[Games] Beyond The Top 1000 KUY Congrats! Round 5
Round 1: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/4609986
Round 2: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/4610410
Round 3: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/4610872
Round 4: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/4611700Names 1401-1500
Lonnie Sky Tylan Vernon Yitzchok Antony Braedyn Demarion Dezmond Domenic Emil Emmit Ender Khai Neal Nikola Wiley Yoel Alexavier Braxtyn Clifton Cordell Kalvin Kayleb Monroe Savion Tzvi Eder Johnnie Damani Hussein Kenyon Kolt Kyrin Aamir Boaz Rishi Thor Tyce Chaz Danilo Dev Irving Jakari Jaysen Josef Massimo Gentry Jahmir Jones Kurt Mauro Thorin Zyon Ansh Jordon Loki Myron Raleigh Terence Zayvion Anas Arman Constantine Damir Don Eliyahu Kellin Koa Miguelangelo Morris Palmer Veer Archie Fred Jaiceon Jeramiah Kenan Ansel Axle Bernardo Brigham Dewayne Ervin Jaleel Jamil Jayveon Jencarlos Kaine Karsyn Landin Lev Marek Nestor Niam Ryley Viaan Ishan JakaiGIRLS
Ivana Marin Raylynn Skylah Yaneli Darla Donna Guinevere Karley Maura Mayra Shanaya Yvette Imogen Jamya Sheila Winnie Dayanna Gisele Kamiyah Leticia Sapphire Shyla Azul Eleni Geraldine Lidia Nadine Yaretzy Abbey Alex Charlene Journi Marcella Pepper Sonya Susanna Carmella Jael Jaylen Jazzlyn Mariella Mireya Shaylee Angely Briar Brookelynn Cayla Emmerson Evangelina Ezra Keziah Linnea Avalon Calista Delanie Yara Aida Clover Dafne Dalila Gina Maribel Shania Analise Farah Jaclyn Quincy Sarina Soleil Ayesha Evolet Layan Bridgette Lucie Margo Tina Yoselin Alba Aracely Araya Arlene Claira Izabel Lacy Lela Toni Yamilet Alyse Cambrie Carol Carrie Evelina Jaiden Kalea Nailah Ariane Denisse Irie Keeley
Archived Thread - replies disabled
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DH: Jorden Cale
DW: Jacquelyn MicaelaDD: Nathalia Jayde
-DH: Zackery Fredrick 'Zack'
--DS: Kadyn Brennen
--DD: Addelyn Kirsten
--DS: Jaxsen Dillan
--DD: Haylie JaquelineDD: Cristina Cecily
-DH: Zachery Gray 'Zach'
--DS: Austen Isaak
--DD: Adyson Izzabella
--DD: Audree Lilyann
--DD: Aniston SeraphinaDS: Branden Kooper
-DW: Sonya Leticia
--DD: Marin Aracely
--DD: Carrie Ariane
--DD: Brookelynn Soleil
--DS/DS: Landin Josef / Jordon Jaysen
--DD: Lacy Mireya
--DD: Jaclyn Abbey
--DD: Alyse KarleyDD: Kaitlin Selina 'Kate'
DD: Ellianna Carley
DS: Aedan Aleksander
DD: Maren Leilah
DD: Adilynn Rachael

This message was edited 7/2/2015, 1:52 AM

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DH: Eliot Gerard Proctor
DW: Belle Vienna Gibson ProctorDD: Ramona Cecily Proctor Wilson "Romy"
-DH: Oskar Murphy Wilson
--DS: Dashiell Forest Wilson "Dash"
--DD: Calista Soleil Wilson "Calla"DD: Tess Vivien Proctor
-DH: Finnian Huxley O'Neill "Finn"
--DD: Imogen Margo O'Neill DS: Louie Torin Proctor
-DW: Alba Yvette Jones ProctorDS: Sidney Lyle Proctor
-DW: Linnea Lucie [Sanderson] Proctor
--DS: Archie Clifton ProctorDD: Florence Darcy Proctor
DD: Agnes Persephone Proctor
DD: Betty Adela Proctor
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DH: Jarrett Brendon Carter (36)
DW: Charlize Regan [Imell] Carter (35)
-DS: Linus Sheldon Carter (17)
--DGf: Ivana Gisele Cassidy (17)
--DS: Thor Boaz Cassidy Carter (1)

