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[Opinions] What would you name twins? middle name optional
Many woman could care less if they ever had twins or not and there's others such as myself who would do anything to have them. Just 1 set of twins (conceived the natural and normal way) and i'd be satisfied.
Though even if twins never come my way, it is what it is. I just think it would be pleasentful to have them. My mom is a twin and it would be neat to have an additional pair of twins to the imediate family (Though one of my uncles-my moms brother supposingly had a twin but he died at birth)
OK, enough of all that (: here is what I would name twins if they ever came my way (hopefully)♀♀ Elowen & Lydia (Nickname Ellie & Lydia)
♂♂ Dean & Cole (Though Dean is the name of one of my cousin's husband but I NEVER see him. I only know of him)

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Elowen and Lydia are lovely :) Dean and Cole give me a very suave rat pack-esqe vibe together. Not my style per se, but cool nonetheless. I like them more together than I do by themselves.I would name mine-g/g- Rose and Matilda
b/b- Felix and Hamish*
g/b- Rosemary and Felix* DH states that he would rather Judah... that would require some discussion I suppose.
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I like Lydia, Elowen, and Dean.Mine would be (assuming this was real life, with my husband):Marshall and Nicholas
Alexandra (Sandy or Alex) & Mellisant (Mellie)
... or Virginia (Gini) if he didn't go for Mellisant
If I had a different husband, or if my husband suddenly had more similar taste to mine:Damon & Cyrus
River & Meryl

This message was edited 4/22/2015, 6:04 PM

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Today....Sylvia Irene and Elizabeth Niamh
Jonah Patrick and Charles Victor
Jonah Patrick and Elizabeth Niamh

This message was edited 4/22/2015, 4:13 PM

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Right now, they'd be:B/G: Caspian Sherlock Walter & Lyra Beatrix Valentine* (Caspian & Lyra)
G/G: Lyra Beatrix Valetine & Clio Alexandria Fae (Lyra & Clio)
B/B: Caspian Sherlock Walter & Phoenix Arthur Blaise (Caspian & Phoenix)
*I'm not completely sure if I'd use Lyra or Pandora Valencia Fae. I like that with Pandora they both have seven letter names, but then Caspian & Lyra are both book characters (not really intentional), and sound so good together! I kind of wish I had a twin, mostly just to have someone else to experience new things with (I'm not so good in new situations). But the risks of actually having multiples worries me, although I do like the idea of having two kids very close in age so the differences aren't too big.
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At the moment, I would probably do (but any of this could quickly change)...G/G Eugenia Violette & Ottavia Seraphine
B/B Yuri Amadeus & Jared Conway
B/G Perry Nathanael & Nessa Colleen
I can understand your want of twins. I think that'd be so neat to have (truth be told, I actually have a bit of a dream to have all boy quadruplets... xD).
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Hmmm... not sure I could handle two babies at once!Names for them I could do though :-)Archibald August & Frederick John (Archie & Freddie)
Alba Juliet & Rory Elizabeth
August John & Hope ElizabethI really like Elowen from yours!
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The idea of multiple babies terrifies me, because the idea of even one singular baby terrifies me. Elowen and Lydia is nice. What would you name a b/g pair though?Here's my foolish ideas today:g/g - Winter Margo & Windsor Pegasus
b/b - Winston Peggotty & Mansel Tobiah
b/g - Mannix Toby & Winona Marguerite but for real I am really digging Manny & Winnie as a brother-sister set but you can't have Manfred + Winifred, that's too much fred, and Emmanuel is just very religiony for me (and besides I'd totally call him Em or Emmy, not Manny), so Mansel and Winifred you think? I don't know, I really like Manfred, it's absurd. Manfred and Winter? Manfred and Winona? That's pretty ridiculous, it pleases me nicely.
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Manfred and Winter would certainly be a quirky statement pair! Love it!
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I've always wanted twins. There are quite a few sets in my family so I hoped for them!Today they would be:Aleida Mae and Zella JosephineElias William and Alaric TheodoreAleida Mae and Alaric William
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Twins are like my worst nightmare. My cousins are twins and so are my step siblings. Constant competition over EVERYTHING. Plus, two newborns, two toddlers, two terrible threes, two time potty training, all at the same time. Pass.Mine would be:Xanthe Opal Esther & Sonnet Alaia Züri
Xanthe Opal Esther & Grover Felix Matthias
Grover Felix Matthias & August Malachi EzraI like Elowen.
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My sister and I were more "thick as thieves" type. So... I do know we were known as terrors. I mean, we were pretty aweful, since we could accomplish so much craziness together!
Competition, sure... if the competition was whose plan would get the babysitter in the closet first so the other could lock the door! (I truly was terrible)
Also - I just have to say that Sonnet Alaia Zuri is swoonable! Adore it.

