[Opinions] Zadie
I recently met an elderly Jewish man named Zadie. I had previously assumed that Zadie was a female name only (e.g. the British author Zadie Smith). For some reason the name has been playing around in my head though. I wish I had asked if it was a nickname or short for something else - thoughts and opinions on Zadie for a boy?
Wasn't it perhaps Zeide? Pronounced pretty much like Zada or Zadie, and meaning "Granddad" in Yiddish? I'm not categorical about the spelling, but it'll be close. So I think we could be in Respectful Nickname For Elderly Gent territory
I actually really like this name, but only for a female. I adore the name Sadie and obviously it's super close to that.
I think the name Zadie is cute and spunky. But I would prefer it to only be a nickname and only for a girl. It's way too feminine imo.