[Opinions] Caoimhe
I really like the name Caoimhe. But am a little concerned about the spelling making it close to impossible for the average non-irish person. (We're irish, but living in Canada for a few years). I also feel that anglasizing it to Keva detracts largely from its Irish meaning, and its meaning to me (having a gaelic name for my daughter). So, WDYT? My name is Caragh (KARA) which confuses a lot of people, but I love it none the less. We have considered other Gaelic names, but everyone in my family and extended family has an Irish name so I'm running out of options...and love Caoimhe...maybe I've answered my own question, but still interested in other opinions...Thanks.
I love the name. It's beautiful. Are you pronouncing it 'KWEE-vah' or 'KEE-vah'? When I was last in Ireland, I met a dear, spitfire of a girl who used the first pronunciation. I've liked the name ever since. Have you thought about middle names yet?

I think the combo is absolutely gorgeous. Very nice. :)

wow. thanks.
If you really love it, use it. It's a beautiful name, just accept the fact that if you are out of Ireland she will probably have to spell it for everyone. But it's gorgeous nonetheless. I've been feeling the same way about Niamh. Not that I'm having any more. I was thinking that an anglicized spelling like Neeve takes away from it. And Neve is pronounced Nev.
I surely have a soft spot for all those pretty Irish names with the "weird" spellings! :)
I surely have a soft spot for all those pretty Irish names with the "weird" spellings! :)
I love Niamh too, but it's my cousins name. She spells it Niav though, born and raised in Ireland. She's 30 now, and the name Niamh is very popular, but back then, it was even unusual to the Irish! That makes me think that maybe Caoimhe may not be soo unrecognizable in the future. Like Sean, Sinead, Sioban etc. Yah, I think I'm convinced that the Irish way to spell it is the only "real" way to get my bang for my buck out of the name.
Keavy is one of the anglisized spellings of this name too. I really like Keavy, personally. I think the original Irish spelling is the most pretty though... but if you think it's going to be a problem (which is understandable, especially if you're outside of Ireland, or even worse - in America! We Americans don't know better! lol), then try and find a spelling of it you like and just... I don't know, run it by friends and family to see what they think.
"Chan eil tuil air nach tig traoghadh"
"Maybe surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel all alone
I just wanna go home
Oh I miss you, you know"
- 'Home', Michael Buble
Keavy is one of the anglisized spellings of this name too. I really like Keavy, personally. I think the original Irish spelling is the most pretty though... but if you think it's going to be a problem (which is understandable, especially if you're outside of Ireland, or even worse - in America! We Americans don't know better! lol), then try and find a spelling of it you like and just... I don't know, run it by friends and family to see what they think.
A million people I
Still feel all alone
I just wanna go home
Oh I miss you, you know"
- 'Home', Michael Buble
Thanks for the encouragement...this is the first name I've posted that has solisited all positive responses...so far.
It's highly unlikely that and average non-Irish person would be able to pronounce the name correctly since it's really unintuitive for an English speaker. What about something more recognizable like Ciara? Although this particular name might be too close to yours.
Good suggestion, but Ciara just sounds like Caragh misprounced to me. Thanks though.
I think Caoimhe is a lovely name and a wonderful way to honor your Irish heritage! You're right, Keva just doesn't look as pretty as Caoimhe! Now I personaly, and most of the others here on the boards, would know how Caoimhe was pronounced when we saw it, but if someone said kee-vah to us we might have a hard time spelling it, unless you said "it's Irish" and I'd only know how to spell it then because I adore Irish and Scottish names! :)
I really think that even though it may be hard for some of your friends and even your daughter's school teachers (future teachers) to spell her name that you should stick with this spelling, especially as it's really important to you! If you really felt you needed to you could let everyone else spell it Keeva (or Keevy) and use Caoimhe among your family, but that could get really confusing!
I encourage you to stick with Caoimhe because of how beautiful it is, and it will do others in this world some good to learn about a Gaelic name like this! :)
P.S. Your name is also lovely Caragh! :)

Ladybugs all dressed in red,
Waltzing thru the flower bed!
If I were tiny, just like you,
I'd dance among the flowers too!
I really think that even though it may be hard for some of your friends and even your daughter's school teachers (future teachers) to spell her name that you should stick with this spelling, especially as it's really important to you! If you really felt you needed to you could let everyone else spell it Keeva (or Keevy) and use Caoimhe among your family, but that could get really confusing!
I encourage you to stick with Caoimhe because of how beautiful it is, and it will do others in this world some good to learn about a Gaelic name like this! :)
P.S. Your name is also lovely Caragh! :)

Ladybugs all dressed in red,
Waltzing thru the flower bed!
If I were tiny, just like you,
I'd dance among the flowers too!
This message was edited 2/28/2006, 3:14 PM
Thanks! I like your advice. With people I don't know well or on the phone etc. I just spell my name Cara to avoid confusion, it's not a bad alternative. I think if we use the name, her birth cert and passport etc could read Caoimhe and the rest we could make up as we go. That way when she's older, she can decide for herself if its too much trouble. It's just soo much nicer as Caoimhe then Keva to me.
I truly love Caoimhe. I wouldn't use it myself because I am not Irish, but for you I think it would be fantastic! Another favorite irish/gaelic name is Saoirse. Both Caoimhe and Saoirse sound lovely to my ear, and though I would share your concern about the spelling for non-irish persons, I wouldn't worry about it!