[Games] US Top 1000 KUY Congrats - round 1
NobodyOfConsequence finished the beyond top 1000 congrats game a few days ago and I thought it would be fun to do the same with the actual top 1000.The rules will be very simple. Feel free to start anytime as this is a keep up yourself congrats game. The gender, multiples, number of births is up to you. So is the structure of your family, if you want to have mom, dad and a bunch of kids it's fine, if you want to go into multiple generations, that's fine as well. Feel free to give your family a last name. As a little twist I'll not start with #1 name, but from the bottom of top 1000. Have fun!Places 901-1000Boys
Zaire, Aaden, Chevy, Lachlan, Rolando, Aydan, Darwin, Randall, Santos, Yael, Grey, Kohen, Rashad, Jayse, Lochlan, Mustafa, Johnathon, Kannon, Konner, Jovani, Maximo, Alvaro, Clinton, Aidyn, Kymani, Davin, Jordy, Ephraim, Frankie, Heath, Houston, Kamron, Craig, Cristopher, Gordon, Harlan, Turner, Vaughn, Vivaan, Ameer, Gavyn, Gino, Jovanni, Benton, Rodolfo, Dominique, Jaycob, Jericho, Augustine, Coleman, Dash, Eliseo, Khalid, Quintin, Makhi, Zaid, Anakin, Baylor, Emmet, Judson, Truman, Camilo, Efrain, Semaj, Camren, Damari, Kamryn, Deangelo, Giovanny, Mike, Dario, Kale, Broderick, Jayvion, Kaison, Koen, Magnus, Darien, Teagan, Valentin, Bodie, Brayson, Chace, Kylen, Yehuda, Bridger, Howard, Maddux, Osvaldo, Rocky, Ayan, Boden, Foster, Jair, Reyansh, Tyree, Ean, Leif, Reagan, RylenGirls
Julianne, Kaleigh, Miya, Yasmin, Anniston, Estelle, Emmeline, Faye, Kiana, Anabel, Zion, Tara, Astrid, Emerie, Sidney, Zahra, Jaylin, Kinslee, Tabitha, Aubriella, Addilynn, Alyvia, Hadlee, Ingrid, Lilia, Macey, Azaria, Kailynn, Neriah, Annabell, Ariyah, Janae, Kaiya, Reina, Rivka, Alisa, Marleigh, Alisson, Maliah, Mercy, Noa, Scarlette, Clementine, Frida, Ann, Sonia, Alannah, Avalynn, Dalia, Ayva, Stevie, Judith, Paulina, Azariah, Estella, Remy, Gwen, Mattie, Milani, Raina, Julieta, Renee, Lesly, Abrielle, Bryn, Carlie, Riya, Karter, Abril, Aubrianna, Jocelynn, Kylah, Louisa, Pyper, Antonia, Magdalena, Moriah, Ryann, Tamia, Kailani, Landry, Aya, Ireland, Mercedes, Rosalyn, Alaysia, Annalee, Patience, Aanya, Paula, Samiyah, Yaritza, Cordelia, Micah, Nala, Belen, Cambria, Natalya, Kaelynn, KaiMy name list
top Thomas, flop Dagmar
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DH: Johnathon Grey *John*
DW: Sonia LiliaDD: Alyvia Anniston
DD: Scarlette Raina
DS: Aaden Cristopher
DD: Natalya Emmeline
DS: Konner Camren
DD: Kylah Estella
DD: Jocelynn Dalia
DS: Jaycob Kale
DD: Addilynn Ayva
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DH: Magnus Valentin Foster
DW: Dalia-Ann Foster [nee Grey]
-DS: Leif Magnus Foster
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DH: Lachlan Randall McCarthy (26)
DW: Emmeline Faye (Osborne) McCarthy (30)DD1: Renee Paulina McCarthy (7)
DD2: Judith Macey McCarthy (5)
DD3/DS1: Carlie Jocelynn McCarthy/Craig Jaycob McCarthy (4)
DD4: Moriah Bryn McCarthy (2)Lachlan and Emmeline McCarthy with Renee, Judith, Carlie, Craig, and Moriah
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DH: Lachlan Heath McMahon (26)
DW: Louisa Cordelia McMahon (22)DD1: Alannah Bryn McMahon (6)
DS1: Houston Reagan McMahon (2)
DS2/DS3: Clinton Gavyn McMahon/Camren Gino McMahon (exp)Lachlan and Louisa McMahon with Alannah, Houston, Clinton, and Camren
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doing this again, because I can!DH: Quintin Howard Holcomb (25)
DW: Ingrid Estelle (McLeod) Holcomb (26)DS1: Broderick Valentin Holcomb (9)
DD1: Moriah Janae Holcomb (8)
DS2: Houston Gino Holcomb (3)
DS3/DD2: Cristopher Davin Holcomb/Carlie Dalia Holcomb (exp)Quentin and Ingrid Holcomb with Broderick, Moriah, Houston, Cristopher, and Carlie
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The Kermode CoupleDH (29): Lochlan Foster Kermode
DW (28): Dominique Renee (Bouchard) Kermode

