[Opinions] WDYT of Drake?
For a boy, obviously. I've been loving this name a lot lately. I think it's cool, strong and very handsome. The only thing that bothers me is that nasty duck connotation. So, basically the question is: does the name Drake remind you of ducks? If not, provide some opinions on it (I mean the name). BTW, I live in a city and grew up in a city so we don't have any ducks here, lol
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I like it a lot. Who cares about ducks. Ducks are nice. I'd happily name a kid Drake.
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It reminds me of dragons first, though I understand the duck reference. Anyway, I find it to be kind of pseudo-dark, like someone else said. I imagine someone who considers themselves Goth would name their kid Drake. So I find it kind of silly.
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Drake reminds me of dragons more than ducks, so I think it's safe :P
I sort of like it, although I wouldn't use it myself. The "Drak-" part is like Draco, which is dragon-y and sort of unrealistic, while the "-ake" paty is like Jake which gives the illusion of the name being more common than it is. So Drake is basically a combination of fantastical and practical in that way. If I ever used it it would probably be a mn for a longer fn.
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I don't know what duck you're talking about so Drake certainly doesn't remind me of any.Some cities have ducks if you're looking in the right spots. :)Drake means dragon so I think of dragons, mostly. And my friend's last name is Drake. Also a really annoying girl but they aren't related. There's a food item called Drake Cakes. I also think of Dracula. And my college roommate's boyfriend went by the name Drake but he's an asshole. I used to like it. Now it seems fake-edgy and fake-dark. Like, I could see two privileged emo kids sitting around whining, calling themselves Lilith, Raven, and Drake.
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I love Drake! I have no idea what you are talking about with the ducks..so not a problem for me.
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No. It reminds me of Drake Bell of Drake & Josh fame. The name's not my style.
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