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[Games] Generation CAF
Borrowed format.Surnames: Alexander, Arnott, Ashton, Bagshaw, Bailey, Barrell, Bens, Bewley, Bishop, Bolton, Briden, Bryant, Burton, Coleman, Dagnell, Day, Doyle, Elliott, Flynn, Francis, Fraser, Gilbert, Gregory, Grimsey, Haden, Halstead, Heyes, Hopkins, Houghton, Hussain, Hutchison, Ingle, Jeffcock, Kay, Kinnison, Kyle, Lucas, Mackenzie, McSheffrey, Middleton, Millet, Mold, Morrison, Newton, Nicholls, O'Neill, O'Reilly, Oakley, Oliver, Ralston, Ravenscroft, Rawsthorne, Rees, Riley, Rooke, Rosso, Sheppard, Sowman, St. Clair, Thornhill, Tisdall, Todd, Wadsworth, Walraven, Watsham, Whitwell, Willett, Woollard, Wrenn, Yule
H [76] Lemuel Wolf Tristan Caspar Cody Septimus Crow Rodion Cleon Ishmael
W [73] Vida Charity Sai Bennington Clarissa Lux Serafina Aurora Pecola Nenna
S1 [50] Brick Holden Cato Atticus Falmouth Orlando Edward Darl Macon Axel
W [36] Selah Amity Primrose Cornelia Henrietta Patience Hepzibah Modesty Azuba Prudence
S [14] Benaiah Jonas Clement Increase Philo Jothan Absalom Eleazar Zebulon Jared
D [11] Ester Charity Verity Phoebe Remember Lydia Theodosia Fanny Tabitha Dorcas
D [9] Keturah Aphra Electa Temperance Keziah Mahala Hester Rosanna Susanna Mercy
S [5] Elijah Adonijah Amos Asa Elisha Prosperity Emanuel Josiah Ezekiel Rufus
S [2] Hosea Zephaniah Abraham Zaccheus Seth Isham Comfort Jethro Azariah Levi D1 [47] Viviette Sheba Pilar Mercy Mamie Blue Fleur Lolita Pansy Guinevere
H [48] Isaiah Aidan Gus Dashiell Graham George Elias Anderson Miles Jonas
D [24] Olivia Harriet Jacqueline Victoria Josephine Patricia Willa Martina Christine Francesca
-W [25] Coralia Beatrice June Molly Dominique Pearl Diana Undine Waverly Ariel
--S [2] Ike Cal Mose Tad Eben Tobe Ned Kit Elzie Dell
--D [nb] Kay Mamie Tansy Dottie Mae Melia Belle Bess Betsy Annie
S [22] Forrest Malcolm Charlie Asher Nicholas Jasper Liam Barnaby Gabriel Wyatt
-Gf [21] Sabrina Ondine Lola Alana Azalea Doris Oona Miranda Oceane Lorelei
--S [8mo] Lige Paddy Zeb Kiah Newt Bat Ollie Theo Lon Hy
D [19] Clementine Paulina Georgia Louisa Nicole Samantha Justine Danielle Charlotte Theodora
D [16] Edwina Henrietta Philippa Geraldine Augusta Alexandra Roberta Briana Louise Antonia S2 [44] Aramis Melchior Laird Taft Fenno Loch Sebastian Silas Darcy Quillen
W [48] Constance Adelia Mildred Flora Imogen Muriel Miriam Ida Opal Geraldine
S [21] Howard Ralph Monty Louis Edmund Stanley Wilbur Arthur Mortimer Edwin
-W [21] Selphie Kairi Quistis Shion Taki Rinoa Lara Rynn Rikku Sora
S/D [18] Raymond Victor Gilbert Julius Barney Humphrey Frederick Walter Eugene Sidney / Lavinia Vera Dorothea Millicent Alberta Clara Harriet Helen Wilhelmina Agnes
D [15] Mabel Lucinda Cornelia Letitia Myrtle Blanche Frederica Josephine Dora Etta
S [12] Murray Theodore Harold Martin Harry Calvin Alfred Frank Seymour MiltonD2 [44] Melanctha Malta Rosamond Scout Feather Hermione Romola Dahlia Emma Snow-Flower
H [50] Ozias Godfrey Sayer Hamish Leonides Webster Webb Oberon Nicandro Ogden
StepD [25] Zandra Dolly Kiernan Lenore Ione Lucienne Pippa Cicely Snow Palmer
-H [25] Hopper Lorcan Socrates Walden Cashel Percival Odysseus Tobiah Stanislav Win
--D [3] Valentine Noe Henrietta Cyra Adira Lux Spring Domenica Ondine Katherina
--S [2] Serge Inigo Stanton Branch Prescott Malachy Chet Ivo Park Tiberius
--D [5mo] Tulip Hester Circe Verena Toril Maryana Blanche Leonie Jezebel Cerys
StepS [23] Jedidiah Cosmo Bay Moss Coltrane Ludovic Casimir Calloway Gerrit Phelan
-W [26] Destin Fleur Carmelita Corin Ambrosia Paz Philomena Electra Sybil Gray
--S [1] Rufus Raoul Brick Griffith Vaughn Day Jago Maxfield Isidore Washington
D [15] Elspeth Albany Sinead Tana Tally Cornelia Branwen Vita Langley Tessie
S [8] Orson Jotham Redmond Balthazar Finbar Piers Fielding Stellan Barnabas Osborne S3 [40] Sawyer Quintus Oskar Valentino Amory Marius Rhett Utah Cullen Seneca