This message was edited 6/22/2015, 10:12 AM

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DH: Randall Emmet Conrad (23)
DW: Mattie Estelle (Reilly) Conrad (23)DD1: Judith Moriah Conrad (5)
DS1: Aydan Chace Conrad (1)
DS2: Darien Heath Conrad (nb)Randall and Mattie Conrad with Judith, Aydan, and Darien
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DH: Judson Deangelo Guthrie (27)
DW: Louisa Magdalena (O’Neil) Guthrie (27)DS1: Jayvion Heath Guthrie (9)
DS2: Johnathon Houston Guthrie (9)
DS3: Reagan Maddux Guthrie (4)
DS4: Gavyn Craig Guthrie (1)
DD1: Anabel Kiana Guthrie (nb)
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Family: Davin-Magnus -1I just used names from the list as surnames.
So a Celt, a Slav, and an Italian walk into a relationship...DH: Teagan Lachlan Magnus [26]
DH: Valentin Dario Davin [23]
DW: Estella-Lilia Magdalena Giovanny [24]

This message was edited 6/18/2015, 12:55 AM

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LN: ColemanDH: Ephraim Augustine [25]
DW: Clementine Estelle (nee Bridger) [26]DD/DD: Ingrid Reina / Cordelia Mercy [nb]
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H: Craig Deangelo Vaughn
W: Julianne Dalia Landry VaughnD: Tara Yasmin Vaughn
D: Pyper Annalee Vaughn
S/S: Heath Kylen Vaughn / Lachlan Rylen Vaughn
D: Micah Addilynn Vaughn
D: Kailani Ryann Vaughn
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DH: Gordon Leif Bridges
DW: Judith Mercy WellsDS: Reagan Howard Bridges
DD: Julianne Louisa Bridges
DD: Paula Faye Bridges
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DH: Lachlan Heath Foster (30)
DW: Emmeline Tabitha [Braverman] Foster (27)DD: Cordelia Annalee Foster (4)
DD: Magdalena Renee Foster (3)
DD: Louisa Clementine Foster (nb)Lachlan and Emmeline Foster & Cordy, Maggie and Lulu.
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DH: Maximo Aaden Harcourt [24]
DW: Reina Gwen Harcourt [23]
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DH: Turner Lachlan
DW: Estelle Antonia "Elle"DD: Aya Louisa
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Mum: Magdalena PatienceD1: Stevie-Faye
D2: Alisa Mercy
D3: Louisa Annalee
D4: Gwen Antonia
D5: Lilia Nala
S1: Bridger Dash"Mags (34) with: Stevie-Faye (18), Lisa (12), Louisa (11), Gwen (7), Lil (5) and Bridger (nb)."
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DH: Augustine Dominique
DW: Natalya AntoniaDD: Clementine Louisa
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DH (30): Emmet Heath Zaire
DW (26): Julieta Cambria [Boden] DD (3): Emmeline Dalia Zaire
DS (2): Quintin Grey Zaire
DD (nb): Renee Ingrid Zaire
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DH: [26] Lachlan Grey Kerr
DW: [24] Remy Julianne Morgan KerrLachlan and Remy grew up in the same town, but they barely knew each other while they were young. In high school, Remy became friends with Lachlan's younger cousin Piper. Both Lachlan and Remy moved away to different colleges, though they each returned for a summer party with Piper's family the summer after Remy's freshman year. Lachlan couldn't take his eyes off the girl he had always just considered to be his baby cousin's friend. He got her number from Piper, and Remy realized that she liked him, too. They dated through the rest of college. After Lachlan graduated with his degree in advertising, he took a job to be closer to Remy. They got engaged six months after Remy's graduation. Remy works in research and development for a pharmaceutical company, while Lachlan produces advertisements for a local firm.
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H: Ephraim Randall Lyon
W: Tara Janae [Glenn] LyonDS: Vaughn Foster Lyon
DD: Mercedes Ann Lyon
DD: Cordelia Faye Lyon
DS: Lochlan Heath Lyon
DD: Patience Estella Lyon Ephraim + Tara; Vaughn, Mercy, Delia, Loch & Patience