-DD: Alora Haylie Carter (13)
-DS: Benedict Kent Carter (12)
-DS/DS: Sebastien Bailey Carter / Pierson Mikah Carter (2)The past two or so years have been fairly packed. About a year and a half to two years ago, Linus brought home his friend Ivana Cassidy, a girl he had several classes with, went to a school dance with, and had developed a crush on. Turns out, Ivana had feelings for Linus as well and before they had even officially started dating, they were expecting a child together. Linus was scared. He had no idea what to do. He was only sixteen! He had his whole life ahead of him! Fortunately, Charlize and Jarrett were incredibly supportive and helped Linus and Ivana through the whole experience. Ivana's parents were quite supportive and helpful as well. A year ago, Linus and Ivana welcomed their son Thor. He lives with his mother but Linus is almost always at her place anyway. Or if he's not there, she comes over and spends time at the Carter household. It's a win-win situation for everyone.
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DH: Robin Alistair
DW: Cecily NathaliaDD: Vivien Gwyneth
- DH: Isaak Andreas
-- DS: Dashiell Lucius
-- DS: Emil ConstantineDD: Carina Tess
- exBf: Finnian Rome
-- DD/DD: Nellie Anita & Adaline Loretta
- Bf: Ervin Nestor
-- DD: Gisele Ivana
-- DD: Lucie AyeshaDS: Edmund Harris
- DW: Vida Elia
-- DS: Massimo Jaysen
-- DD: Evelina AlexDS: Viktor Shepherd
- DW: Marisa Opal
-- DS: Sebastien Pierson
-- DD: Tina GuinevereDD: Anais Katrina (twin)
- DW: Karley Donna
-- DD: Linnea Margo SoleilDD: Audra Maren (twin)
- Bf: Loki VernonDS: Josias Eamon
DD: Violeta Marlie
DS: Benedict Jet
DD: Adela Louise
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DH: Cormac Slade
DW: Poppy VivienDD: Audra Maren
DD: Louise Della "Lou"
DS: Sebastien Gray
DD: Imogen Briar
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DH: Edmund Antoine
DW: Larissa ElinaDD: Zoya Katerina
DS: Aleksander Karl
DS: Linus Viktor
DD/DD: Calliope Violette, Persephone Louise
DS/: Bastian Lucius, Beatrix Viviana
DD: Evelina Aida
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Don Kenyon
Emil Alexavier
Loki Nestor
Ansel Gentry
Rishi ConstantineShyla Clover
Margo Calista
Alba Yvette
Sapphire Avalon
Guinevere Aïda
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DH: Harris Edmund Bell
DW: Ramona Jacquelyn {Sutton} BellDD: Elina Fallon {Bell} Shepherd {Eliot's twin}
- DH: Keelan Murphy Shepherd
- DS: Thorin Kayleb ShepherdDS: Eliot Graeme Bell {Elina's twin}
- GF: Meera Blythe Aniston
- GFsDD: Seraphina Adley Aniston
- DD: Lidia Charlene BellDD: Annaliese Spencer Bell
- BF: Kaine Eder BrighamDD: Blaire Eisley Bell
DS: Laith Idris Bell

This message was edited 6/3/2015, 7:56 PM

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H: Ross Harris Mara
W: Kourtney Jacquelyn [Savage] Mara DD1: Vienna Joelle [Mara] Lawrence Kind
DD2: Fallon Haleigh [Mara] Gallagher
DS1: Linus Ewan Mara
DD3: Audra Shea [Mara] Schwimmer Ross + Kourtney; Vienna, Fallon, Linus & Audra **DD1: Vienna Joelle [Mara] Lawrence Kind
exH: Jayden Smith LawrenceDS: Zachery Beck Lawrence
DD: Geneva Tyler LawrenceH: Chaz Palmer KindStepS: Thorin Gentry Kind
StepS: Loki Nester KindJay + Vienna; Zach & Gen
Chaz + Vienna; Thorin & Loki
**DD2: Fallon Haleigh [Mara] Gallagher
H: Vince Fredrick DD: Vivianna Nellie Gallagher
DS: Wes Leyton Gallagher
Evelina Nadine GallagherVince + Fallon; Anna, Wes & Eve**DS1: Linus Ewan Mara
W: Maritza Selene [Guerrero] MaraDD // DD: Adela Essence Mara // Sofie Yuliana Mara
DS: Bernardo Jordon MaraLinus + Maritza; Adela, Sofie, & Nardo**DD3: Audra Shea [Mara] Schwimmer
H: Cal Wallace SchwimmerDD: Mika Aniston Schwimmer
Raleigh Monroe SchwimmerCal + Audra; Mika & Raleigh

