[Games] Viatrix's Procrastination KUY Congrats [Round One] (+ zero)
Optional: if you want to name parents
Surname must come from a famous scientist.SO1's initials must be HE, LI, BE, NE or NA
SO2's initials must be MG, AL, SI, CL or AR
---If your name starts with P, H, Y, S, I or C – you have a boy!
If it doesn't, you have a girl!
First name:female names come from female physicists of the 19th and 20th centuries, and male names come from their partners, husbands and male childrenFemale:
 Agnes Ann Anna Anne Berta Bertha Betsy Bice Bruria Carole Caroline Catherine Catrina Cécile Chiara Chien-Shiung Christiane Claire Doris Edith Elisabeth Elise Eliza Elizaveta Emilie Esther Evans Fanny Fay Gail Gertrude Harriet Helen Hertha Hilda Ida Inge Isabelle Jenny Johanna Judy Juliet Katharine Kathleen Kirstine Leona Lisa Lorella Louise Lucy Luise Magda Marcia Margaret Margrete Marguerite Maria Marietta Mary Massimilla Melba Mildred Mileva Milla Myriam Nancy Nina Noemie Patricia Paule Pelageya Phoebe Phyllis Rebecca Renata Rhoda Rosalyn Sarah Sau-Lan Shirley Sulamith Ursula Wilhelmine Yvette Yvonne
 Aaron Alain Albert Andrei Arthur Benjamin Bruno Bryce Cao Edward Emil Frank Fred Gene Gerald Gerson Gus Gustave Harold Heinz Jean John Joseph Leonardo Léonce Luke Marc Maurice Morris Peter Rafael Samuel Shirley Stephen Thomas Torleif Walter Willard William Zellig*
First middle name: from the last names of physicists
Ampere, Albert, Allison, Ashby, Becquerel, Bennet, Bohr, Callan, Carroll, Carter, Casimir, Clark, Cooper, Dalton, Douglas, Einstein, Ellis, Ernst, Edison, Frank, Franklin, Galilei, Georgi, Gilbert, Henry, Hertz, Huxley, Jaynes, Jacobi, Kepler, Kirchhoff, LaBelle, Lane, Lee, Leighton, Leslie, Marshall, Maxwell, May, Melia, Montgomery, Newton, Ohm, Olive, Pascal, Quinn, Ramsey,  Randall, Rayleigh, Rontgen, Sagan, Stefan, Tesla, Tyson, Volta, Watt, Wolf, Zoller, Zimmer *
Second middle name: *optional*
Contains “ph”.
* http://daisynamegames.tumblr.com/
Archived Thread - replies disabled
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DH: Cade Landon Graham
DW: Lauren Isabella (Smith) GrahamDD: Elisabeth May Graham
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LN: Jaynes
DW: Beatrix Elizabeth
DH: August Leander (Gus)DD: Leona Olive Seraphine
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H: Nathanael Ashley Ohlin
W: Sophia Isabelle Lovelace
D: Juliet May Ohlin
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H: Harrison Emmett Faraday
W: Adrianna Layne [Nye] FaradayDD: Elisabeth Quinn FaradayHarry + Adrianna; Lissy
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SO1: Lucas Isaac Callan
SO2: Ashton Leslie CallanDD: Marguerite Olive Callan
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LN: Einstein
DH: Nicholas Edgar Einstein
DW: Christinana Louise (Bell) Einstein DD: Johanna Tesla Einstein

This message was edited 5/12/2015, 4:27 PM

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DH: [25] Nathaniel August Kepler
DW: [24] Anise Rachel FaradayDD: [0] Phyllis May Kepler
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DW: Helena Enid
DW: Aster Rose
DD: Eliza Ernst
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DH: Benjamin Edmund Tesla
DW: Margalit Giselle [Hawking] TeslaDD: Agnes May Tesla
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SO: Lillian Iris Bohr (29)
SO: Marcus Gabriel Bohr (28)DS: Gustave Maxwell (nb)

This message was edited 5/10/2015, 6:13 AM

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Surname: RutherfordDH: Logan Isaac Rutherford
DW: Alice Leah Rutherford (Newton)DD: Phoebe Quinn Sophie Rutherford
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DH: Nathaniel Ash Hawking
DW: Sabrina Isabelle {Faraday} HawkingDD: Phoebe Melia Hawking
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DH: Brian Emmanuel Rutherford
DW: Mary Gretchen MendelDD: Juliet May Rutherford
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Hooke FamilyDW: Nora Amelia
DW: Melanie GwenDD: Louise Georgi Ophelia