H [37] Rupert Angus Lennon Crispin Fergus Callum Felix Conall Archie Balthazar
S [7] Lachlan Rhys Duncan Hamish Harvey Laird Lewis Euan Piers Ivor
D/D [5] Cerys Libby Poppy Cressida Ruby Araminta Amelie Anwen Annabel Iona / Beatrix Catriona Ailsa Gwendolyn Matilda Bryony Eva Gracie Clementine Eugenie
S [3] Ellis Inigo Leo Tarquin Arran Hugh Gregor Augustine Jasper Finlay
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DH [76] Caspar Tristan
DW [73] Serafina Lux- -
DS1 [50] Edward Orlando
DW [36] Amity SelahDS [14] Jonas Clement
DD [11] Phoebe Ester
DD [9] Rosanna Mercy
DS [5] Josiah Asa
DS [2] Seth Levi* Teddy and Ami with Jonas, Phoebe, Rosie, Josiah & Seth- -
DD1 [47] Fleur Blue
DH [48] Aidan GeorgeDD [24] Olivia Josephine
- DW [25] Molly Waverly
- DS [2] Cal Ike
- DD [nb] Annie Belle
* Olivia and Molly with Cal & Annie
DS [22] Liam Asher
- Dgf [21] Azalea Lorelei
- DS [8mo] Theo Paddy
* Liam and Azalea with Theo
DD [19] Louisa Danielle
DD [16] Alexandra Briana* Fleur and Aidan with Olivia, Liam, Louisa & Alex- -
DS2 [44] Silas Darcy
DW [48] Flora ImogenDS [21] Arthur Louis
- DW [21] Lara Kairi
* Artie with wife Lara
DS//DD [18] Walter Sidney & Clara Helen
DD [15] Lucinda Mabel
DS [12] Harry Theodore* Silas and Flora with Artie, Walter, Clara, Luci & Harry- -
DD2 [44] Emma Scout
DH [50] Leonides HamishStepD [25] Pippa Cicely
- DH [25] Cashel Tobiah
- DD [3] Lux Adira
- DS [2] Ivo Inigo
- DD [5mo] Cerys Leonie
* Pippa and Cash with Lux, Ivo & Cerys
StepS [23] Cosmo Bay
- DW [26] Carmelita Destin
- DS [1] Isidore Jago
* Cosmo and Cammie with Isidore
DD [15] Sinead Tana
DS [8] Orson Stellan* Emma and Leo with Pippa, Cosmo, Sinead & Orson- -
DS3 [40] Oskar Sawyer
DH [37] Callum LennonDS [7] Rhys Lewis
DD//DD [5] Poppy Annabel & Eva Bryony
DS [3] Finlay Ellis* Oskar and Callum with Rhys, Poppy, Eva & Finlay
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Tristan Cody
Aurora Clarissa "Rory"--
Holden Edward
Henrietta Cornelia "Etta"Jonas Jared "JJ"
Tabitha Lydia "Abby"
Susanna Mercy "Anna"
Josiah Elijah "Joey"
Levi Seth --
Guinevere Viviette "Gwen"
Aidan George Olivia Josephine "Livia"
- Molly June
-- Dell Kit
-- Annie-Belle Mae Liam Nicholas
- Lola Sabrina
-- Ollie Theo Louisa Charlotte
Alexandra Philippa "Alex"--
Sebastian Silas "Bastian"
Miriam Imogen "Mira"Arthur Louis "Artie"
- Rynn Sora Walter Frederick / Dorothea Clara "Thea"
Josephine Blanche "Josie"
Harry Theodore --
Emma Dahlia
Hamish Oberon Lenore Lucienne "Nora"
- Tobiah Walden "Toby"
-- Katherina Valentine "Katie"
-- Prescott Malachy
-- Leonie Jezebel "Lea"Jedidiah Moss "Jed"
- Corin Electra "Cori"
-- Vaughn Griffith Sinead Elspeth
Stellan Piers --
Rhett Cullen
Callum Felix Hamish Rhys
Annabel Poppy "Bella" / Eva Bryony "Evie"
Leo Finlay
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H [76] Wolf Ishmael
W [73] Aurora Lux
S1 [50] Holden Atticus Edward
W [36] Henrietta Hepzibah Primrose
S [14] Zebulon Benaiah Clement
D [11] Lydia Theodosia Verity
D [9] Mercy Susanna Keturah
S [5] Elisha Prosperity Ezekiel
S [2] Hosea Isham Azariah D1 [47] Fleur Mercy Viviette
H [48] Graham Elias
D [24] Harriet Victoria
-W [25] Beatrice June
--S [2] Mose Ike
--D [nb] Melia Tansy
S [22] Asher Malcolm
-Gf [21] Azalea Oceane
--S [8mo] Kiah Newt
D [19] Louisa Clementine
D [16] Edwina HenriettaS2 [44] Silas Melchoir Taft
W [48] Flora Imogen Opal
S [21] Louis Edmund
-W [21] Kairi Rynn
S/D [18] Humphrey Frederick / Harriet Wilhelmina
D [15] Mabel Josephine
S [12] Seymour MartinD2 [44] Dahlia Rosamund Hermione
H [50] Sayer Ogden
StepD [25] Lenore Cicely
-H [25] Walden Tobiah
--S [2] Inigo Tiberius
--D [5mo] Tulip Blanche
StepS [23] Moss Calloway
-W [26] Sybil Ambrosia
--S [1] Isidore Vaughn
D [15] Elspeth Cornelia
S [8] Fielding Orson S3 [40] Oskar Quintus Amory
H [37] Felix Balthazar
S [7] Piers Duncan
D/D [5] Poppy Annabel / Clementine Ailsa
S [3] Ellis Augustine
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H [76] Rodion Crow Dagnell