This message was edited 4/22/2015, 11:58 AM

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Judith Helen and Anne Cecilia make me smile. Seriously, both such charming monikers. I sincerely want a Judi/Judy, but DH says no to Judith. Judine he says yes to (go figure). Still, Helen matches Judith quite well and makes it even more of a retro choice. Anne Cecilia is so sweet and innocent sounding. I reminds me of quilts and home-made rag dolls.
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DD/DD: Elva Maria Flora / Luna Marceline Chantal
DS/DS: Arthur Johan Rick / Evander Marcus Apollo
DD/DS: Elva Maria Chantal / Evander Johan Marcus

This message was edited 4/22/2015, 9:28 AM

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The mother of a friend of mine is a fraternal twin (both females). A cousin of that friend's - the cousin's father is my friend's mother's brother - had fraternal twin boys a couple of years ago. I was once told it was a trait only females could pass on, but if it's somehow X-chromosome-linked, then my friend's uncle may have passed the gene(s) onto his daughter.Some days I think having multiples would be good, because I could get all or most of my parenting (would like to have 2-3 kids) done with at the same time... and then most days I think it would drive me nuts so no, thanks.Today they would be:Arthur James & William GeorgeCharlotte Emilia & Theresa NiamhCharlotte Emilia & Arthur William
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It is passed through the X chromosome, but it is possible that it was passed from further up the lineage through a mother or grandmother somewhere. Plus, not all fraternal twins are a result of genetic inheritance, some are just plain luck or diet. For example, some types of yam have a tendency to make women release multiple eggs during ovulation. Also, women who consume a lot of dairy, have children late in life or are overweight may release multiple eggs to increase the chances of having twins. Genetics is only part of it. As for your names - Theresa Niamh is adorable and classy at the same time! I like it with Charlotte a lot.
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Yeah! I heard about Yams increase the chances of producing twins (or other multiples) I read that some where's online. Same with consistent diet of dairy and having kids later in life. But I really don't reccomend being overweight and trying to conceive (Even though that does happen) I heard that overweight or heavier mothers have an increase chance to have a child with Autism (a child on any part on the Autistic spectrum) though even more if they have diabetes. ): not so great...
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it's specific types of yams (like Yoruba). Most of these yams are imported from Asia or Africa. Eating them (or buying the dried stuff and taking it like a pill) totally works, but it's crazy expensive. However, you can get some of the yams in the imported section of the store. I also do not recommend TTC while overweight, but I am currently pregnant and (unfortunately) obese technically. I am far more worried about diabetes than Autism.
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Yes, "Yoruba" is what I heard. But to be honest, if twins don't ever come my way, it is what it is. I wouldn't want to force myself to eat something I don't care for (yams i dont care for lol. I'll stick with dairy And the overweight thing while preg I heard many times for YEARS from several resources. Bigger moms have an increased chance of having a child with autism but even more if they have diabetes (diabetes regardless of their weight\body type) at least that's what scientist supposingly say. You can Google it yourself. Tons of sites and article supporting the claim. This does not gaurentee that your child will be on the spectrum. Its just from what they say that the chances are increasedTake care (:
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Cassava, not Yoruba. Sorry, the Yoruba peoples eat cassava. Cassava candy is my husband's favorite (besides Durian). Cassava cakes are also quite nice.
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Totally off topicOh man... I looked up cassava cakes and they sound so good! We've got lots of Filipino people in my city...I wonder if I could find the ingredients to make it at a specialty grocery store. Or maybe I could beg the ladies at work to make me some.
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Girl and Girl:
Minnie May Rose
Edie Adeline IngridBoy and Boy:
Indio Edwin Leo
Billie Joe JasonGirl and Boy:
Minnie May Rose
Indio Edwin Leo
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Julian & Arthur
Matilda & AdelaideAnd then a combination of the other two if it was one of each.
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Very strong choices.
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I love all them names, especially Adelaide.
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I contemplate this a lot, since twins run in my family. I am a twin, but monozygotic (identical), which is not genetically passed. My grandmothers had twins on both sides of the family -so you never know!Today, I would name them:
Nadine and Joanne (Nin and Jan)
Nadine and Gerard (Nin and Ardi)
Gerard and Blaise (Ardi and B)
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I'm really digging Nin as a nickname for Nadine.
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Thank you. It was my husband's choice. He wanted NinNing, but we compromised. ;)
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I'd sure never want twins. Carrying and giving birth to one is quite enough.Girls:
Ashley and JessicaBoys:
James and Benjamin
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I love the names Jessica and James.
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That's true. You definitely have a point there. My personal limit is twins or triplets during a single birth. Primarily since they occur more often (though having triplets-yikes!!) LolI definitely believe the more a woman is pregnant with, the higher increases for any multiple of complications. Which wouldn't be fair on the other babies. );James and Benjamin are great! Have a wonderful day! (:
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I also like the idea of twins. I would prefer two boys, but wouldn't mind either one of each or two girls (though naming for the latter would be my nightmare!)S/S: Marshall Herbert & Beckett Henry
S/D: Clark Herbert Phoenix & Nina Eleanore Mary
D/D: Octavia Truth & Luna Honesty
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Very nice combos!Octavia Truth is lovely, and totally unexpected. Luna Honesty matches it well and just adds to the quirk. I would never have thought to pair those names. Clark and Nina is also a nice idea for a twin set. The combos there flow better than it looked at first. Herbert is not a name I hear very often. Neither is Marshall. I enjoyed seeing them used.
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Today, you mean? OK ...Thomas William Fraser (Tom)
Hugo Daniel Robin (Dan) - there's a family tradition I'd like to revive, of using an H name with Daniel as the mn but the name actually used.Helen Cecily Anne
Lucy Margaret AliceSlight variations on my usual, but nothing too alarming!
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At this moment if I had twins I would name them
Boys: Cyrus and Oliver
Girls: Arianne and Valentina
Girl and Boys: Griffin and Petra
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River and Cassius "Cash" for boysAria and River for girl/boyAria and Cassia for girl/girl
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Aw, Willow and Elise is an adorable twinset!
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I wouldn't wish twins on myself. Not because I couldn't take care of them; I take care of twins on a daily basis (I'm a NICU nurse). I wouldn't wish them because they make pregnancies harder, births more mysterious, and infancy more risky (i.e. premature birth, twin to twin transfusion, NICU stays, etc). Now, if I had them I would welcome them but I would never wish for it unless I could also be promised I would carry them to 40 weeks and take them home right away with no medical problems!Anyway, I would name mine:Amelia Josephine & Eleanor Isabel (honoring middle names)
Henry Robert & Jack Nathaniel (honoring middle names)
Amelia Josephine & Henry Robert
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Its true, the more a woman is pregnant with, complications increase. Though people give birth to perfectly healthy twins all the timeYes, complications are higher than a single birth-absolutely but its not as high or as given as giving birth to say, quads or octoplets and anything like that. Yikes!! I would NOT be preg with that many lol!
I definitely would prefer girl twins though. I like all your combos. I especially love Amelia Josephine & Henry Robert (:
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I quite like your combos. Jack and Henry is especially appealing on twins. Also - I agree with you on your health assessments for multiple birthing. Luckily, my sister and I were full term, 7lb babies (whoa mama!), but I know plenty of people who had trouble carrying multiples.
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Well if your mother is a fraternal twin you may have a higher than average chance of having twins. Julian & Edmund
Sylvia & Flora
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Sadly, twins aren't exactly genetic in our family. My moms an identical twin (something that just happened. Identical twins just occur rather than being genetic as fraternal which kinda sucks) and the reason why my grandmother probably ended up with twins is because she had 11 kids previously before them (all from the same parents)My aunt (moms twin) being the 12 and my mom being the 13th.
The more births a woman has, it increases her chances of conceiving twins or other multiples. Though my uncle Barry who was only the 3rd born supposingly has a twin (a boy twin who died at birth) but who knows if his twin was identical or fraternal (:
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