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DH: Anakin Jericho
DW: Tabitha Moriah
DD: Lilia Ireland
DS: Jordy Kale
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DH: Darwin Heath Grey
DW: Kiana Emmeline LandryDH's DS: Darien Bridger Grey
DW's DD/DD: Lilia Astrid Landry / Rosalyn Ingrid Landry
DD: Cordelia Clementine Grey
DD: Julianne Estelle Grey
DD: Alannah Patience Grey
DS: Magnus Gordon Grey
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Camilo Valentin & Dalia Janae--Vaughn Jericho & Faye Julieta--Leif Magnus & Astrid Magdalena--Aya Estelle & Remy Sonia--Santos Grey
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DH: Broderick Grey "Brody"
DW: Julianne MicahDD: Gwen Magdalen
DD: Lilia Clementine
DD: Tabitha Jocelynn
DS: Lachlan Heath
DS: Craig Randall
DD: Mercy Ann
DS/DS: Emmet Johnathon / Ean Jericho
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H: Eliseo Vivaan [27]
W: Lilia Astrid [27]D: Emmeline Antonia [2]
D: Dalia Belen [nb]
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DH: Ean Truman Williamson
DW: Magdalena Scarlette (Santos) WilliamsonDS: Augustine Howard Williamson
DS: Ephraim Gordon Williamson
DD: Cordelia Estelle Williamson
DD: Astrid Clementine Williamson
DD: Sonia Paulina Williamson
DD: Emmeline Faye Williamson
DD: Rosalyn Ingrid Williamson
DS: Quintin Valentin Williamson
DS: Emmet Jericho Williamson
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DH: Randall Magnus Jones (45)
DW: Judith Renee (O'Connor) Jones (38)DS: Lachlan Augustine Jones (nb)
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DW: Antonia Mercedes “Tony”
-xBF: Rolando Efraín
-DH: Heath VaughnDD: Rivka Ingrid "Rivky"
DS: Rodolfo Augustine “Rudy”
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[22] DH: Kale Ephriam Mendel
[21] DW: Faye Julieta [Meredith] Mendel Kale grew up as an only child in the suburbs of New York City. His parents were Aaron and Hadassah Mendel, Jewish hippies. They were both raised in New York in traditional Jewish families, but neither were content living such a strict, religious lifestyle. They somehow found each other among the other Jews in the community and realized they shared the same inner longings. When she was just 16 and he was just 19, they ran off and left New York to travel across the country to California, to the great dismay of their families. They stayed there for awhile, living a poor, but happy life. Once they became restless, they traveled around the U.S. in an old, falling-apart RV for a number of years. It was during that time when Hadassah finally became pregnant. She and Aaron had always wanted a few children, but by that time, she was nearing 40, and they thought it was too late. However, Hadassah conceived, and Kale Ephriam was born 9 months later. He was given the name Ephriam because Aaron and Hadassah wanted to keep a bit of their Jewish ancestry alive in him, and because they believed naming him a name meaning "fruitful" would break the curse of childlessness they feared they had placed on him. After he was born, Aaron and Hadassah moved back to New York to raise Kale near where they had grown up. Although Aaron and Hadassah's relationships with their families were somewhat strained, everyone adored baby Kale and there was no shortage of love surrounding him. He grew up to be a confident and humorous young man. He was slightly arrogant, and a bit of a rebel considering his parents, but he was charming nonetheless. Faye Meredith grew up in rural New York on a farm with enough cows, pigs, chickens, and children to fit on the ark. Her parents, John and Margaret, were old fashioned country folks who, along with Faye, raised ten other children: Natalie, June, Isaac, Julian, Emmett, Oliver, [Faye], Daisy, Marguerite, Mark, and Lucy.

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This message was edited 6/13/2015, 1:33 PM