W [73] Clarissa Sai {Ralston} Dagnell
S1 [50] Macon Cato Dagnell
W [36] Selah Patience {Todd} Dagnell
S [14] Jared Clement Dagnell
D [11] Phoebe Tabitha Dagnell
D [9] Keziah Hester Dagnell
S [5] Elijah Rufus Dagnell
S [2] Levi Abraham DagnellD1 [47] Viviette Blue {Dagnell} Rooke
H [48] Graham Miles Rooke
D [24] Olivia Josephine Rooke-Morrison
-W [25] Diana Molly Rooke-Morrison
--S [2] Kit Eben Rooke-Morrison
--D [nb] Tansy Belle Rooke-Morrison
S [22] Malcolm Charlie Rooke
-Gf [21] Alana Lorelei Bens
--S [8mo] Theo Kiah Rooke
D [19] Justine Georgia Rooke
D [16] Philippa Augusta RookeS2 [44] Loch Quillen Dagnell
W [48] Opal Imogen {Watsham} Dagnell
S [21] Howard Louis Dagnell
-W [21] Lara Kairi {Gregory} Dagnell
S/D [18] Raymond Walter Dagnell/Harriet Clara Dagnell
D [15] Mabel Josephine Dagnell
S [12] Frank Martin DagnellD2 [44] Scout Emma {Dagnell} McSheffrey
H [50] Webster Oberon McSheffrey
StepD [25] Zandra Kiernan {McSheffrey} Mackenzie
-H [25] Win Hopper Mackenzie
--D [3] Noe Spring Mackenzie
--S [2] Serge Malachy Mackenzie
--D [5mo] Toril Cerys Mackenzie
StepS [23] Bay Coltrane McSheffrey
-W [26] Destin Corin {Rawsthorne} McSheffrey
--S [1] Griffith Day McSheffrey
D [15] Tana Albany McSheffrey
S [8] Orson Fielding McSheffreyS3 [40] Sawyer Rhett Dagnell-Wrenn
H [37] Rupert Angus Dagnell-Wrenn
S [7] Lachlan Duncan Dagnell-Wrenn
D/D [5] Cressida Anwen Dagnell-Wrenn/Catriona Ailsa Dagnell-Wrenn
S [3] Tarquin Finlay Dagnell-Wrenn
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H [76] Caspar Lemuel
W [73] Aurora Serafina
S1 [50] Edward Macon
W [36] Cornelia Primrose
S [14] Jonas Clement
D [11] Lydia Verity
D [9] Susanna Mercy
S [5] Rufus Asa
S [2] Levi SethD1 [47] Guinivere Pilar 'Gwen'
H [48] Miles Dashiell
D [24] Olivia Francesca
-W [25] Beatrice Waverly 'Bea'
--S [2] Cal Eben
--D [nb] Belle Melia
S [22]Malcolm Gabriel
-Gf [21] Lorelei Sabrina
--S [8mo] Theo Zeb
D [19] Georgia Danielle
D [16] Philippa Louise S2 [44] Sebastian Silas
W [48] Flora Miriam
S [21] Louis Arthur 'Louie'
-W [21] Sora Rynn
S/D [18] Frederick Julius 'Freddie' / Clara Agnes
D [15] Mabel Etta
S [12] Calvin Theodore 'Cal'D2 [44] Emma Dalia
H [50] Hamish Ogden
StepD [25] Cicely Lucienme
-H [25] Lorcan Walden
--D [3] Katherina Noe
--S [2] Prescott Inigo
--D [5mo] Leonie Tulip
StepS [23] Calloway Jedidiah
-W [26] Fleur Carmelita
--S [1] Maxfield Griffith
D [15] Albany Vita
S [8] Stellan Finbar S3 [40] Cullen Marius
H [37] Felix Rupert
S [7] Duncan Harvey
D/D [5] Ruby Annabel / Clementine Eva
S [3] Jasper Leo
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H [76] Tristan Cody Woollard
W [73] Clarissa Aurora McSheffrey Woollard
S1 [50] Orlando Macon Woollard
W [36] Amity Selah Sowman Woollard
S [14] Jared Philo Woollard
D [11] Phoebe Tabitha Woollard
D [9] Keturah Susanna Woollard
S [5] Elijah Ezekiel Woollard
S [2] Zaccheus Seth WoollardD1 [47] Guinevere Fleur Woollard Tisdall
H [48] Elias Miles Tisdall
D [24] Olivia Victoria Tisdall
-W [25] Coralia Waverly Heyes
--S [2] Cal Eben Heyes
--D [nb] Tansy Belle Tisdall
S [22] Nicholas Wyatt Tisdall
-Gf [21] Sabrina Lola Halstead
--S [8m] Theo Ollie Tisdall
D [19] Danielle Charlotte Tisdall
D [16] Philippa Alexandra TisdallS2 [44] Sebastian Laird Woollard
W [48] Constance Imogen Burton Woollard
S [21] Stanley Howard Woollard
-W [21] Lara Selphie Morrison Woollard
S/D [18] Raymond Sidney Woollard / Lavinia Clara Woollard
D [15] Lucinda Mabel Woollard
S [12] Calvin Murray WoollardD2 [44] Emma Dahlia Woollard Rosso
H [50] Leonides Oberon Rosso
StepD [25] Lucienne Kiernan Rosso Middleton
-H [25] Lorcan Odysseus Middleton
--D [3] Noe Katherina Middleton
--S [2] Stanton Tiberius Middleton
--D [5m] Cerys Jezebel Middleton
StepS [23] Calloway Phelan Rosso
-W [26] Destin Ambrosia Gray Millet Rosso
--S [1] Vaughn Griffith Rosso
D [15] Elspeth Langley Rosso
S [8] Stellan Piers RossoS3 [40] Rhett Amory Woollard
H [37] Lennon Fergus Ralston
