[Opinions] Malachy
What do you think about this name? I saw it somewhere yesterday and all of a sudden started to like it.
I think it would be perfect for a big, fuzzy cat, but I like it for a boy too.
Note: Malachy, not Malachi! Does the sea exist
Because of our longing?
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I like it, but I love Malachi :)
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Love Malachy; was introduced to it when I discovered it is the name of my Irish 4th gr grandfather, given on the marriage record of his son, my Irish 3rd gr grandfather. My Malachy was a stonemason.I've long loved Malachi.
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Love love love. I've loved it for years. There was a time I would've easily used it too, but not anymore. It's joined my little collection of names that mean a lot to me and I keep stored away to look at and give me warm fuzzies on occasion. It's definitely a very huggable name.Funny enough, I really dislike Malachi. Both the look and the sound. Changing one letter/syllable makes all the difference to me!

This message was edited 5/12/2015, 1:10 PM

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Malachy is a top four or five name for me. I absolutely adore it. Malachi is great too, very dashing and mysterious. But Malachy has the Irish romance to it that I can't resist. (Disclosure: I'm Irish - U.S.) Malachy would make a fab cat name. We named our male cat Fergus (Melchior) and he'd love a brother named Malachy.
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I've always loved Malachy for a little boy, but I think the "Mal-" at the beginning just me think of the prefix meaning "bad" or "unfortunate".I know they're not related (like Mallory, for instance), but I guess it's been enough to turn me away.I hope you can look past that the way I couldn't :)
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I like Malachi. I don't like Malachy, sorry. I mispronounce it as ma-lockey every time, and feel like it is less legit than Malachi.
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