[Games] KUY Adventure Congrats Rd 8
Rd. 1- http://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/4342676
Rd. 2- http://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/4344133
Rd. 3- http://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/4347729
Rd. 4- http://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/4348797
Rd. 5- http://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/4348864
Rd. 6- http://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/4351619
Rd. 7- http://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/43550131-2 Adv. per "family"
Adv. 1 The next SO-less child has found someone! Are they married? Or are they dating? Initials are HTG.
Adv. 2 A wandering teenager who'd run from home showed up on the couple's doorstep. The young girl is pregnant with boy/girl twins. The girl's FN is Puritan-ish, her MN starts with T or G, and her LN is a word. Her twins' FNs should start one with N and the other with W, their MN should be Puritan-ish, and ther LN should be their mother's hyphenated with another word.
Adv. 3Somebody has gotten a goldfish. The name should start with one of these letters: R, O, Y, G, B, I, or V.
Adv. 4The couple has adopted a Native American boy! His FN should come from whatever tribe his family is from, his MN should be a traditional English name, and his LN should be whatever you find fitting.
Adv. 5 A surprise baby was born on Thanksgiving day! What a thing to be thankful for! The FN and MN should have something to do with Thanksgiving or being thankful. Gender is your choice.
Adv. 6One of the couple's girls has been raped and is expecting a little girl. Her FN should be short and sweet and her MN should be a common middle name.
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DGrandmother(John): Penelope Lauren Lang "Nana Penny" (69)
DH: John Samuel Rosenberger "Jack" (41)
DW: Laura Gabrielle (Jones) Rosenberger (41)
DS: Henry Lucas Rosenberger (17)
-DGf: Katherine Avery Thompson "Kat" (17)
DS: Kennedy Blake Rosenberger (16)
-DGf: Heather Tulane Gardiner (16)
DS: Micah Justice Rosenberger (14)
DS: Mason Nicholas Rosenberger (10)
DD: Lydia Yvette Rosenberger (9)
Dog: Zeus (Black Lab)(10)
Dog: Mouse (Great Dane)(5)One year has gone by for the Rosenbergers. The only major change in the family is that Kennedy is now dating a girl in his class named Heather. Heather's family recently moved to the area from out-of-state, and Kennedy took an instant liking to her.
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DH: Noah James Everhart (51)
DW: Elena Genevieve Everhart (nee Miller) (51)DS: James Emmett Everhart (27)
--DW: Ariel Jodi Everhart (nee Clements) (27)
----DS: Finn James Everhart (9)
----DD: Chloe Isabella Everhart (6)
----DD: Ellie Charlize Everhart (3)
ADS: Leonardo Jian Chancellor "Leo" (27)
--DexGF: Brooke Eloise Pyke (28)
----DD: Claire May Chancellor-Pyke (3)
DD: Alexandra Helene Everhart "Alex" (25)
--DBF: Ryan Oliver Young "Roy" (28)
ADD: Rosalind Xiu Chancellor "Rose" (24)
DD: Isla Elizabeth Bell (nee Everhart) (21)
--DH: Aidan Lucas Bell (30)
----DS: Theoden Jasper Robert Tate Bell "Theo" (1)
----DS: Jadon Dakota Timothy Elias Bell (nb)
DS: Mason Nathaniel Everhart (20)
DD: Willa Iris Everhart (19)
ADD: Charity Trudence Rose (15)
----DD/DS: Wren Abigail Liberty-Rose/ Nash Tobias Liberty-Rose (nb)
DDog: Perry (male, border terrier) [deceased - aged 16]
DDog: Arthur (male, boxer) "Artie" (7)
DCat: Baldwin (male, Long-Haired Ragdoll) "Baldy" (3)
***Story to come
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Jacob Brian Bauer (54)
Sophia Genevieve Beckett Bauer (54)Brian Alexander Bauer (30)
- Isabella Alyson Povenmire-Bauer "Bella" (30)
-- Jacob Joseph Povenmire-Bauer "Jake" (9)
-- Athena Rose Povenmire-Bauer (7)
-- Juliet Elizabeth Povenmire-Bauer (4)
-- Vivian "Vivy" (Goldfish)
Amelia Bridget Bauer Penn "Mia" (28)
- Andrew Ryan Penn "Drew" (28)
-- Pippin Jacob Ryan Penn "PJ" (2)
-- Virginia May Priscilla Penn "Ginny" (nb)
Louisa Grace Bauer Greene (25)
- Henry Thomas Greene (25)
Aidan William Bauer (25)
- Katherine Alexandra Thompson "Kat" (25)
Shea Olivia Bauer (22)
Hamish Henry Bauer (20)
Tabitha Annabelle Bauer (19)
Samantha Elizabeth Beckett "Sam" (18)
Mercy Gabrielle Bell (17)
-- William Everett Bell-Rose / Norah Susannah Bell-Rose (exp.)