S [7] Lachlan Rhys Ralston
D/D [5] Annabel Amelie Woollard / Gwendolyn Gracie Woollard
S [3] Tarquin Leo Ralston ----------------------------------------------------------[76] Tristan Woollard
[73] Clarissa McSheffrey Woollard
[50] Orlando Woollard
[48] [Elias Tisdall], [Connie Burton Woollard]
[47] Guinevere Woollard Tisdall
[50] [Leon Rosso]
[44] Sebastian Woollard & Emma Woollard Rosso
[40] Rhett Woollard
[37] [Lennon Ralston]
[36] [Amity Sowman Woollard]
[26] [Destin Millet Rosso]
[25] [Lorcan Middleton], [Cora Heyes], [Lucienne Rosso Middleton]
[24] Olivia Tisdall
[23] [Calloway Rosso]
[22] Nick Tisdall
[21] Stan Woollard, [Lara Morrison Woollard]
[19] Danielle Tisdall
[18] Ray & Liv Woollard
[16] Pippa Tisdall
[15] Cindy Woollard, Liz Rosso
[14] Jared Woollard
[12] Calvin Woollard
[11] Phoebe Woollard
[9] Tura Woollard
[8] Stellan Rosso
[7] Lachlan Ralston
[5] Annie & Gwen Woollard, Eli Woollard
[3] Tariq Ralston
[2] Zac Woollard
[3] Noe Middleton
[2] Stanton Middleton, Cal Heyes
[1] Vaughn Rosso
[8m] Theo Tisdall
[5m] Cerys Middleton
[nb] Tansy Tisdall
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H [76] Wolf Caspar
W [73] Charity Aurora S1 [50] Holden Orlando
W [36] Selah Patience S [14] Jared Eleazar
D [11] Phoebe Lydia
D [9] Keziah Mercy
S [5] Elijah Amos "Eli"
S [2] Jethro Seth--------------D1 [47] Guinevere Pansy
H [48] Isaiah AndersonD [24] Olivia Josephine "Liv"
-W [25] Molly Pearl
--S [2] Ned Eben
--D [nb] Mae Tansy S [22] Gabriel Asher "Gabe"
-Gf [21] Sabrina Lorelei
--S [8mo] Theo ZebD [19] Charlotte Georgia
D [16] Alexandra Louise "Alex"----------------------S2 [44] Darcy Silas
W [48] Miriam OpalS [21] Louis Edmund
-W [21] Lara ShionS/D [18] Frederick Sidney "Fred" / Millicent Clara "Milly"
D [15] Lucinda Mabel "Lucy"
S [12] Harry Calvin-------------------------D2 [44] Emma Dahlia
H [50] Hamish WebsterStepD [25] Pippa Cicely
-H [25] Tobiah Percival "Toby"
--D [3] Lux Katherina
--S [2] Prescott Malachy
--D [5mo] Cerys Tulip StepS [23] Jedidiah Moss "Jed"
-W [26] Electra Fleur "Ellie"
--S [1] Rufus GriffithD [15] Tessie Sinead
S [8] Barnabas Osborne "Barney" -------------------------S3 [40] Rhett Oskar
H [37] Felix Rupert S [7] Rhys Lachlan
D/D [5] Poppy Annabel / Gracie Matilda
S [3] Jasper Leo
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H: Septimus Crow [76]
W: Serafina Lux [73] Septimus (Sep) & Serafina (Fi); Orlando, Mercy, Silas, Dahlia, and Oskar.S1: Orlando Edward [50]
W: Prudence Selah [36]
S: Jonas Benaiah [14]
D: Lydia Tabitha [11]
D: Rosanna Keturah [9]
S: Ezekiel Amos [5]
S: Abraham Jethro [2] Orlando & Prudence (Pru); Jonas (Joss), Lydia (Lydie), Rosanna (Rosa), Ezekiel (Zeke), and Abraham (Bram).D1: Mercy Pilar [47]
H: Isaiah Miles [48]
D: Francesca Jacqueline [24]
-W: June Diana [25]
--S: Cal Mose [2]
--D: Mae Tansy [nb]
S: Nicholas Asher [22]
-Gf: Sabrina Azalea [21]
--S: Theo Lon [8mo]
D: Clementine Georgia [19]
D: Antonia Philippa [16] Mercy & Isaiah; Francesca, Nicholas, Clementine, and Antonia (Nina).
Francesca & June; Cal and Mae.
Nicholas (Nick) & Sabrina (Bree); Theo.S2: Silas Sebastian [44]
W: Constance Miriam [48]
S: Arthur Louis [21]
S/D: Walter Julius & Alberta Helen [18]
D: Lucinda Josephine [15]
S: Frank Theodore [12] Silas & Constance (Connie); Arthur (Ari), Walter (Walt), Alberta (Alba), Lucinda (Lucy), and Frank.D2: Dahlia Emma [44]
H: Godfrey Leonides [50]
StepD: Lenore Ione [25]
-H: Cashel Lorcan [25]
--D: Henrietta Lux [3]
--S: Malachy Tiberius [2]
--D: Cerys Maryana [5mo]
StepS: Ludovic Casimir [23]
-W: Sybil Gray [26]
--S: Rufus Washington [1]
S: Stellan Balthazar [8] Dahlia & Godfrey (God); Lenore, Ludovic, and Stellan.
Lenore (Nora) & Cashel; Henrietta (Hettie), Malachy (Mal), and Cerys.
Ludovic (Ludo) & Sybil (Billie); Rufus.S3: Oskar Marius [40]
H: Rupert Callum [37]
S: Euan Piers [7]
D/D: Amelie Annabel & Matilda Beatrix [5]
S: Leo Augustine [3] Oskar & Rupert; Euan, Amelie, Matilda, and Leo.
