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[Opinions] Re: Petra
Petra has really grown on me over the past year or so. I think it's spunky and not too cutesy. It has substance and charm.Petra Anne - It works, but Anne is very plain as a middle name. How about Petra Annabel / Annabelle?
Petra Annelise - Pretty.
Petra Cecily - The first two syllables of both names contain a short "e" sound, so it sounds a tad redundant, but it still works. I like both names.
Petra Dorothy - I'm not a fan of Dorothy, but it works well with Petra.
Petra Eloise - Nice flow. I don't really care for Eloise because it reminds me of the word "wheeze", but it's decent.
Petra Felicity - Lovely. This one is my favorite out of your Petra combos.
Petra Liberty - Nice flow. I wouldn't have paired Petra and Liberty together
Petra Lucy - Lucy sounds better with Petra than Lucinda, Lucina, Luciana, etc. even though I prefer them over Lucy in general. Petra Lucille would work, but I prefer Lucy to Lucille.
Petra Margaret - This flows well. I'm not a fan of Margaret myself, but it's nice that you're honoring a friend. It gives the combo more meaning.
Petra Mary - Pretty.
Petra Melody - Nice flow.
Petra Opal - I like both names, but I don't think they flow together very well.
Petra Rose - This makes me think of a petrified rose, but it's not that big of a deal. I love Rose as a first name, but I find it bland as a middle name for the most part. Given that Petra is fairly uncommon, using a popular middle name is less of an issue than if you were using a more popular first name. Petra Rose is still far more interesting than Emma Rose, Hannah Rose, Isabella Rose, etc.
Petra Ruby - I like both names, but the "r" sounds run together.
Petra Ruth - Again, the "r" sounds run together. If you're open to using two middle names, you could place something in between Petra and Ruth so that you can still honor your great-grandmother if that is important to you. Something like Petra Helen Ruth or Petra Felicity Ruth would be nice.Other combos:Petra Giselle
Petra Vivian / Vivien / Vivienne
Petra Simone
Petra Delphine
Petra Valerie
Petra Christine
Petra Colleen
Petra Caroline
Petra Helen
Petra Ellen
Petra Elodie
Petra Eleanor / Elinor
Petra Miriam
Petra Mariam / Maryam
Petra Marian
Petra Jacqueline
Petra Jane
Petra Lillian
Petra Gillian / Jillian
Petra Gabrielle
Petra Diane
Petra Daphne
Petra Lorraine
Petra Margo / Margot
Petra Marguerite
Petra Maeve
Petra Josephine
Petra Noelle
Petra Verity
Petra Mariel
Petra Marielle
Petra Guinevere
Petra Abigail
Petra Melanie
Petra Sophie
Petra Naomi
Petra Eve
Petra Phoebe
Petra Fay / Faye
Petra Dawn
Petra Heidi
Petra Adeline
Petra Adelaide
Petra April
Petra Edith
Petra Judith
Petra June
Petra Madeline
Petra Madeleine
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I just might steal Petra Valerie for a poll. :-)
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