[Games] V's KUY Namebank Congrats {round 2}
Round One - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/4344684Note: You can join in at any time, just read the past rounds and follow the naming instructions from each. It's been five years, and your family has had 1,3, 5 or 7 new additions! You can choose if you have multiples or not.* If you have bare feet at the moment, they're all girls.
* If you are just wearing socks on your feet, they're all boys.
* If you're wearing shoes, there are more girls than boys.
* If you're wearing something else (???) there are more boys than girls.

Female namebank this round is selected 20th century female artist, and male namebank is philosophers born in the 20th century.Namebanks:Agnes Aleksandra Augusta Berenice Cecilia Christabel Clara Dorothea Dulah Elaine Elenore Elsa Francoise Gabriele Geneva Gertrude Gwen Hannelore Helene Henrietta Hildreth Imogen Janet Karimeh Lilla Lois Louisa Marguerite Maria Marianne Mavis Nellie Orovida Pablita Paula Romaine Rosalyn Rowena Seraphine Sigrid Wilhelmina Zinaida Zlata Alain Albert Aleksandr Alfred Archie Bernard Cornelius Felix Frederick George Georges Gilles Giorgio Gotthard Hans Hector-Neri Helmut Irving Isaiah Jacques Jozef Julian Jurgen Karl-Otto Louis Lucien Mortimer Nelson Noam Norberto Norman Peter Richard-Bevan Robert Sidney Virgil Werner
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DH: Benson Rufus Moriarity
-exDW: Trina Claudette Cubison
--DS: Carter Caedmon Isaac Moriarity
-DW: Eliana Praeda Truthbringer Moriarity
--DS: Bernard "Bernie" Frederick Truthbringer Moriarity
--DS/DS: Isaiah "Saiah" Lucien Truthbringer Moriarity / Peter "PJ" Julian Truthbringer Moriarity
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H: 30 Rex Tyler Talthorne
W: 26 Ivy Liadan Hargrove TalthorneD: 5 Helene Rosalyn Talthorne
D: 3 Romaine Mavis Talthorne "Romy"
S: nb Julian Alain Talthorne
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W: Zara Daphne [31]
H: Luke Johan [31]D: Clara Zinaida [2]
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LN : Talthorne
DH : Brannen Travis Talthorne (26)
DW : Daphne Ruth [Stonewater] Talthorne (24)
DS: Aleksandr Felix Talthorne (1)
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LN: StonemasonDH: Carter Patrick Stonemason
DW: Victoria Eliana Stonemason (nee Hargrove) "Vicky"DD/DD: Lilla Imogen Stonemason "Lily"/ Dorothea Louisa Stonemason "Thea"
DD: Rosalyn Wilhelmina Stonemason "Rose"
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DH: Luke Travis Moriarity
DW: Kathryn Victoria (Hargrove) Moriarty 'Kate'DD: Cecilia Aleksandra
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LN: Hargrove
DH: Micah Edwyn (28)
DW: Kathryn Victoria (Njordson)(27)
DD: Aleksandra Elaine "Allie" (4)
DD: Rosalyn Louisa "Rosie" (2)
DD: Rowena Christabel "Rory" (0)
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DH: Felix Sebastian Hargrove
DW: Daphne Victoria {Shatterfiend} HargroveDS: Julian Felix Hargrove
DS: Isaiah Peter Hargrove
DS: Robert Louis Hargrove
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LN: StonewaterDH: Benson Isaak Stonewater [30]
DW: Roslin Leandra [Demard] Stonewater [30]DD: Imogen Berenice Stonewater[4]
DD/DD: Marianna Elenore Stonewater/ Christabel Elaine Stonewater [1]
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DW - Victoria Claudette Stonewater (28)
DH - Sebastian Tyler Barnaby [Hargrove] Stonewater (32)DS - Nelson Aleksandr Stonewater (4)
DS - Hector-Neri Jacques Stonewater 'Hector' (2)
DS - Robert Virgil Stonewater 'Robin' (nb)
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DH Finlay Brice Moriarity
DW Roisin Aisling Maciver MoriarityDS Felix George Moriarity (4)
DD/DD Louisa Cecilia Moriarity / Dorothea Clara Moriarity "Thea" (2)
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H: Bronson Finlay Stonewater
W: Greta Kathryn (Talthorne) Stonewater
-D: Britta Roslin Stonewater
-S: Tyler Irvine Stonewater
-S/S: Julian Noam Stonewater/Robert Virgil Stonewater
-S: Peter Aleksandr Stonewater
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DH: Garrius 'Fin' Finlay Truthbringer (26)
DW: Liadan Eva Truthbringer (24)DS/DS: Louis Werner and Isaiah Lucien (5)
DD: Cecilia Gwen (2)
DD/DD: Elenore Augusta and Elaine Lilla (nb)
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DH: Felix Caedmon Tor Moriarty (29)
DW: Ivy Hester Ruth [Stonewater] Moriarty (30)DS: Albert Felix George Moriarty "Albie" (3)
DD: Louisa Nellie Agnes Moriarty "Lola" (1)
DD: Imogen Elsa Gwen Moriarty "Immy" (nb)
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Eva Hester Demard & Finlay Brice Stonewater
* Felix Karl-Otto Demard Stonewater (3)
* Alfred Hector-Neri Demard Stonewater (1)
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DH: Irvine Victor Stonemason
DW: Dianna Daphne {Moriarity} StonemasonDS: Irving Jozef Stonemason [4]
DS: Karl-Otto Alain Stonemason [3]
DS: Sidney Noam Stonemason [1]

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DH: Curtis Lucius Moriarty
DW: Daphne Claudette [Stonewater] MoriartyDD: Mavis Wilhelmina Moriarty
DD: Imogen Agnes Moriarty
DD: Rowena Dorothea Moriarty
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LN: Stonewater TruthbringerDgf: Eva Aisling Stonewater (28)
Dbf: Sebastian Rufus Truthbringer (27)DS: Julian Felix Stonewater Truthbringer (2)
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DH: Lucius Victor Moriarity
DW: Daphne Gwenwyn (Stonewater) MoriarityDS: Cornelius Alfred Moriarity
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LN: Truthbringer
DH: Felix Caedmon Truthbringer
DW: Eliana Fiona (Shatterfiend) Truthbringer
DS: Isaiah Alfred Truthbringer
DS: Julian Cornelius Truthbringer
DS: Lucien Louis Truthbringer
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DH: Victor Felix Shatterfiend
DW: Ivy Fiona Liadan (Stonewater) ShatterfiendDD: Augusta Francoise Shatterfiend
DD: Wilhelmina Marguerite Shatterfiend
DS: Cornelius Bernard Shatterfiend
DD: Seraphine Clara Shatterfiend
DS: Mortimer Albert Shatterfiend

This message was edited 10/19/2012, 1:47 AM

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