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DH - Caspar Cleon Sheppard [76]
DW - Aurora Serafina [Bishop] Sheppard [73]DS1 - Edward Atticus Sheppard [50]
-DW - Cornelia Prudence [Mackenzie] Sheppard [36]
-DS - Jonas Absalom [14]
-DD - Verity Ester [11]
-DD - Susanna Temperance [9]
-DS - Elijah Prosperity [5]
-DS - Seth Zaccheus [2]DD1 - Guinevere Fleur [Sheppard] Lucas [47]
-DH - Anderson Isaiah Lucas [48]
-DD - Josephine Francesca Lucas [24]
--DW - Beatrice Diana Flynn [25]
--DS - Cal Ike [2]
--DD - Tansy Belle [nb]
-DS - Nicholas Malcolm Lucas [22]
--Dgf - Sabrina Azalea Bewley [21]
--DS - Newt Lon [8 months]
-DD - Louisa Danielle [19]
-DD - Philippa Briana [16]DS2 - Sebastian Aramis Sheppard [44]
-DW - Miriam Adelia [St. Clair] Sheppard [48]
-DS - Arthur Edmund Sheppard [21]
--DW - Lara Sora [Kyle] Sheppard [21]
-DS/DD - Frederick Victor & Wilhelmina Dorothea [18]
-DD - Lucinda Letitia [15]
-DS - Theodore Alfred [12]DD2 - Hermione Romola [Sheppard] Halstead [44]
-DH - Hamish Oberon Halstead [50]
-Step-DD - Ione Lucienne [Halstead] Ralston [25]
--DH - Lorcan Percival Ralston [25]
--DD - Henrietta Katherina [3]
--DS - Tiberius Prescott [2]
--DD - Maryana Circe [5 months]
-Step-DS - Phelan Casimir Halstead [23]
--DW - Ambrosia Philomena [Bagshaw] Halstead [26]
--DS - Washington Maxfield Rufus [1]
-DD - Albany Branwen [15]
-DS - Stellan Balthazar [8]DS3 - Quintus Valentino Doyle-Sheppard [40]
-DH - Rupert Crispin Doyle-Sheppard [37]
-DS - Duncan Euan [7]
-DD/DD - Poppy Araminta & Beatrix Clementine [5]
-DS - Augustine Gregor [3]Caspar and Rory Sheppard - Eddie, Guin, Seb & Hermione, and Quinn Sheppard.Eddie and Cornelia Sheppard - Jonas, Vera, Susie, Eli, and Seth Sheppard.Guin and Andy Lucas - Josie, Nick, Lou, and Pippa Lucas.
-Josie Lucas and Beatrice Flynn - Cal, and Tansy Flynn-Lucas.
-Nick Lucas and Sabrina Bewley - Newt Lucas.Seb and Miri Sheppard - Artie, Freddie & Billie, Lucy, and Theo Sheppard.
-Artie and Lara Sheppard.Hamish Halstead - Ione, and Phelan Halstead.
-Ione and Lorcan Ralston - Hattie, Tiberius, and Maryana Ralston.
-Phelan and Ambrosia Halstead - Wash Halstead.
Hermione and Hamish Halstead - Albany, and Stellan Halstead.Quinn and Rupert Doyle-Sheppard - Duncan, Poppy & Beatrix, and Gus Doyle-Sheppard.
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H [76] Cleon Ishmael
W [73] Serafina Pecola S1 [50] Atticus Macon
W [36] Henrietta Patience
S [14] Clement Absalom
D [11] Dorcas Verity
D [9] Aphra Susanna
S [5] Ezekiel Amos
S [2] Hosea Isham D1 [47] Mercy Guinevere
H [48] Jonas Graham
D [24] Willa Josephine
-W [25] Pearl Dominique
--S [2] Edward Kit "Ned"
--D [nb] Elisabeth Mae "Bess"
S [22] Forrest Malcolm
-Gf [21] Azalea Doris
--S [8mo] Newton Paddy "Newt"
D [19] Louisa Theodora
D [16] Roberta Antonia S2 [44] Laird Sebastian
W [48] Flora Muriel
S [21] Mortimer Louis
-W [21] Rinoa Kairi
S/D [18] Frederick Walter / Dorothea Agnes
D [15] Letitia Blanche
S [12] Milton Harold D2 [44] Dahlia Hermione
H [50] Ogden Leonides
StepD [25] Philippa Ione "Pippa"
-H [25] Socrates Cashel
--D [3] Ondine Domenica
--S [2] Serge Malachy
--D [5mo] Hester Jezebel
StepS [23] Casimir Phelan
-W [26] Electra Paz
--S [1] Raoul Jago
D [15] Tallulah Vita "Tally"
S [8] Barnabas Orson "Barney" S3 [40] Seneca Marius
H [37] Crispin Felix
S [7] Euan Harvey
D/D [5] Cerys Annabel / Ailsa Beatrix
S [3] Gregor Augustine
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H [76] Tristan Lemuel Flynn
W [73] Serafina Lux (Thornhill) FlynnS1 [50] Edward Holden Flynn
W [36] Cornelia Patience (Houghton) Flynn
S [14] Jared Jonas Flynn
D [11] Lydia Tabitha Flynn
D [9] Susanna Keturah Flynn
S [5] Elijah Emanuel Flynn
S [2] Seth Levi FlynnD1 [47] Mercy Guinevere (Flynn) St. Clair
H [48] George Anderson St. Clair
D [24] Olivia Josephine St. Clair
-W [25] Ariel June Elliott
--S [2] Tad Eben Elliott-St. Clair
--D [nb] Mae Tansy Elliott-St. Clair
S [22] Nicholas Malcolm St. Clair
-Gf [21] Azalea Lorelei Heyes
--S [8mo] Ollie Theo St. Clair
D [19] Charlotte Louisa St. Clair
D [16] Alexandra Augusta St. ClairS2 [44] Silas Sebastian Flynn
