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[Games] Build-A-Family (All-in-one)
Here's an All-in-one Build-a-Family- there are five rounds, and in each round, you marry/adopt/give birth to new people/pets. All five rounds are in this one post- I thought it would be a quicker way to do it- also, feel free to post as many rounds as you have time for, then come back and do the rest later! Round One:
You applied for a job awhile ago and have just found out whether you got the job or not. Did you? What job was it? Your wedding was last weekend- how was it? Who is your SO? Are you and your SO already moved into your new house/apartment? Or are you moving in the future? How's your life lately?Round Two:
It's been two years since you were married. Congratulations! You've just had your first child, a baby boy!* What's his name? His birthday? How is he? Is he healthy? How is his bedroom/nursery decorated? You've decided to adopt a kitten from a local shelter- what does s/he look like? What's his/her name? Any other news?*If you choose, you can also document your pregnancy during this letter. Round Three:
It's been three years since your son was born. Surprise, surprise, you've just had twin girls!* How are the twins? What are their names? Is your son adjusting well to being a big brother? Your son has made some new friends- tell me about them. You've decided to leave your job until your kids are older to be able to take care of the kids more. Does your SO support your decision? What else is going on?*If you choose, you can also document your pregnancy during this letter.Round Four:
It's been 2 1/2 years since your twins were born. You've decided to adopt one last child, another boy. However, you have recently found out that he will only be adopted with his sister who is three years younger. You and your SO decide to adopt both of them. What are their names? How old are they? Where are they from? To support your growing family, you've finally decided to move out of the small house into a bigger one. Is it in the same town? Or did you move quite a distance? Finally, you've taken a vacation. Where to? Tell us about it!Round Five:
It's been ten years. Your adopted daughter is ten, your adopted son is sixteen, your twins are fifteen-and-a-half, and your son is eighteen-and-a-half. How is your family? Are you and your SO still together? What else would you like to mention?Hope you had fun!*Edited to remove the question about your cat in the fifth round- I just realized that the cat would've been eighteen- quite old for a cat, and he had probably passed by then!
*Edited again to fix the final ages- made a math error!- MelissaArielle Norah
EDD 6/4/06Proud Mother of 20 PP's.

This message was edited 2/7/2006, 11:01 AM

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My name is Hailey Georgia. I applied for a job as a personal wedding planner and I got it! It seems like a really cool job. I got married to Oliver Nathaniel last week and it was all perfect. It was a massive white wedding. We had loads of guests and a nice pink cake. Me and Oliver moved into a new house at the beginning of this week. I've been having a really good life now I'm married.ROUND 2:
It's been a whole 2 years since we got married. We just had our first baby boy! His name is Mackenzie Cameron and he was born on March 5th. He is really cute and totally healthy. His nursery is plain baby blue. We adopted a little kitten called Romy. She is brown and fluffy. Mac has took to Romy.ROUND 3:
Mackenzie is 3 now and we just had two beautiful twin girls. Lena Olivia and Tegan Isabella are really healthy. Mac loves his little sisters and is really protective. He likes feeding them. He's also made some new friends, Zach, Morgan and Alex. I've left the wedding planning now until the kids get older. Oliver is supporting me and he earns enough to look after us.ROUND 4:
Mac's 5 years old and Lena and Tegan are 2. We decided to adopt a boy but he will only be adopted with his sister, who is a bit younger. We're adopting both of them. Corey Theodore and Lily Jasmine. Corey is 3 and Lily is newborn. It will be a handful but never mind. They're from the other side of the country. We've moved into a bigger house now and we're taking a holiday to Greece. It was really good but the kids were hard to look after. They all want to do different stuff and putting sun screen on was a nightmare.

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Round One!
About three months ago I applied for a counseling job at a high school. Last week, I learned that I got the job! I'm so excited. I begin when the new school year starts in September. My boyfriend and I recently got married. His name is William Alexander, or just "Wil". We had a beautiful wedding ceremony last weekend and just got back from our honeymoon--which was to Disneyworld, a place neither of us had ever been before! While we were away, our respective families got together and bought us a little 3-bedroom house and decorated some of it. We were very surprised and have since finished painting and decorating our new home. Wil and I are the best of friends and we have had a great week. Round Two!
Two years have gone by. Wil and I are just as much in love as we have always been and we recently welcomed a little boy into our family. His name is Kent Elian and he was born on April 8th at 12:09 am. Kent is a beautiful baby boy and he is the best child any parent could ask for. He is content, quiet, and seems very routine oriented. We knew that Kent was going to be a boy, so we decorated his bedroom with all kinds of sports-themed paraphenalia--mostly hockey because that's what Wil does for a living (he is an athletic trainer for a professional hockey team). Kent seems to like his bedroom, little as he is. Because we've read that growing up around pets can help reduce allergies in children, Wil and I decided to adopt a kitten from the local shelter. It is a mixed breed kitten, but it is short-haired and has orange tabby markings. We decided to name her Haley. Haley is a very curious kitten and she likes to explore. The shelter had her declawed, fixed, and vaccinated so we don't have anything to worry about.

