[Opinions] Re: Please suggest some nice Japanese names !!!!!!!
in reply to a message by Lily
Different kanji makes different meaning for the names. That's even if kanji is used. Given meanings I've seen.
Some people I know.
Maki "ma-ki" ma like in mum but not mom. ki like in kiss.
Naomi "na-o-mi" not "nay-O-mee". Very beautiful.
Megumi "me-gu-mi" me like in mess.
Kana "ka-na" na like in nothing, ka like in cut.
Keiko "kei-ko" kind of say ke-i-ko
Aki "a-ki". Autumn.
Akiko "a-ki-ko". Autumn child. Sparkling (bright) child.
Ayaka "a-ya-ka". Aya meaning interwoven thread. Ka from the place where she was born.
Fumie "fu-mi-e". Fu from Mt Fuji. Mi meaning beautiful and can't remember e.
Eri "e-ri" ri like in read / reid but shortened ee sound.
Eriko "e-ri-ko"
Riisa "ree-sa"
Keisuke - prnounced like "kes-ke" (ke-s-ke) Ke like in keg.
Takeshi - "ta-ke-shi"
Yuusuke - "yuus-ke" (yuu-s-ke)
Takashi - "ta-ka-shi" i in shi like i in Naomi but shorter.
Ryousuke - "ryoo-s-ke" oo like the o in dog
Jun "jun" like june but shortened 'u'.
Sorry the pronounciation isn't great.

My 45 PPs - names in profile
Some people I know.
Maki "ma-ki" ma like in mum but not mom. ki like in kiss.
Naomi "na-o-mi" not "nay-O-mee". Very beautiful.
Megumi "me-gu-mi" me like in mess.
Kana "ka-na" na like in nothing, ka like in cut.
Keiko "kei-ko" kind of say ke-i-ko
Aki "a-ki". Autumn.
Akiko "a-ki-ko". Autumn child. Sparkling (bright) child.
Ayaka "a-ya-ka". Aya meaning interwoven thread. Ka from the place where she was born.
Fumie "fu-mi-e". Fu from Mt Fuji. Mi meaning beautiful and can't remember e.
Eri "e-ri" ri like in read / reid but shortened ee sound.
Eriko "e-ri-ko"
Riisa "ree-sa"
Keisuke - prnounced like "kes-ke" (ke-s-ke) Ke like in keg.
Takeshi - "ta-ke-shi"
Yuusuke - "yuus-ke" (yuu-s-ke)
Takashi - "ta-ka-shi" i in shi like i in Naomi but shorter.
Ryousuke - "ryoo-s-ke" oo like the o in dog
Jun "jun" like june but shortened 'u'.
Sorry the pronounciation isn't great.

My 45 PPs - names in profile