W [48] Flora Geraldine (Nicholls) Flynn
S [21] Edmund Arthur Flynn
-W [21] Lara Shion (Bolton) Flynn
S/D [18] Walter Sidney Flynn / Clara Helen Flynn
D [15] Josephine Lucinda Flynn
S [12] Theodore Martin FlynnD2 [44] Emma Rosamond (Flynn) Halstead
H [50] Oberon Hamish Halstead
StepD [25] Lenore Lucienne (Halstead) Alexander
-H [25] Walden Percival Alexander
--D [3] Cyra Katherine Alexander
--S [2] Ivo Malachy Alexander
--D [5mo] Tulip Leonie Alexander
StepS [23] Calloway Coltrane Halstead
-W [26] Electra Philomena (Coleman) Halstead
--S [1] Isidore Rufus Halstead
D [15] Elspeth Vita Halstead
S [8] Orson Stellan Halstead S3 [40] Rhett Marius Flynn
H [37] Felix Rupert Doyle
S [7] Lewis Harvey Flynn-Doyle
D/D [5] Annabel Ruby Flynn-Doyle / Beatrix Matilda Flynn-Doyle
S [3] Jasper Leo Flynn-Doyle
vote up1
DH: Caspar Wolf (76)
DW: Vida Lux (73)DS: Edward Orlando (50)
DD: Guinevere Mercy "Guin" (47)
DS/DD: Sebastian Laird "Sebby" / Rosamond Hermione "Rosie" (44)
DS: Oskar Valentino (40) Caspar and Vida have Edward, Guin, Sebby, Rosie and Oskar ---*---DS: Edward Orlando (50)
DW: Henrietta Prudence "Hettie" (36)DS: Jonas Clement(14)
DD: Phoebe Lydia (11)
DD: Susanna Aphra (9)
DS: Asa Rufus (5)
DS: Seth Levi (2) Edward and Hettie have Jonas, Phoebe, Susanna, Asa and Seth ---*---DD: Guinevere Mercy "Guin" (47)
DH: Dashiell Miles "Dash" (48)DD: Harriet Willa (24)
-DW: June Beatrice (25)
--DS: Kit Mose (2)
--DD: Mae Belle (nb) Harriet and June have Kit and Mae DS: Jasper Gabriel (22)
-Dgf: Lorelei Sabrina (21)
--DS: Theo Newt (8 months) Jasper and Lorelei have Theo DD: Clementine Theodora (19)
DD: Philippa Augusta (16) Guin and Dash have Harriet, Jasper, Clementine and Philippa ---*---DS: Sebastian Laird "Sebby" (44)
DW: Flora Opal (48)DS: Arthur Monty (21)
-DW: Lara Sora (21) Arthur and Lara DS/DD: Frederick Sidney "Freddie" / Clara Helen (18)
DD: Mabel Etta (15)
DS: Alfred Seymour "Alfie" (12) Sebby and Flora have Arthur, Freddie, Clara, Mabel and Alfie ---*---DD: Rosamond Hermione "Rosie" (44)
DH: Webb Sayer (50)Webb's DD: Pippa Dolly (25)
-DH: Lorcan Win (25)
--DD: Noe Lux (3)
--DS: Ivo Chet (2)
--DD: Leonie Hester (5 months) Pippa and Lorcan have Noe, Ivo and Leonie Webb's DS: Cosmo Bay (23)
-DW: Gray Corin (26)
--DS: Rufus Jago (1) Cosmo and Gray have Rufus DD: Elspeth Tally (15)
DS: Orson Piers (8) Rosie and Webb have Pippa, Cosmo, Elspeth and Orson ---*---DS: Oskar Valentino (40)
DH: Angus Felix (37)DS: Lewis Lachlan (7)
DD/DD: Poppy Iona / Matilda Gracie (5)
DS: Hugh Leo (3) Oskar and Angus have Lewis, Poppy, Matilda and Hugh
vote up1
H [76] Tristan Lemuel Bryant
W [73] Clarissa Bennington Whitwell
S1 [50] Holden Orlando Bryant
W [36] Cornelia Patience Morrison
S [14] Jared Increase Bryant
D [11] Tabitha Remember Bryant
D [9] Susanna Temperance Bryant
S [5] Elijah Prosperity Bryant
S [2] Abraham Comfort Bryant D1 [47] Mercy Pilar Bryant
H [48] George Dashiell Ravenscroft
D [24] Willa Jacqueline Ravenscroft
-W [25] Waverly Dominique Kay
--S [2] Tad Elzie Ravenscroft-Kay
--D [nb] Belle Tansy Ravenscroft-Kay
S [22] Wyatt Nicholas Ravenscroft
-Gf [21] Lorelei Ondine Hopkins
--S [8mo] Ollie Lon Ravenscroft
D [19] Louisa Danielle Ravenscroft
D [16] Briana Henrietta Ravenscroft S2 [44] Quillen Silas Bryant
W [48] Imogen Adelia Mackenzie

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vote up1
H [76] Caspar Lemuel
W [73] Lux Serafina
S1 [50] Atticus Edward
W [36] Henrietta Primrose
S [14] Jonas Zebulon
D [11] Phoebe Theodosia
D [9] Mercy Electa
S [5] Rufus Asa
S [2] Jethro HoseaD1 [47] Guinevere Pilar
H [48] Graham Elias
D [24] Willa Josephine
-W [25] Molly Undine
--S [2] Eben Mose
--D [nb] Betsy Kay
S [22] Jasper Barnaby
-Gf [21] Lola Azalea
--S [8mo] Paddy Zeb
D [19] Theodora Clementine
D [16] Augusta LouiseS2 [44] Silas Darcy
W [48] Miriam Opal
S [21] Arthur Edwin
-W [21] Lara Quistis
S/D [18] Sidney Julius / Clara Dorothea
D [15] Etta Cornelia
S [12] Murray CalvinD2 [44] Dahlia Hermione
H [50] Hamish Godrey
StepD [25] Snow Lucienne
-H [25] Percival Lorcan
--D [3] Katherina Lux
--S [2] Inigo Tiberius
--D [5mo] Jezebel Blanche
StepS [23] Casimir Moss