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Ignore the one above this! Sorry.
Sorry about the double posts. I really did log in. I did.
Round One!
About three months ago I applied for a counseling job at a high school. Last week, I learned that I got the job! I'm so excited. I begin when the new school year starts in September. My boyfriend and I recently got married. His name is William Alexander, or just "Wil". We had a beautiful wedding ceremony last weekend and just got back from our honeymoon--which was to Disneyworld, a place neither of us had ever been before! While we were away, our respective families got together and bought us a little 3-bedroom house and decorated some of it. We were very surprised and have since finished painting and decorating our new home. Wil and I are the best of friends and we have had a great week. Round Two!
Two years have gone by. Wil and I are just as much in love as we have always been and we recently welcomed a little boy into our family. His name is Kent Elian and he was born on April 8th at 12:09 am. Kent is a beautiful baby boy and he is the best child any parent could ask for. He is content, quiet, and seems very routine oriented. We knew that Kent was going to be a boy, so we decorated his bedroom with all kinds of sports-themed paraphenalia--mostly hockey because that's what Wil does for a living (he is an athletic trainer for a professional hockey team). Kent seems to like his bedroom, little as he is. Because we've read that growing up around pets can help reduce allergies in children, Wil and I decided to adopt a kitten from the local shelter. It is a mixed breed kitten, but it is short-haired and has orange tabby markings. We decided to name her Haley. Haley is a very curious kitten and she likes to explore. The shelter had her declawed, fixed, and vaccinated so we don't have anything to worry about.

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What a beautiful family!
- MelissaArielle Norah
EDD 6/4/06Proud Mother of 20 PP's.
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This is more difficult than I thoughtR1: I applied for a job as a receptionist in a small law firm near my home. I got the job, I love this kind of work. I got married last weekend in my family church, not many people were there, my dress was cheap and most of the decorations were loaned to me, it was wonderful. I married my high school sweetheart Bobby, we've been together forever now. We are currently living in a home owned by my family, this means no rent which is very helpful since we are both still in college.
R2: Little Bobby was born in early Feb. He wasn't due until mid March but the doctors say he's going to be alright, just a little small. I'm scared to death, being a new mom, and then having a premie. Thank goodness we finished his nursery last week, it's done in Precious Moments, I like it, he'll hate me for it when he's older. We're getting a cat... hopefully already housetrained. I want him to be gray, and fat, he has to be fat.
R3: Twin girls! I don't know much about girls. This pregnancy was different, I was very sad most of the time, I kind of felt all alone. I wonder if postpardum will result. My girls were born in May. Both very healthy and at a good weight. Their names are Leah Rose and Kathryn Leigh. Leah is the name of one of my best girlfriends, Rose is the middle name of another one. Kathryn is my mom's middle name and Leigh is mine. They will grow up proud of who they are. My son is attached to his cousins. He spends day and night with them since we all live in the same small town. He loves to play games on his game-cube but I try to incourage as much outdoor activity as possible. He loves his sisters, they love him too. I'm trying to start up my own business so that I can work out of my home. My husband isn't around much because he's a Registered Nurse and the hours are long and hard.

