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[Opinions] Stephen
A few nights ago I dream that I had a son named Stephen Alexander. Stephen has never been on our list and it's never been a name that I like, however now I cannot get it out of my mind. What do you guys think about it? Would it bother you if you had a second cousin with the name that committed suicide? I did not know him well. Other thoughts? Also what do you think of Nathan? I brought the name up with my husband and he now likes it. Is it too much that my brother in law is name Nathaniel and my niece is named Natalie for us to use? Thanks!
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I've really started liking Stephen in the last few years. I think it's a great name and I'd love to meet a young one. I don't think I know any younger than around my age. Good history behind it too.I think with it being your second cousin by that name it wouldn't be a problem. Your immediate family shouldn't have a super strong connection. As for Nathan, I think as long as your BIL doesn't go by Nathan/Nate and you'd use Nate as a nn too then it's not a huge issue.
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Stephen is not one of my favorites, but I think Stephen Alexander is a good combo. It flows well, and it "booms" in a commanding sort of way. Sounds royal.I prefer Nathan, though. It's very sweet and low-key and I love Nate/Nat. I don't know if you like any NN's, but whatever. I would use Nathan in a heartbeat.
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I like Stephen very much - my friend couldn't decide between Mark Stephen and Stephen Mark for her second son, and finally went with Mark Stephen. But she's always regretted it. Stephen Alexander is a good combo.The only problem I can see with Stephen is Steven. It might involve a lot of mistakes and a lifetime of spelling it out, but then again, everything gets a wrong spelling sometimes. As for your late cousin, no, that wouldn't be an issue for me. I'd think of it as giving the name a second chance.Nathan, Nathaniel and Natalie are all names that I really can't warm up to at all.

This message was edited 11/15/2014, 5:03 AM

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Personally, I find Stephen one of the dullest names. There are so many Stephens and Stevens and there is nothing that interests me about it. As to whether it's an issue that your second cousin who died had that name, it's a personal thing, I can't really say. It depend on how you feel about it, how close you were to him, etc..Nathan is ok, not my style. Personally, I wouldn't find it an issue if those family members had similar names. Nathan and Natalie are different enough. Nathan and Nathaniel might only be an issue if they had the same nickname. But, again, it depends on how you feel about it.
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I like Stephen. My only issue with it is it's a very 70s/80s name where I am and also was very, very popular then so it would seem strange to use it on a baby now.Nathan is one of my least favourite names ever. I can't imagine a nice person being named Nathan, I tend to associate it with drug dealers/thugs/criminals but maybe that's just the ones I've come across!
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Stephen is so dull and boring plus a little dated. Alexander is a great middle name, always flows well, though some consider it a filler middle name. The second cousin thing would not bother me. I like Nathan, it was unfortunately ruined for me by a particular person but I liked it a lot before that. Is your brother in law close? As in are you around each other often enough that it would become annoying when they mishear their names? Also because it's a brother in law not a cousin of the potential child named Nathan it would at least not seem like copying, if anything it would seem like honouring. Also I don't thing Nathan and Natalie are too close but the nickname Nate with Natalie might be.. Little Nate and Nat running around together might get confusing, but also a kinda adorable. Though I'm assuming your niece is quite young.
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Ok, I'm going to be irrational yet honest and say I would be kind of disappointed with either Nathan or Stephen from you. These names are boring and predictable and you are neither!
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I don't think they're boring. They're tried and true, and they age well; in fact, they're kind of refreshing after being on Ops for so long and seeing combos like Sebastian Oscar Lowell or Evander Caspian Sage. Nothing wrong with those combos, don't get me wrong, but at this point I look at names like Nathan and Stephen and I'm like, YAY, 'BORING' NAMES!!! :P
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Stephen is a great classic of a name. It reminds me of medieval knights and bishops for some reason. I much prefer it to Steven. Stephen Alexander is a very handsome combo.
I'm not sure how I feel about your question re your cousin: I want to say, don't let stand in your way, but I don't know what I'd do in your place.
Nathan may be too close to the other two for comfort, though if Nathaniel is Nat and Nathan is Nathan or Nate it could work. I also like Jonathan.
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Nathan is good, and never mind Nathanial and Nathalie,it's ok. I like Stephen, good name.
It might bother me a bit, about the second cousin.Not a lot, a little.
When my second grand-daughter was expected, my son was thinking of using the name of my aunt, my mother's youngest sister, who died tragically. (My son never knew her, he just liked the name.)I dissuaded him(and hence his wife), as I though, perhaps irrationally, that it would be "bad luck". Silly, maybe.
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I love Stephen! I would consider naming one of my children Stephen Imran. I like the "stef-an" pronunciation mare, but "steev-en" is great too.
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I know a Steven Alexander. He goes by Alex. Steven was after his father.I dislike Stephen and Steven. It's one of my most disliked names. I think of it as very nerdy, as I've known no fewer than four nerdy Stevens. Even the Steven who is the father of Steven Alexander has a nerd factor going, though he's a smart, personable, and likable guy.I love Alexander and the nickname Alex but they are so overused. Alexander is the perfect example of a name that I love but would not use due to popularity.And the second cousin thing? Yes, it would bother me.I like Nathan a lot. I don't think the brother-in-law thing is too big of an obstacle.
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I don't like Stephen at all, never have. I prefer Nathaniel to Nathan and I don't think it's a big deal to have a Natalie and a Nathaniel in the same family.
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Stephen is nice enough but I much prefer Steven, it just looks better.
Nathan is nice too, better than Nathaniel. A brother in law named Nathaniel would pretty much preclude my using the name Nathan though; Natalie wouldn't deter me so much. The dead second cousin who killed himself might possibly deter me from using Stephen; if I wasn't specifically naming a son after that cousin, I would not want to give the appearance of it.
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My brother-in-law only goes by Nat. Still, probably too close. And Stephen would be odd.Ah well.
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I don't like Stephen. At all. I think it's very dated, and also extremely ugly. And Steve is just horrible. I quite like Nathan though, and I don't think it's too close to Nathaniel/Natalie. It would be a different story if it were for siblings, but as it's not...go for it. It's a bit unexpected as a brother to Miriam though.
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