[Opinions] Cadence
Cadence was on my mind today. I'm not sure how I feel about it. What do you all think of it?
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For some reason I don’t like Cadence.
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It is very modern trendy-sounding, so I don't like it. Still, Cadence is much better than Kaydence or some other kr8tiv spelling.
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It's funny, I thought of this as a name at one point in high school and thought it would be pretty and I loved the idea of a musical term as a name. Then a few years later I heard it on a little girl, then another, then another... it feels tacky-trendy now. Sad face.
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There's a celeb baby Cadence in South Africa: father is the national cricket captain and mother is an Irish singer. The ln is Smith, so perhaps they wanted a musical reference and also an unusual name to balance the ln.I wouldn't use it myself, but nor would I sprint off in search of a bucket. What does bother me is that the only short form I would expect is Cady, which sounds like KD and really lacks oomph and pizazz.
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