This message was edited 6/2/2015, 9:20 AM

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DH: Derick Graeme Evans
DW: Jayde Krystal [Campbell] EvansDS: Campbell Robin Evans "Cam"
-DW: Robin Jenesis [Bently] Evans
-DS: Bently Norman Evans "Ben"
-DD: Kensington Audra Evans "Kenna"
-DD: Marlowe Adalee Evans "Marley"
-DD: Tinsley Annabeth Evans "Tia"DD: Adilene Vienna [Evans] Colson "Ada"
-DH: Benedict Zackery Colson
-DS: Eamon Benedict Colson
-DD: Selene Violette Colson
-DD: Lorena Abrianna ColsonDS: Cormac Sutton Evans
-DW: Alanis Blythe [Tyler] Evans "Ally"
-DS: Maddex Bailey Evans "Max"
-DD: Seraphina Adyson Evans "Sera"
-DS: Zachery Jenson Evans "Zach"
-DS: Quinten Huxley Evans "Quinn"
-DD: Tianna Leilany Evans "Tia"
-DD: Audree Meera Evans "Aud"
-DS: Lucius Caysen Evans "Luca"
-DD: Vivianna Colbie Evans "Viva"DD: Charlize Destinee [Evans] Irwin
-DH: Constantine Marek Irwin
-DD: Evangelina Ariane Irwin
-DD: Leticia Charlene Irwin
-DD: Bridgette Nadine Irwin
DD: Gwyneth Carina Evans "Gwen"
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DH: Tadeo "Tad" Cortez [59]
DW: Campbell "Cammy" August [60]DS: Sutton Cormac Decker [35]
-DW: Audra Spencer [34]
--DD/DD: Shea Chandler / Maren Annabeth [15]
--DS: Beck Micaiah [9]DD: Ramona Austyn Elora [33]
-DH: Kruz Brennen [36]
--DS: Tobin Vince Cashton [10]
--DS: Aksel Wilder Canon [8]
--DD: Jubilee Luisa Carsyn [6]
--DD: Avalon Soleil Cambrie [4]
--DS: Zyon Kolt Constantine [2] DS: Harris Edmund Denver [32]
-exDgf: Asha Rosalyn [31]
--DS: Smith Francesco [14]
-DW: Raya Sailor [29]
--DD: Palmer Vida [7]
--DS: Murphy Austen [5]
--DS: Jones Marek [3] DD: Gwyneth "Gwyn" Ashtyn Brisa [30]
-DW: Viola Calliope [30]
--ADD: Aida Briar Evangelina [5]
--ADD: Yara Eleni Guinevere [nb]
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DS: Alistair Cormac
DS: Edmund Harris
DS: Clarence Graeme (Ren)
DD: Lyra Cecily
DD: Poppy Larissa
DS: Sidney Ira (Sid)
DD/DD: Veda Theresa and Zelda Elodie
DD: Maxine Anneliese
DD: Florence Persephone
DS: Alaric Cornelius
DD: Louise Calliope (Lou)
DD/DS: Seraphina Loretta and Oskar Lazarus
DS/DD/DD: Dashiell Caius and Opal Isadora and Beatrix Blythe (Dash)
DD/DD: Imogen Carol and Briar Guinevere
DD: Maura Evangelina
DS: Kalvin Constantine (Kal)

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SO: Larissa Jacquelyn
SO: Carlo OctavioD: Rhea Gwyneth
-SO: Lucius Clifford
--D: Flora LuisaD: Mavis Ramona
-DW: Opal Janice
--D/S: Loretta Beatrix / Eleazar AubreyS: Clarence Cormac
-GF: Leticia Evelina
--D: Guinevere Gisele
S: Abner Otis
-DH: Clifton Ansel
--S/S/S: Boaz Terence / Emil Constantine / Marek Nestor

D: Vivien Cecily
S: Gerard Milton
S: Edmund Eliot
D: Zelda Anais
S: Ulysses Alton
D: Viola Pamela
S: Nigel Cornelius
D: Lorena Marian
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DH: Todd Brysen McAllister (57)
DW: Devyn Promise (Laughton) McAllister "Dev" (56)
DS: Shiloh Edmund McAllister (28)
--DW: Marisa Cailyn (Summers) McAllister (28)
--DD: Sonya Imogen McAllister (3)
--DS: Domenic Irving McAllister "Dom" (1)