-W [26] Sybil Ambrosia
--S [1] Vaughn Raoul
D [15] Elspeth Branwen
S [8] Piers FinbarS3 [40] Oskar Marius
H [37] Felix Crispin
S [7] Rhys Duncan
D/D [5] Amelie Iona / Gracie Beatrix
S [3] Leo Augustine Caspar and Lux
Atticus, Guin, Silas, Dahlia and OskarAtticus and Hattie
Jonas, Phoebe, Mercy, Rufus and JethroGuin and Graham
Willa, Jasper, Thea and AugustaSilas and Miri
Arthur, Sidney, Clara, Etta and MurrayDahlia and Hamish
Snow, Cas, Elsie and PiersOskar and Felix
Rhys, Amelie, Gracie and LeoWilla and Molly
Eben and BetsyJasper and Lola
PaddyArthur and LaraSnow and Percy
Kat, Inigo and JezebelCas and Sybil
vote up1
Surnames: Alexander, Arnott, Ashton, Bagshaw, Bailey, Barrell, Bens, Bewley, Bishop, Bolton, Briden, Bryant, Burton, Coleman, Dagnell, Day, Doyle, Elliott, Flynn, Francis, Fraser, Gilbert, Gregory, Grimsey, Haden, Halstead, Heyes, Hopkins, Houghton, Hussain, Hutchison, Ingle, Jeffcock, Kay, Kinnison, Kyle, Lucas, Mackenzie, McSheffrey, Middleton, Millet, Mold, Morrison, Newton, Nicholls, O'Neill, O'Reilly, Oakley, Oliver, Ralston, Ravenscroft, Rawsthorne, Rees, Riley, Rooke, Rosso, Sheppard, Sowman, St. Clair, Thornhill, Tisdall, Todd, Wadsworth, Walraven, Watsham, Whitwell, Willett, Woollard, Wrenn, Yule
H [76] Caspar Lemuel Bailey
W [73] Clarissa Charity [Morrison] Bailey “Clara”S1 [50] Edward Atticus Bailey
W [36] Henrietta Patience [Day] Bailey “Hattie”
S [14] Jonas Eleazar
D [11] Ester Theodosia
D [9] Susanna Temperance “Susie”
S [5] Rufus Ezekiel
S [2] Seth Azariah
Edward, Hattie, Jonas, Ester, Susie, Rufus & SethD1 [47] Guinevere Fleur [Bailey] Mackenzie “Eve”
H [48] George Elias Mackenzie
D [24] Josephine Willa Mackenzie-Todd “Josie”
-W [25] Beatrice June Mackenzie-Todd
--S [2] Eben Tobe
--D [nb] Mamie Belle
S [22] Jasper Barnaby Mackenzie
-Gf [21] Lorelei Miranda Oakley “Lora”
--S [8mo] Theo Lon Oakley
D [19] Charlotte Justine “Lottie”
D [16] Philippa Louise “Pippa”
Eve, George, Josie, Beatrice, Eben, Mamie, Jasper, Lora, Theo, Lottie & PippaS2 [44] Sebastian Silas Bailey “Seb”
W [48] Constance Miriam [Francis] Bailey “Connie”
S [21] Arthur Mortimer Bailey
-W [21] Lara Selphie [Bishop] Bailey
S/D [18] Frederick Julius “Freddie” & Millicent Clara “Millie”
D [15] Mabel Josephine
S [12] Theodore Alfred “Ted”
Seb, Connie, Arthur, Lara, Freddie, Millie, Mabel & TedD2 [44] Rosamond Hermione [Bailey] Jeffcock
H [50] Hamish Godfrey Jeffcock
StepD [25] Lucienne Pippa “Lucy”
-H [25] Percival Tobiah “Percy”
--D [3] Katherina Spring “Kitty”
--S [2] Malachy Park
--D [5mo] Cerys Tulip
StepS [23] Jedidiah Moss “Jed”
-W [26] Fleur Ambrosia
--S [1] Maxfield Vaughn “Max”
D [15] Elspeth Branwen “Elsie”
S [8] Stellan Finbar S3 [40] Oskar Marius Bailey
H [37] Rupert Lennon Woollard
S [7] Harvey Duncan
D/D [5] Anwen Poppy & Eva Bryony
S [3] Ellis Hugh
vote up1
H [76] Cody Ishmael Hopkins “Cody”
W [73] Clarissa Charity (Newton) Hopkins “Clarissa”
S1 [50] Holden Edward Hopkins “Holden”
W [36] Amity Cornelia (Flynn) Hopkins “Amy”
S [14] Benaiah Jared Hopkins “Ben”
D [11] Lydia Tabitha Hopkins “Lydia”
D [9] Susanna Rosanna Hopkins “Susie”
S [5] Elijah Ezekiel Hopkins “Eli”
S [2] Seth Abraham Hopkins “Seth”D1 [47] Guinevere Fleur (Hopkins) Bishop “Guin”
H [48] Miles Isaiah Bishop “Miles”
D [24] Olivia Victoria Bishop-Ingle “Livia”
-W [25] Coralia Diana Bishop-Ingle “Cora”
--S [2] Tobe Mose Bishop-Ingle “Tobe”
--D [nb] Mae Belle Bishop-Ingle “Mae”
S [22] Nicholas Gabriel Bishop “Nick”
-Gf [21] Lorelei Miranda Doyle “Lori”
--S [8mo] Theo Paddy Bishop-Doyle “Theo”
D [19] Georgia Charlotte Bishop “Gia”
D [16] Alexandra Louise Bishop “Alexa”
S2 [44] Quillen Taft Hopkins “Quillen”
W [48] Miriam Imogen (Oliver) Hopkins “Miri”
S [21] Edmund Arthur Hopkins “Eddie”
-W [21] Lara Kairi (Morrison) Hopkins “Lara”
S/D [18] Raymond Julius Hopkins “RJ” / Clara Dorothea Hopkins “Clara”
D [15] Lucinda Josephine Hopkins “Lucy”
S [12] Harold Alfred Hopkins “Harry”D2 [44] Emma Rosamond (Hopkins) St. Clair “Emma”
H [50] Leonides Hamish St. Clair “Leo”
StepD [25] Pippa Lucienne (St. Clair) Fraser “Pippa”
-H [25] Percival Lorcan Fraser “Percy”
--D [3] Katherina Adira Fraser “Katie”
