[Games] Re: RS's Quirky Congrats Round 3
by Constant (guest)
1/12/2015, 9:17 AM
DH: Amaris David Ruthven
DW: Katerina Elizabeth Llywellyn Ruthven
DS: Nereus Uther Ruthven
-DW: Dione Eudora Eilir Ruthven
-DS: Lucas Ikea Jovan Ruthven
-DS: Raizel Merik Dane Ruthven
-DD: Emma Laetitia Xanthippe Ruthven
Ruthven dogs: Tigris and Fearghas
Ruthven cat: Oscar
DDtwin1: Rhiannon Ylva Ruthven Culhwch
-DH: Quadragesimus Arjun Culhwch
-DD: Isolde Korrine Culhwch
-DS: Tyrion Balder Culhwch
-DS: Dylan Caliel Culhwch
Culhwch Horses: Flame, Gentle, Giver, Quest, and Radha
Chipmunk: Acorn
DDtwin2: Livana Dwyn Ruthven Darling
-DH: Kevin Lennor Darling
-DD: Hannah Sionann Darling
-DD: Lorelei Gráinne Darling nn Lori
-DD: Lilith Gaia Darling
-DS: Quill Kohner Darling
Darling's Cats: Quivox and Mystery
Dogs: Velvet and Neptune
DS: Darien Ardent Ruthven
DS: Andrew Ozias Ruthven
-DW: Irene Sabra Stuart Ruthven
-DD: Christy Jeanette Eden Ruthven
-DD adopted: Sophia Rosa An Ruthven
Pharaoh hounds: Anubis and Osiris
DD adopted: Eira Hero Megumi Ruthven Grimm
-DH: Jacob Sephiroth Grimm
-DS: Gerard Elliot Grimm
-DS: Lionel Durriken Grimm
-DD adopted: Yori Amarantha Estel Grimm
-DS: Llyr Idris Grimm
-DS: Damian Xelas Grimm
-DD adopted: Honor Shakti Indira Grimm
-DS: Euric Xanthos Grimm
-DS: Janus Ynys Grimm
-DS: Gabriel Frost Grimm
Grimm Housekeeper: Norma Margaux Faleiry
Hedgehog: Thor
Cats: Phantom and Hades
Dog: Zoey
Donkey: Omri
Name Bank: Alan, Evening, Gin, Gino, Dusk, Fox, Hallow, Eagle, Owl, Huckleberry, Kaveh, Marcelino, Persephone, Wander , Morgan, Yakira, Yan, Zhirayr,Iolanthe