DD: Karissa Scout (McAllister) Robinson (25)
--DH: Zachery Noble Robinson "Zach" (25)
--DS: Aven Murphy Robinson (6)
--DS: Maddex Korben Robinson "Max" (5)
--DS: Jeramiah Kaine Robinson "Jery" (3)
--DD: Sarina Gisele Robinson (1)

DD: Kelsie Maren (McAllister) Peters (24)
--DH: Kalvin Terence Peters "Kal" (24)
--DS: Kayleb Antony Peters (2)
--DS: Karsyn Raleigh Peters (0)

DS: Kyan Perry McAllister (23)
--DW: Gina Yvette (Crittenden) McAllister (21)
--DD/DD: Avalon Nadine McAllister "Ava" and Keziah Jael McAllister "Kezi" (0)

Dog: Kyrie (Puggle female)(10)
Dog: Clifford (Great Dane male)(8)
Dog: Thor (Black lab male)(4)Five years have gone by.
Shiloh and Marisa have two children, three year old Sonya, and one year old Dom. Shiloh is in his sixth year of eight in the Air Force. He enjoys what he is doing, and plans to re-up when his time is completed.
Karissa and Zach's little family has grown by two--a third son and a little girl have joined the family.
Kelsie and her boyfriend, Kal, were married three years ago, when they both graduated from college. Kelsie has put her career on hold, for now, so that she can stay at home and be a mother to her boys, Kayleb and Karsyn.
Kyan, now 23, was married eighteen months ago, after graduating from the Air Force Academy. He and his wife, Gina, just welcomed twins to the family! They are a little overwhelmed, but Kyan has spent a lot of time around his nieces and nephews.
In addition to doting on her ten grandchildren, Devyn continues to take Kyrie and Clifford to hospitals and nursing homes in the area, as therapy dogs. She now has Todd in on the action, and Todd recently purchased his first therapy dog, a friendly black lab named Thor.
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DH: Avi Merrick [64]
DW: Cecily Noor [63]DD: Elina Vivien [37]
-DH: Tobin Zev [40]
--DS: Benedict Mikhail [11]
--DS: Avraham Josias "Avram" [7]
--DD: Seraphina Blythe [5]DS: Tadeo Nikhil [35]
-DW: Asha Samiya [36]
--DD: Katarina Violette [10]
--DD: Adela Marian [8]
--DS: Johann Caius [4]
--DS: Lev Aamir [3]DD: Lyra Saanvi [33]
--DD: Mariela Nalani [3]
-DH: Josef Marek [32]
--DD: Linnea Keziah [nb]DD: Sylvie Anneliese [30]
-Dgf: Alessia Davina [30]
--ADD: Susanna Kalea [6]
--ADD: Eleni Soleil [2]DD: Maren Elodie [28]
-DH: Andreas Noble [29]
--DS: Eliyahu Dev "Eli" [1]
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The Johnston FamilyDH: Jean Gilberto Johnston
DW: Shannon Kaya JohnstonDS: Brendon Demarcus Johnston
-DW: Malka Janet Johnston (nee Rinehart)
--DS: Eder Bernardo Johnston
DD: Nathalia Jurnee Johnston
DD/DS: Preslee Zoya Johnston/ Zahir Cairo Johnston
DS/DD/DS: Tiago Fredrick Johnston/ Karli Nahla Johnston/ Zev Alaric Johnston
The Hart FamilyDH: Maxx Pierre Hart
DW: Promise Kailynn HartDD: Poppy Esperanza Hart
-DBF: Leeland Izaac Heo
--DS/DD: Loki Braedyn Hart-Heo/ Keeley Gisele Hart-Heo
DS: Aston Malaki Hart
DD: Persephone Asha Hart
DS: Laith Jacobi Hart
The de Vries FamilyDH: Edmund Immanuel de Vries
Ex-DGF: Charlize Adilene HollandDD: Avalyn Honesty de Vries
-DBF: Finnian Marquise FordDW: Maylee Deanna de VriesDS/DS: Nikko Cornelius de Vries/ Mikhail Jordi de Vries
DD: Kiersten Kynleigh de Vries
DD: Amora Suri de Vries
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The Arden-Mariano Family -5DW: Nathalia Brisa Tess Arden
DH: Shiloh Immanuel Mariano
Dbf: Camryn Harris MerrickDS: Sutton Briar
DW: Evangelina Maura
DS: Thor Massimo Lev
AS: Loki Constantine Veer
D: Belle Kaya
DD: Ramona Poppy
DS: Alistair Robin
DS/DD: Brighton Fox & Maren Zoya
DD: Florence Sunny
DS/DS/DS: Dashiell Beck & Bastian Hollis & Addison Gray
Yep, I let them adopt a kid and name him Loki.

