[Opinions] Cyndal
I saw this name, and at first I thought it was pronounced sin-doll, but looking at it I started to think maybe it's a kre8tiv spelling of Kendall. Which do you guys think it is?

I would have said SIN-doll as well. If someone did intend it to be Kendal, they need a lesson in basic English phonetics! SIN-doll is actually quite nice ... I hope it's a separate name.
Incidentally, I do rather like Kendal for a girl.
Incidentally, I do rather like Kendal for a girl.
It is! It's from the Ewok Adventure that was a spin-off from the Star Wars movies! My boyfriend's favorite movie as a kid, I've seen it recently when we were looking up our old faves. The little girl was adorable (not so much, the name).
At least, I hope that's where they got it from, or they just made it up and that is terrible, because it's not a pretty sounding name to me.
At least, I hope that's where they got it from, or they just made it up and that is terrible, because it's not a pretty sounding name to me.
If you wouldn't have told me it was Kendall I never would have guessed it :/
“It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”
~Mark Twain
~Mark Twain
I don't think it's a creative spelling of Kendall. I've heard of the name Cyndell on another forum from a woman who does like creative names, so I think they might just be related.
I think it's actually a name from that made for TV Ewok movie from the eighties.
Either that or its Cindy plus Elle.
Either that or its Cindy plus Elle.
I'd say sin-dal at first glance... Makes me think of cymbals.