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H: Magnus Ephraim Benton [25]
W: Emmeline Louisa Mercy Sidney Benton [26]D/D: Lilia Ingrid Estella Benton and Antonia Clementine Judith Benton [1]Magnus (Gus) & Emmeline; Lilia (Lily) and Antonia (Nina).
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The Wakefield Family-1I really can't be bothered to do combos today, so it'll just be first and last names, if that's all right.DH: Augustine Wakefield [37]
DW: Cordelia Hansen-Wakefield [39]DD: Estella Wakefield [7]
DD: Tabitha Wakefield [5]
DS: Magnus Wakefield [0]August and Cora with Stella, Tabby, and MacKeeping Jericho, Leif, Reina, Judith, and Ingrid for later rounds.
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DH: Koen Augustine Grey
DW: Jocelynn Gwen (Dalton) GreyDD: Emmeline Noa Grey
DD: Louisa Cordelia Grey
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Augustine Lachlan Turner
Louisa Clementine Hadlee
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DH: [36] Cristopher Leif Sommer "Kit"
DW: [37] Gwen Estelle Sommer (nee Gottlieb) DD1: [11] Ingrid Anabel Sommer
DD2: [9] Frida Emmeline Sommer
DD3/DD4: [6] Cordelia Patience Sommer / Clementine Astrid Sommer
DD5: [2] Lilia Magdalena Sommer
DS1: [nb] Magnus Howard Sommer
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DH: Lachlan Reagan Foster (35)
DW: Julianne Natalya Dubois Foster (34)DD: Rosalyn Estelle Foster "Rose" (11)
DS: Grey Quintin Foster (9)
DD: Emmeline Ireland Foster "Emmie" (8)
DD/DD: Louisa Tabitha Foster / Lilia Renee Foster "Lily" (5)
DS: Heath Coleman Foster (2)
DS: Benton Vaughn Foster "Ben" (nb)

This message was edited 6/13/2015, 9:23 AM

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The Holloway FamilyDH: Lochlan Kale Holloway, Sr.
DW: Ireland Cordelia {Mason} HollowayDHsDS: Lochlan Kale Holloway, Jr.
DWsDD: Sidney Ann Mason-Keyser
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The Caruso FamilyDH: Magnus Clinton Caruso "Max" (27)
DW: Aubriella Renee [Branković-Banner] Caruso "Ella" (25) Magnus "Max" Clinton Caruso was born twenty-seven years ago to a half-Italian father and a very Irish-looking woman. He was raised number three in a family of four. Unfortunately for him, the other three Caruso children were girls. This meant lots of dress up and dolls for him, at least when he was very little. His oldest sister is five years older than he is. The one between him and the oldest is two years older than Max. The youngest is only a year younger than he is. Due to the age difference, this made Max and his younger sister become very close to each other. As they grew up and he started finding joy in more stereotypically masculine activities, she grew more interested in those as well, becoming more of a tomboy whereas her older sisters tended more towards the girly side of things. Life was okay for the Caruso family. The parents got along fairly well. They had their disagreements, of course, but they usually were able to figure things out after awhile. The older two were a pair and the younger two were a pair. In the Caruso household, life was good. That is, until Max and his younger sister were in a terrible car crash when he was seventeen and she was sixteen. They were on their way back from the midnight premiere of a long-awaited movie. It was almost three in the morning. As they drove back, deep into conversation about the movie, Max, distracted and speeding, ran a red light and rammed directly into another car. The traffic was fast paced and, their car having skidded as it ran into the other, another car slammed into it. The wreckage and the aftermath was not pretty. Neither Max nor his sister were in good shape. The ambulance arrived and rushed them to the hospital. She was injured badly, to the point that for awhile no one knew if she would live or die. Max was injured as well, but not to the point of death. After the doctors did all they could for her, his sister passed away several hours later. When he heard the news, Max began to blame himself for her death. It had been he who had suggested they go to the premiere. It had been he who was driving. It had been he who was speeding and distracted. It had been he who had caused the accident. Of course it was his fault!

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DH: Augustine Osvaldo Bennett "Gus" (25)
DW: Ingrid Magdalena Bennett, née Jonsson (24)DD: Astrid Clementine Bennett (3)
DS: Magnus Valentin Bennett (1)
DD: Estelle Frida Bennett (exp.)
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DH: Howard Lachlan Bishop "Howie" (23)
DW: Natalya Emmeline (Rustev) Bishop "Talya" (23)DH: Gordon Emmet Bishop "Gordo" (25)
DW: Rosalyn Ann (Lewiston) Bishop "Rose" (24)Howie and Tayla met in college--both of them were studying social work and had interests in history and music. They took many of the same classes. By the end of their sophomore year, they were dating steadily, and six weeks after the start of their senior year, they were engaged. Their wedding took place in mid-September following their graduation.
Talya is currently working full time supervising a group home and Howie has a part-time job working as a hospice social worker while he is going to graduate school to pursue a master's degree in Social Work.
Howie and Talya are renting a two bedroom apartment that they share with Howie's brother, Gordo and his wife, Rose. Gordo and Rose are a few years older than Howie and Talya, but they are both in grad school and working part-time. Between the four of them, they are able to pay the bills, put money into savings, and begin to pay off the loans they incurred during their undergraduate schooling.
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DH: Heath Magnus
DW: Tara EstellaDD1/DD2: Jocelynn Faye/Julianne Miya
DD3: Carlie Tabitha
DS1: Aaden Howard
DD4: Paulina Renee
DD5: Sidney Anniston
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