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[Opinions] Re: Name Your Kids - Finnish edition
Wow, I'm in Helsinki too. My daughters have Finnish names. I'd name a boyValo Santeriand a girlIlta Suvi Mum to Mousie, Foo, Bumptious and Pudding
Proper names are poetry in the raw. Like all poetry they are untranslatable. - W.H. Auden

This message was edited 8/3/2014, 11:57 AM

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Oh no! I caught the ferry to Tallinn last night. We could have had a Finnish BtN meetup!I like Lumi. I didn't realize till now that Calla was also Finnish. I really liked my first visit to Finland. Wish I could afford to stay longer! Although Estonia is great too so can't complain.
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Shame, enjoy your trip though. Calla's not a Finnish name, it's Greek, but she does have a Finnish middle. She was born here just after we arrived.

This message was edited 8/4/2014, 1:01 PM

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