[Facts] Re: What's your wife's name? nt
in reply to a message by Jonas
Well, unfortunately I'm not an expert like Cleveland or... other experts on this board. (My specialty's Old English and Germanic names.)
However, it does occur to me that your wife's name could be a mutation of Zelda. Alternately, your parents-in-law could've made it up, composing it from random sounds they thought sounded pretty. If it's the former case, your wife's name means either "grey battle" in Germanic or "luck" in Yiddish. If it's the latter case, then I'm sorry to say that the name has no etymological meaning.
But I emphasise that you shouldn't take my word as gospel here. You should wait to see if maybe someone else with more authority will come along with more info. :-)

Proud adopter of 15 punctuation marks; see my profile for their names.
However, it does occur to me that your wife's name could be a mutation of Zelda. Alternately, your parents-in-law could've made it up, composing it from random sounds they thought sounded pretty. If it's the former case, your wife's name means either "grey battle" in Germanic or "luck" in Yiddish. If it's the latter case, then I'm sorry to say that the name has no etymological meaning.
But I emphasise that you shouldn't take my word as gospel here. You should wait to see if maybe someone else with more authority will come along with more info. :-)

Proud adopter of 15 punctuation marks; see my profile for their names.
Thank you still very much. I know for sure that they made her name up, but I would love to make it official and give it a meaning that I've come up with like "beautiful angel". I had hoped that their was some group or organization that gives names their meaning. Is there?
Also, I'm African American, and as I mention before my wife is Hispanic. We named our son SHAYDEN (We made it up because we liked how it sound) and I hoped to give his name a meaning as well. What do you think?
Also, I'm African American, and as I mention before my wife is Hispanic. We named our son SHAYDEN (We made it up because we liked how it sound) and I hoped to give his name a meaning as well. What do you think?