This message was edited 6/1/2015, 2:52 PM

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DH: Eliot Ross
DW: Poppy CecilyDS: Brogan Alistair
-DW: Shea Annabeth
--DD: Maren Anneliese
--DD: Silvia Louise
--DD: Geneva Christiana "Eva"DS: Cormac Dale
-DW: Roxanne Elodie "Roxy"
--DD: Theresa Ophelia "Tessa"
--DD/DD: Kirsten Della "Kirstie" / Gretchen Viola
--DD: Linnea GuinevereDD: Kaitlin Belle (Arden's twin)
-DH: Tobin Perry "Toby"
--DD: Blaire Florence
--DD: Blythe Isadora
--DD: Briar GiseleDD: Arden Joelle (Kaitlin's twin)
-DH: Benedict Adler "Ben"
--DD: Vivianna Seraphina "Vivi"
--DD: Evangelina Marcella "Eva"DS: Lyle Glenn
-DW: Karly Marisa
--DS: Finnian Jenson "Finn"
--DD: Bridgette MargoDD: Jana Sylvie
-DH: Maksim Oskar "Max"
--DS: Gray Sebastien
--DS: Neal Terence
--DD: Keeley Evelina

This message was edited 6/1/2015, 1:55 PM

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Time Jump!H: Edmund Cormac Lathan (46)
W: Cecily Rhea Graeme Lathan (49)D: Vivien Ramona Lathan (24)
--F: Lev Emil Tibilov (25)
S: Ulysses Linus Lathan (23)
D: Elodie Sylvie Lathan (21)
--Bf: Antony Terence Brigham (23)
S: Alaric Idris Lathan (19)
D: Davina Agnes Lathan (17)
D: Isadora Beatrix Lathan (15)
D: Susanna Imogen Lathan (10)Cats: Lucius and Luisa
Dog: Margo (terrier mix)Cat: Zelda - deceasedEdmund (Ned) & Cecily (Ceci); Vivien, Ulysses, Elodie, Alaric (Alic), Davina (Davy), Isadora, and Susanna.
Vivien & Lev.
Elodie (Elle) & Antony.
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DH: [87] Jean Pierre
DW: [84] Tess RamonaDD: [58] Poppy Gwyneth
- - DH: [60] Guy Emir- DD: [33] Ophelia Robin
- - - DH: [34] Antony Nestor
- - DS: [0] Emil Constantine
Ophelia and Antony with Emil- DS: [31] Linus Shepherd
- - - DW: [31] Imogen MauraLinus and Imogen- DD: [28] Annabeth Maxine
- - DS: [0] Kenyon JosefAnnabeth with KenyonPoppy and Guy with Lia, Linus, and AnnieDS: [55] Cormac Robin
- - DW: [54] Theresa Noël- DS: [30] Lyle Keller
- - - DW: [32] Susanna CarolLyle and Susa- DD: [27] Alora MarianCormac and Theresa with Lyle and AloraDD: [52] Cecily Belle
- - DH: [53] Idris Benedict- DS: [24] Nigel Alaric
- - - DBf: [24] Archie ErvinNigel and Archie- DS: [21] Clifford LazarusCecily and Idris with Nigel and CliffDS: [50] Eliot Ralph
- - DBf: [49] Fredrick Tiago
- ADS: [18] Maksim Andreas
- ADD: [13] Flora LuisaEliot and Freddie with Maksim and FloraDS: [43] Avi Edmund- DD: [23] Viola Florence
- - - DBf: [21] Ansel Eder- - DW: [41] Christiana Anita
- DS: [12] Zephaniah Beck
- DD: [10] Geneva BeatrixAvi and Christie with Viola, Zeph, and GinnyJean and Tess with Poppy, Cormac, Cecily, Eliot, and Avi
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DH: Edmund Otis Smythe
DW: Gwyneth Esperanza (Carson) SmytheDS: Eliot Immanuel Smythe
-DW: Hillary Geneva (Walters) Smythe
--DS: Lucius Quinten Smythe
--DS: Clifford Johann Smythe