Louisa's Former Roommate / Best friend Aleksandra Jane Pavlova Papenkov "Alex" (25) (I didn't know what to do with her, so I just stuck her down here.)Brian and Bella finally gave in to the endless pleas and got a goldfish, which the children named Vivy. Jake and Athena have promised to take care of it, and have been diligently feeding it and cleaning the tank. Mia and Drew had a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, because they welcomed their second child, a girl who will be called Ginny, short for Virginia May Priscilla. PJ doesn't really get it yet, he thinks that Ginny is just a doll that his cousins left behind, and keeps asking, "When's Julie gonna come'n get her dolly?" Louisa has married Henry Greene, who she's been with for two years. They are very happy together and hope to start a family soon. Aidan and Kat still haven't tied the knot, but they are engaged and planning on getting married soon. Shea just finished college and is currently working as a waitress while looking for better work. Hamish, Tabitha, and Sam are all in college and doing well. Just when Jacob and Sophia's home was empty, an obviously pregnant teenager showed up on their doorstep. It turns out that Mercy was pregnant with twins, who she plans on naming William and Norah. They took her in, and she explained that her boyfriend had left her when she told him she was pregnant, and her parents disowned her. They signed forms to become her foster parents, and everything went smoothly.
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BF: Castor Ren Miyamoto-Connolly
BF: Sincerity Edward Stefan CabotDD: Nora-May Aphrodite Anne Connolly-Cabot
-BF: Redmond Orson Yardley
---DD: Grace Demetria Yardley
DD: Felicity Lark Connolly-Cabot (True's twin)
-BF: Henry Thaddeus Grimes
DS: Truman Arrow Connolly-Cabot (Felicity's twin)
DS: Jude Edwin Connolly-Cabot
DS: Soren Noel Connolly-Cabot
DS: Simon Ira Connolly-Cabot
ADD: Isabella Padmavati Connolly-CabotDDog: Alf
DDog: Tiny***CASTOR & SIN
w/ Nora, Felicity, True, Jude, Soren, Si and Bella with Alf and Tiny the dogsNORA & Roy
w/ GracieFELICITY & Henry
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DGM: {73} Agatha Julianne {McGowan} BauerDH: {49} Daniel Thomas Bauer
DW: {48} Alaina Christine {Parris} BauerDS: {24} Thomas Patrick Bauer
- Dgf: {23} Hilary Theresa Glover
DD: {22} Maisie Faith Bauer
DS: {21} Lucius Huang Worthington
DS: {19} Caleb Maxwell Bauer
DD: {19} Sophie Alexis Bauer
ADD: {17} Valeria Wei Worthington
DS: {15} Koen Nicholas Bauer
DD: {14} Delilah Eloise Bauer
DD: {12} Phoebe Agatha Bauer
DS: {10} Benjamin Myles BauerDDog: Minnie {female, Great Dane}
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DGM: {73} Agatha Julianne {McGowan} BauerDH: {49} Daniel Thomas Bauer
DW: {48} Alaina Christine {Parris} BauerDS: {24} Thomas Patrick Bauer
- Dgf: {23} Hilary Theresa Glover
DD: {22} Maisie Faith Bauer
DS: {21} Lucius Huang Worthington
