyon
DS: Lochlan Heath Lyon
DD: Patience Estella Lyon Ephraim + Tara; Vaughn, Mercy, Delia, Loch & Patience**DS: Vaughn Foster Lyon
F: Heather Collins Rice
**DD: Mercedes Ann [Lyon] Maxwell
H: Stefan Brice Maxwell
**DD: Cordelia Faye Lyon
BF: Hugh Gibson Coates
**DS: Lochlan Heath Lyon
GF: Laurel Holland Reiner
**DD: Patience Estelle Lyon

This message was edited 6/14/2015, 12:46 PM

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DH: Judson Jericho
DW: Ingrid Cordelia DD: Zion Clementine
DS: Miller Vance
DD: Libby Temperance
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DH: Augustine Wakefield [61]
DW: Cordelia Hansen-Wakefield [63]DD: Estella Wakefield [31]
DD: Tabitha Wakefield [29]
DS: Magnus Wakefield [24]August and Cora with Stella, Tabby, and Mac---DD1: Estella (Wakefield) Honeycutt [31]
DH: Emory Honeycutt [35]DD: Amalia Honeycutt [6]
DS: Jericho Honeycutt [4]
DD: Lorelai Honeycutt [2]
DD: Heather Honeycutt [1]
DD: Magnolia Honeycutt [0]Stella and Emory with Amalia, Jerry, Lorelai, Heather and Nola---DD2: Tabitha Wakefield [29]
DBf: Leif Svendsen [28]DD/DD: Judith Svendsen / Ingrid Svendsen [0]Tabitha and Leif with Judith and IngridKeeping Alfonso, Axl, Ernest, Reginald, Paloma, and Reina for later rounds.
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x-GF: Antonia Mercedes “Tony”
x-BF: Rolando EfraínDD: Rivka Ingrid
DS: Rudy Agustín
DW: Antonia Mercedes “Tony”
DH: Heath VaughnDS: Miller Marcel
BF: Rolando Efraín
GF: Jewel Marisol
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DH: Lachlan Reagan Foster (50)
DW: Julianne Natalya Dubois Foster (49)DD: Rosalyn Estelle Foster Landry "Rose" (26)
-DH: Brice Reuben Landry (27)
--DD/DD: Alissa Jewel Landry "Lissa" / Jessa Angeline Landry (3)
--DD: Mollie Emmaline Landry (nb)DS: Grey Quintin Foster (24)
-DW: Penny Lorelai Ellison Foster (23)
--DS: Seamus Hugh Foster (1)DD: Emmeline Ireland Foster "Emmie" (23)
DD/DD: Louisa Tabitha Foster / Lilia Renee Foster "Lily" (20)
DS: Heath Coleman Foster (17)
DS: Benton Vaughn Foster "Ben" (15)
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DH: Kale Ephriam Mendel [26]
DW: Faye Julieta {Meredith} Mendel [25]
-DD: Taryn Aurelia Mendel [3]
-DD: Jessa Ariadne Mendel [2]
-DS: Finnley Apollo Mendel [nb] "Finn"
It's been 4 years since Kale and Faye have been married, and they were overjoyed to find out that Faye was pregnant only a month after the wedding. They immediately got to work decorating the nursery in their 3-bedroom apartment. Taryn was born with a head full of dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, taking after her mother. She was a rather fussy baby, and kept her parents up long into the nighttime hours. That, however, didn't stop Kale and Faye's eagerness to have more children, and only 9 months after Taryn was born, they welcomed baby Jessa into the family. She looked so much like Taryn as a newborn that anyone would've thought they were identical twins. She also was a very fussy baby - two peas in a pod. Due to the business and stress of having a new-born and a 9-month-old, the Mendels decided to wait a little longer before having another child. Not too long, though, as little Finn was born just a day before Jessa's 2nd birthday. Compared to his sisters, Finn was an angel. He almost immediately starting sleeping through the entire night, and he almost never cried. Currently, Kale and Faye have their hands full with an extremely energetic 3-year-old, a curious toddler in her terrible 2's, and a newborn (as chill as Finn is, a newborn is still a newborn). The family is quickly outgrowing their small apartment in NYC, but the housing in New York is so expensive, that Kale and Faye doubt they'll be able to afford anything bigger. They've started searching but so far have had no luck. On top of that, Faye doesn't know whether or not she should quit her job at her company - money is so tight, but she wants to be home with the children. Besides that, the children's nanny has decided to quit, and it's becoming increasingly hard to find a good one who is willing to take on Taryn, Jessa, and Finn for a price Kale and Faye can afford...
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DH: Lochlan Kale Holloway, Sr.
DW: Ireland Cordelia {Mason} HollowayDHsDS: Lochlan Kale Holloway, Jr.
DWsDD: Sidney Ann Mason-Keyser
DD: Collins Rayna Holloway
DD: Laurel Sloan Holloway

This message was edited 6/15/2015, 10:06 AM

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DH: [50] Cristopher Leif Sommer "Kit"
DW: [51] Gwen Estelle Sommer (nee Gottlieb)DD1: [25] Ingrid Anabel Sommer
-Dbf: [25] Hugh Eliezer Finnley
--DS: [3] Reuben Blaise Finnley-Sommer
--DD: [exp] Esme Lorelai Finnley-SommerDD2: [23] Frida Emmeline Sommer
-Dbf: Rudy Salvatore Santana DD3/DD4: [19] Cordelia Patience Sommer / Clementine Astrid Sommer
DD5: [16] Lilia Magdalena Sommer
DS1: [14] Magnus Howard Sommer

This message was edited 6/14/2015, 4:49 AM

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DH: Augustine Osvaldo Bennett "Gus" (30)
DW: Ingrid Magdalena Bennett, née Jonsson (29)DD: Astrid Clementine Bennett (8)
DS: Magnus Valentin Bennett (6)
DD: Estelle Frida Bennett (4)
DD: Amalia Lorelai Bennett (3)
DS: Henrik Seamus Bennett (1)
DD: Esme Marianna Bennett (nb)
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DH: Heath Magnus Raymond
DW: Tara Estella RaymondDD1: Jocelynn Faye (Raymond) Howe
DH: Harold Clyde HoweDD2: Julianne Miya (Raymond) Joyner
DH: Dwayne Salvatore JoynerDD3: Carlie Tabitha RaymondDS1: Aaden Howard Raymond
DGF: Emmalee Jordynn Bray
-DD1: Kaidence Mariyah Raymond
DD4: Paulina Renee (Raymond) McKay
DH: Leighton Justus McKayDD5: Sidney Anniston (Raymond) Travis
DH: Triston Lamar Travis
-DS1: Braiden Clay Travis
-DD1: Aimee Kristen Travis
-DS2: Darrell Tyrone Travis
-DS3: Jonathon Gauge Travis
-DD2: McKayla Roselyn Travis
-DD3: Temperance Natalee Travis

This message was edited 6/14/2015, 4:15 AM

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DH: Anakin Jericho (32)
DW: Tabitha Moriah (30)
DD: Lilia Ireland (6)
DS: Jordy Kale (5)
DS: Thatcher Hugh (2)
DD/DD: Kairi Jessa and Amalia Lorelai (nb)
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