--DD: Isadora Alanis Smythe
--DD: Seraphina Elia SmytheDD: Romina Joelle (Smythe) Gwinn
-DH: Josef Ender Gwinn
--DS: Thor Constantine Gwinn
--DD: Sonya Linnea Gwinn
--DD: Dafne Geraldine Gwinn
--DD: Eleni Calista Gwinn
--DD: Avalon Bridgette Gwinn
--DS: Ansel Raleigh Gwinn
DD: Zelda Elodie Smythe
DD: Ophelia Annabeth Smythe
DS: Viktor Ewan Smythe
DD: Calliope Adela Smythe
DD/DS: Viola Celina Smythe & Lucien Eamon Smythe
DD/DS: Agnes Yesenia Smythe & Alaric Josias Smythe
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DH: Cale Eliot
DW: Akira Noor KateleyaDD: Elora Joelle
-DH: Jacen Yaakov
-DS: Dashiell Gray Zephanias
-DD: Guinevere Marin Briar
-DD: Calista Imogen EvangelinaDS: Canaan Avi
-DW: Keila Jovie
-DS: Finnian Alexandro
-DS: Loki ConstantineDS: Robin Alistair
-DW: Vida Isadora
-DD: Elana Seraphina
-DS: Destin Eleazar
-DS: Khai Jordon
-DS: Ender ThorinDS: Mordechai Haven
-Dgf: Mireya Avalon
-DD/DD: Yara Kalea / Yoselin AlbaDD: Elodie Marlowe
DD: Maren Ophelia
DS/DS: Eason Jaeden / Viktor Dhruv
DD: Vada Persephone
DS: Keanu Jacobi
DD: Marlie Calliope
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SO: Noor Gwyneth
SO: Eliot GraemeDS1: Westley Mariano
DD1: Lillyana Elodie
DD2: Viola Selene
DS2: Oskar Lazarus
DS1: Westley Mariano
SO: Tess SarahiDD: Vivien Lyra
--SO: Tobin Alaric
--DS: Hollis Wes Finnian
--DD: Soraya Vivianna Opal
--DS: Emil Tyce ConstantineDS: Alistair Cormac
--SO: Gaius EleazarDS: Octavio Robin
--DD: Alanis MarielaDD: Cecily Carina
--SO: Kurt Boaz
--DD: Eleni ImogenDD1: Lillyana Elodie
SO: Stephan CairoDS: Mordechai ViktorDS: Simeon Lyle
--SO: Ariane Sonya
--DD: Margo Soleil
--DD: Gisele MireyaDS: Karl Aleksander Guy
--SO: Aracely CalistaDD2: Viola SeleneDD/DD: Nya Silvia & Asha Marian
DS2: Oskar Lazarus
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DW: Kaya Selina Merrick
DH: Jarrett Alistair CaleDD: Cecily Tess Merrick
--DH: Koda Jabari Aston
----DD: Dariana Rosalyn Aston
----DS: Caius Eliel Aston
------Dgf: Ayesha Jael Kaine
----DD: Seraphina Blythe Aston
----DD: Guinevere Marin AstonDD: Rhea Joelle Merrick
--Dbf: Kain Tobin PresleyDS: Linus Ewan Merrick
--DW: Davina Louise Rowdy
----DS: Oskar Finnian Merrick-Rowdy
------Dgf: Evelina Soleil Keeley
----DD: Aida Imogen Merrick-Rowdy
DD: Delia Roxanne Merrick
--DW: Marisa Janet Tyler
----DD: Soraya Elana Tyler
----DD: Isadora Annette Tyler
----DD: Calista Ivana TylerDD: Jana Everlee Merrick
--Dbf: Hollis Dashiell Wilder
----DS: Morris Neal Wilder
----DD: Keziah Avalon Wilder
DD: Calliope Selene Merrick
--exBf: Lucius Micaiah Austen
----DD/DS: Sebastien Austen Merrick / Kyrie Adaline Merrick
--DH: Thor Emil Eder
----DH's DS: Antony Vernon Eder
----DD: Linnea Susanna Eder
DS: Lucien Alaric Merrick
--DW: Tianna Opal Beck
----DS: Cordell Wiley Merrick
----DD/DD: Briar Maribel Merrick / Thorin Raleigh Merrick