This message was edited 5/7/2015, 7:56 PM

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DH: Lawrence Ignatius Bennet
DW: Marianne Grace (Dalton) Bennet DD: Isabelle Melia Persephone Bennet
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LN: Newton
DH: Noah August
DW: Ariana LilyDD: Sarah Chiara
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The Faraday Family
DH: Nathaniel Edmund Faraday
DW: Sophia Ingrid Faraday DD: Leona Eliza Faraday
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DH: Nicolas Eliezer Tesla
DW: Matilda Grace (Lippershey) TeslaDD: Isabelle Sagan Tesla
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Mum: Liliana India {Born} Newton
Dad: Cassidy Lewis Newton D: Nina Mary Newton"Lil (23) and Cass (25) with: Nina (nb)."
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Surname: NewtonH: Henry Edmund Ludovic Idris [33]
W: Mary Georgina [31]S: Thomas Franklin Albert Rudolph [nb]Henry & Mary; Thomas (Tommy).
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SN: FermiDH: Nicolas Alessandro
DW: Amalia LarisaDD: Renata Maria
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LN: DarwinSO1: Henry Edward Darwin
SO2: Aurelia Rosabel CurieDD: Juliet Quinn Darwin
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SN: Wright
DH: Henry Elijah
DW: Sloane InesDD: Catherine Ashby Wright
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LN: NewtonDH: Nathaniel Adam Newton
DW: Cora Lillian NewtonDD: Eliza May Ophelia Newton
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DH: Leonard Isaac Newton "Leo"
DW: Margaret Grace [Bohr] Newton "Peggy" DD: Sarah Leslie Newton "Sadie"
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LN: DarwinDH: Benedict Emmett Darwin
DW: Cressida Leontine (Faraday) DarwinDD: Isabelle May Darwin
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W: Beatrix Emilia (Rutherford) Doppler
H: Malachi George Doppler-D: Johanna Lane
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DH: Benjamin Elliot Mendel "Ben"
DW: Madeline Grace Franklin Mendel "Maddie"DD: Elisabeth May Mendel "Lissa"

This message was edited 5/5/2015, 1:37 PM

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LN: Newton
DH: Bryan Elijah
DW: Margaret Grace "Maggie"
DD: Katharine May "Katie"
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DH: Lucas Ian Moore
DW: Anneliese Rebecca {Ellis} MooreDD: Caroline Ellis Moore
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LN: Hutton
DH: Nicholas Edward
DW: Audrey LouiseDS: Samuel Ashby
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DH: Leo Isidore Curie
DW: Althea Lilith Curie (née Edison)DS: Edward Quinn Phineas Curie "Teddy"
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DH: Nicholas Emmanuel Brahe
DW: Alice Rosamund (Nobel) BraheDS: Willard Franklin Brahe
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DD: Renata Cécile Nye
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The Herschel-Sklodowska FamilyDH [32] : Léonce Inigo Herschel
DW [29] : Manya Gretel SklodowskaDD [0] : Cécile May Herschel-Sklodowska
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LN: Curie
DW: Helena Eglantine
DH: Alistair RemyDD: Wilhelmine Pascal Delphia
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W: Liana Iris (Becquerel) Bohr
H: Alistair Louis BohrD: Caroline Leslie Sophia Bohr

This message was edited 5/5/2015, 8:00 AM

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DH: Leopold Ignatius Le Châtelier-Ynduráin
DW: Apollinariya Leonidovna (Tsiolkovskaya) Le Châtelier-YnduráinDD: Ursula May Séraphine Le Châtelier-Ynduráin
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I almost used Apollinariya for your NTNB yesterday, haha!
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Haha! That's a pretty cool coincidence! :P
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SO1: Henry Everard Newton
SO2: Margaret Georgiana Newton (née Halley)
DD: Mildred Bennet Newton "Millie"
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LN: HawkingDH: Nolan Arthur Hawking
DW: Marion Gloriana [Franklin] HawkingDD: Johanna Melia Phaedra Hawking

This message was edited 5/5/2015, 6:18 AM

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SO1: Beryl Eve {Mendelejev} Newton
SO2: Alex River NewtonDD: Elizaveta Tesla Newton
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