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You did a really good job.You did a really good job making up a family. It took me forever to make up mine. But , I love this game.
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well... I kinda cheated... most of the info was true. I have a son... I'm pregnant now... and my husband really was adopted, we plan to adopt one day. But thanks... it's kind of scary to sum up an entire lifetime in a few rounds though!
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I just got a job as a jewelry store manager.
I planned an outdoor wedding but it rained so we finnished it inside , but not before I got soaked.
My husband's name is Dustin Michael and he is 21 years old.
Right now we are living in a 4 bedroom house in an edition outside of Saint Louis. (we have alot of bedrooms and have been trying to fill them :) ... )
We named our baby boy Parker Ciaran. He was born a day after our anniversery (March 18). He weighed 6 pounds and 7 onces. He is very quiet and has blonde/red hair. What a great kid he is.
His bedroom is painted tan and has camoflague decor.
We adopted a stray kitten that was other wise going to be put to sleep. He is a gray kitten and he is very friendly and loud. We named him Cournal Mustard. I just finnished college and applied for a job as a rehab center as a counsler. Dustin is still working on his master's in medican. We've decided to host a 16 year old foreign exchange student. Her name is Ji and she is from China. We are also getting a boy from Yuogolslavia named Galven.
Our girls were born by c-section. They look just alike! We named them Sunny M and Noelle Grey. (the names were my husband's idea , he's crazy!) Parker is very timid and is scared to be a big brother. His hair has turned light but is very thick and his skin is tan. (this is very uncommon for such a fair-haired boy to be so dark) During the day I leave Parker with my friend and neighbor , Krista and her husband , Ray. They have a boy that is Parker's age. His name is Conan. They are becoming very close. Now that I have 2 more kids I've decided to stay home for a while Dustin thinks this is a better idea adn thinks he can support us since now he has a job in a hospital. I'll start watching the neighbors kid (Conan) while she goes back to work.

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Round One:I got the job as a church secretary.
The wedding was a hit! We were worried about how my divorced family would react, but everything went well! It was very romantic and held at a little local chapel.
My husband is Everett James.
We just bought a new house and are in the process of moving-- it has 4 bedrooms and 2 baths, so it's perfect for a family!
Life is great, Everett and I couldn't be happier.
Round Two:
Our son is Ethan Andrew. He was born on April 20th. He is perfectly happy and we are so excited to have him here!
Ethan's bedroom is blue and teal-- we tried to keep it neutral, because we wanted to be surprised at whether it was a boy or not.
Our new kitten's name is Caedmon and he's a gray tabby. We're thrilled to have a baby and a kitten grow up together-- we're hoping they'll really bond!
Everett just got a promotion at his job that surprisngly has him working less hours during the week. Ethan and I are very happy about that.Round Three:
Our twins are gorgeous! They are identical and we named them Jocelyn Alana and Katelyn Elisabeth. We hope that they'll go by Joss and Katie!
Ethan absolutely adores his little sisters and is really a huge help! I'm so glad they'll have such a nice big brother.
Ethan has several friends from church! Ian is rather rowdy and jovial, Jack is very fun to play with, and Ashlynne is adorable and loves playing with the boys.
Everett completely supports my decision to stay home and I couldn't be more thrilled to be with Ethan, Joss and Katie during the day.

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oops, i didn't mean to have mine in response to yours, jane6! sorry about that... :)
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no big deal
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MineRound One:
I recently applied for a job as an art teacher at the local elementary school. I got the job! I'm very excited. Last weekend, my DH (Jon) and I got married. It was a lovely ceremony outdoors with an indoor/outdoor reception. Everything was perfect! We've bought a cute little house very close to the school- two bedrooms, two bathrooms, to prepare for the big family we know that we both want. We're very excited about that! Round Two:
I had a good pregnancy- not too much morning sickness, not too bad cravings, and I even had a cute (if a stomach the size of a yoga ball can be called cute) bump to show off in my second and third trimesters! During the third trimester, however, I had a lot of back pain. I delivered naturally without medication after fourteen hours of labor- yet the end result was worht it- Lucas Jerome was born! Weighing seven pounds and eleven ounces, he is absolutely perfect- light brown peach fuzz for hair, soft, smooth skin, and dark eyes. I love him to pieces! His bedroom is painted a soft blue.
We've also adopted a cat- Mimi- who is a cream-colored Persian. Very cute! Round Three:
Oh, boy- it's twins! I had an enormous bump and couldn't walk- I waddled. And I thought I was big during Luke's pregnancy! The last few weeks I could barely sit down at the kitchen table, my stomach was too huge! Luke is insisting that he gets twin brothers, not twin sisters, but the ultrasound showed it was definitely girls, so Luke will have to deal with that! The twins are born! Arielle Norah came first, weighing five pounds, fifteen ounces, followed by Gracia Rose, weighing five pounds, eight ounces. They were eleven minutes apart. Despite all the fuss Luke originally made about there being two girls, he loves his sisters and loves to take care of them! (He still doesn't quite understand how two babies got inside of Mommy, but that's a story for a different day! ;)

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