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Dad: Jakobe Kooper
Mum: Belle AmarisS: Edmund Ledger
D: Ramona Ellis
D: Lyra Honesty
D: Maxine Scout
S/S: Sidney Cian & Brighton Fox
D: Beatrix Rita
S: Jenson Isaak
AD: Sapphire Eleni [adopted aged 5yrs old]Dog: Sunny the female miniature dapple Dachshund
Dog: Sky the male Husky-Alsatian cross"Jak (42.5) and Belle (40) with: Edmund (18.5), Mona (16), Lyra (14.5), Maxie (12.5), Sidney & Brighton (11), Sapphire (9), Trixie (7) and Jenson (4.5); plus Sunny (10) and Sky (4)."
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Alistair Roderick Brogan & Charity Gwyneth Ellery
* Eliot Robin Brogan
* Cecily Lyra Brogan
* Edmund Ralph Brogan
* Zelda Elodie Brogan
* Benedict Idris Brogan
* Seraphina Beatrix Brogan
* Imogen Lucie Brogan
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DH: Sutton Edmund
DW: Ellery Gwyneth DS: Garrison Merrick
-DW: Jana Emerald
--DS: Torin Lyle
--DD/DD: Kinsey Rachael / Kendal Rosalee
--DS: Eason Mccoy DS: Graeme Kenton
-DW: Lorena Gretchen
--DS: Eamon Benedict
--DD: Kirsten Annaleigh
--DD: Whitley Maryjane
--DS/DD: Gaige Adler / Gracyn AdelaDD: Adilene Promise
-DH: Ewan Norman
--DD: Anneliese Sylvie
--DD: Antonella Maxine
--DD: Audra Lennox
--DD: Addalyn Gisselle
--DS: Alton Shepherd
--DS: Aedan ColterDD: Amaris Charity
-DH: Noble Pierson
--DS: Micaiah Jaron
--DS: Westyn Gray
--DD: Blythe Leigha
--DS: Rome Sebastien
--DD: Jubilee TamaraDD: Aleigha Karis
-DH: Emmit Neal
--DS: Gentry Landin
--DS: Brigham Jones
--DS: Clifton Palmer
--DD: Skylah Lacy
--DS: Raleigh Monroe
--DD: Nadine Guinevere
--DD: Raylynn Soleil
--DD: Keeley Avalon
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LN: Ross
DH: Alistair Lathan [46]
DW: Gwyneth Adilene (nee Campbell) [44]DD: Ramona Promise Ross [21]
-DBf: Antony Constantine Monroe [23]
-DD: Alyse Guinevere Monroe [nb]
DS: Linus Bernard [20]
-DGf: Marin Imogen Delanie [20]DD: Maxine Coral [16]
DD/DS: Agnes Viola / Cornelius Nigel [12]
DS: Clifford Lloyd [10]
DD: Winnie Geraldine [9]
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MineDH: Ledger Westley
DW: Analia BayleighDS: Robin Jai
-DW: Ashanti Sailor
-DS: Taj Alaric
-DD: Nahla Silvia
-DD: Asha Sunny
-DS: Tiago JordiDS: Shiloh Alistair
-DW: Adela Eisley
-DS: Canon Rome
-DS: Destin Zephaniah
-DD: Kyrie SorayaDD: Romina Jayde "Rome"
-DH: Bailey Austen
-DD: Seraphina Leilany
-DS: Alek Bastian
-DS: Archie JordonDD: India Anneliese “Indi” (twin to Cairo)DS: Cairo Aleksander (twin to Indi)
-DW: Sarina Guinevere
-DD: Ariane Sapphire
-DD: Clover Abbey
-DD: Irie Shania
DD: Sylvie Lillyana
DS: Xavi KodaLedger and Analia have Robin, Shiloh, Rome, Indi, Cairo, Sylive and Xavi.
Robin and Ashanti have Taj, Nahla, Asha and Tiago.
Shiloh and Adela have Canon, Destin and Kyrie.
Rome and Bailey have Sera, Alek and Archie.
Cairo and Sarina have Ari, Clover and Irie.

This message was edited 6/1/2015, 1:03 AM

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