DS: {19} Caleb Maxwell Bauer
DD: {19} Sophie Alexis Bauer
ADD: {17} Valeria Wei Worthington
DS: {15} Koen Nicholas Bauer
DD: {14} Delilah Eloise Bauer
DD: {12} Phoebe Agatha Bauer
DS: {10} Benjamin Myles BauerDDog: Minnie {female, Great Dane}
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DW - Hero Minako Akiyama-Monroe (44)
DW - Valour Tamora Elisabeth Alanna Pierce 'Val' (43)AS - Henry Noah Monroe-Pierce 'Hal' (24)
-Dgf - Kimberly Abigail Thompsett 'Kat' (24)
-AS - Nuka James (nb)AS - Christmas Joshua Monroe-Pierce (21)
-DW - Sabine Oliva [Cook] Monroe-Pierce (27)
-DS - Samwise Jonathan Roger Timothy (2)
-DD - Dorothy Nedivah Saffron Thankful (nb)AD - Tamora Huan Huddleston (20)
-Dbf - Hamish Theodore Gerber (20)AS - Ariel Zhi Huddleston (18)
DD/DS - Minerva Hero & Theodore Thurstan (17)
AD - Sarah Indrani (15)AD - Remember Georgiana Love (15)
-DD/DS - Wilhelmina Constant & Nathanael Hope Green-Love (nb)DD - Amelie Elizabeth (11)
DD - Magdalene Anna (10)
AS - James Baldovino (8)
DS - Percival Hector (6)Hero and Val Monroe-Pierce - Hal, Chip, Tamora, Ariel, Minnie & Teddy, Sadie, Remy, Amy, Magda, Jim, and Percy Monroe-Pierce.
-Hal Monroe-Pierce and Kat Thompsett - Nuka Monroe-Thompsett.
-Chip and Sabine Monroe-Pierce - Sam, and Dot Monroe-Pierce.
-Tamora Huddleston and Hamish Gerber.
-Remy Love - Billie & Nate Green-Love.
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DW: Coriander "Cori" Louise [Holtman] Carver (53)
-DS: Adam George Carver (27)
--DGf: Megara "Meggie" Susan Musker (deceased)
--DS: James "Jimmy Boy" Boyd Carver-Musker (8)
--exDGf: Quintessence "Quinn" Marie O'Harrigan (x)
--DD: Gaia Grace Carver-O'Harrigan (7)
--DW: Maggie Eloise Roth (26)
--DS: Aragorn "King" Jotham Roger Theodore Carver (5)
--DS: Plymouth "Rock" Pilgrim Squanto Carver (nb)
-DD: Lucretia "LuLu Bee" Beatrice [Carver] Yale (26)
--DH: Raymond "Roy" Oliver Yale (30)
--DS: Oliver Robert Carver-Yale (5)
--DD: Mayflower "Flora" Virginia Yale (nb)
-DS/DD: Murray Thurstan Carver / Adelia "DeeDee" Eluned [Carver] Golmar (21)
--Murray's DGf: Karissa "Kat" Adalia Travis (19)
--DS: Evanescence "Evan" Tristan Travis Carver (5)
--DGoldfish: Bivouac
--DeeDee's DD/DD: Deena Dorothy Carver / Dina Delilah Carver (5)
--DeeDee's DH: Horace "Harry" Tiberius Golmar (25)
-DD: Dorinda "Dori" Alice Carver (11)
--DD: Clae Marie Carver (exp.)
-DD: Magdalene "Maggie" Andromeda Carver (10)
DH: Johnny-Robert "Rob" Tolkien Jackson (54)
-DD: Ainsley "Amy" Meredith Jackson (7)
-ADD: Hopedfor "Hopie" Teresa Grace (17)
--DD/DS: Nathanael "Nat" Tribulation Grace / Winona "Winnie" Moremercy Grace (exp.)

DCat: Baldy DMom: Olga "Olly" Lucy Sema (deceased)DH: Jacob "Jake" Adam Carver (55)
DGf: Katherine "Kate" Lucy McTimmons (35)
-DS: Timothy "TinTin" Thomas Carver McTimmons (9)
-DCousin: Trevor Luke McTimmons (21)
-ADS: Hania "Henry" Charles Ciqala-McTimmons (8)
DGf: Charlotte "Charlie" Agatha Boxcar (28)
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