--S [2] Prescott Malachy Fraser “Scott”
--D [5mo] Maryana Cerys Fraser “Mary”
StepS [23] Coltrane Jedidiah St. Clair “Cole”
-W [26] Destin Philomena (Heyes) St. Clair “Destin”
--S [1] Maxfield Griffith St. Clair “Max”
D [15] Elspeth Sinead St. Clair “Elspeth”
S [8] Finbar Barnabas St. Clair “Finn”
S3 [40] Rhett Quintus Hopkins “Rhett”
H [37] Crispin Rupert O'Neill “Cris”
S [7] Duncan Rhys Hopkins-O'Neill “Duncan”
D/D [5] Annabel Ruby Hopkins-O'Neill “Anna” / Bryony Gwendolyn Hopkins-O'Neill “Bryony”
S [3] Gregor Hugh Hopkins-O'Neill “Greg”
vote up1
H [76] Caspar Lemuel Alexander
W [73] Serafina Lux Oakley S1 [50] Edward Atticus
W [36] Cornelia Primrose Thornhill
S [14] Jonas Clement
D [11] Phoebe Lydia
D [9] Susanna Temperance
S [5] Elijah Emanuel
S [2] Seth Zaccheus
Ned Alexander, Cornelia Alexander, Jonas Alexander, Phoebe Alexander, Susanna Alexander, Eli Alexander, & Seth AlexanderD1 [47] Guinevere Fleur
H [48] George Isaiah Millet
D [24] Francesca Josephine
-W [25] Beatrice Pearl Ashton
--S [2] Eben Kit
--D [nb] Tansy Belle
Francesca Millet, Beatrice Ashton, Eben Millet, & Tansy Millet
S [22] Malcolm Gabriel
-Gf [21] Miranda Lorelei Lucas
--S [8mo] Theo Lige
Malcolm Millet, Miranda Millet, & Theo Millet
D [19] Louisa Clementine
D [16] Alexandra Geraldine
Guinevere Millet, George Millet, Francesca Millet, Malcolm Millet, Louisa Millet, & Alexandra MilletS2 [44] Silas Melchior
W [48] Flora Imogen Fraser
S [21] Louis Edmund
-W [21] Lara Selphie Lucas
Louis Fraser & Lara Fraser
S/D [18] Victor Julius / Clara Millicent
D [15] Mabel Josephine
S [12] Theodore Martin
Silas Fraser, Flora Fraser, Louis Fraser, Victor Fraser, Clara Fraser, Mabel Fraser, & Teddy FraserD2 [44] Rosamond Dahlia
H [50] Hamish Leonides Whitwell
StepD [25] Lucienne Pippa
-H [25] Tobiah Lorcan Wrenn
--D [3] Katherina Ondine
--S [2] Malachy Inigo
--D [5mo] Cerys Leona
Lucy Wrenn, Toby Wrenn, Kate Wrenn, Mackie Wrenn, & Cerys Wrenn
StepS [23] Cosmo Jedidiah
-W [26] Sybil Fleur Heyes
--S [1] Jago Isidore
Cosmo Whitwell, Sybil Heyes, & Jago Whitwell-Heyes
D [15] Sinead Cornelia
S [8] Finbar Stellan
Rosamond Whitwell, Hamish Whitwell, Lucy Whitwell, Cos Whitewell, Sinead Whitwell, & Fin WhitwellS3 [40] Oskar Marius
H [37] Callum Fergus Oliver
S [7] Rhys Duncan
D/D [5] Anwen Cressida / Eva Bryony
S [3] Hugh Gregor
Oskar Alexander, Callum Oliver, Rhys Oliver, Anwen Oliver, Evie Oliver, & Hugh OliverCaspar Alexander, Serafina Alexander, Ned Alexander, Winnie Alexander, Silas Alexander, Rosie Alexander, & Oskar Alexander
vote up1
Tristan Cody
Aurora Clarissa "Rory"Atticus Edward
Mercy Guinevere
Sebastian Darcy "Bastian"
Emma Scout
Rhett Cullen --
Atticus Edward
Primrose Prudence "Prim"Jonas Clement "Joey"
Tabitha Lydia "Abby"
Susanna Mercy "Anna"
Josiah Elijah
Levi Seth --
Mercy Guinevere
Aidan George Josephine Victoria "Jo"
- Molly June
-- Dell Tobe
-- Mae Belle Liam Nicholas
- Lola Miranda
-- Theo Newt Louisa Samantha
Philippa Alexandra "Pippa"--
Sebastian Darcy "Bastian"
Adelia Miriam "Addy"Arthur Louis
- Lara Rynn Walter Frederick / Dorothea Clara "Thea"
Blanche Josephine
Murray Theodore --
Emma Scout
Hamish Oberon Lenore Snow "Nora"
- Tobiah Walden "Toby"
-- Katherina Lux "Katie"
-- Malachy Park "Kai"
-- Jezebel Blanche "Bell"Jedidiah Bay "Jed"
- Fleur Gray
-- Vaughn Day Sinead Elspeth
Stellan Piers --
Rhett Cullen
Fergus Angus Hamish Lachlan
Annabel Poppy Iona "Annie" / Eva Bryony Gwendolyn "Evie"
Finlay Jasper "Finn"
vote up1
H [76] Tristan Caspar Thornhill
W [73] Lux Clarissa (Alexander) Thornhill
S1 [50] Edward Macon Thornhill
W [36] Primrose Henrietta (Todd) Thornhill
S [14] Jared Clement Thornhill
D [11] Lydia Ester Thornhill
D [9] Susanna Temperance Thornhill
S [5] Elisha Rufus Thornhill
S [2] Abraham Zaccheus ThornhillD1 [47] Pansy Blue (Thornhill) Halstead
H [48] Gus George Halstead
D [24] Victoria Jacqueline Halstead
-W [25] Diana Waverly Heyes
--S [2] Kit Tad Halstead-Heyes
--D [nb] Annie Mae Halstead-Heyes
S [22] Nicholas Barnaby Halstead
-Gf [21] Miranda Oona Day
--S [8mo] Ollie Zeb Halstead
D [19] Charlotte Paulina Halstead
D [16] Augusta Louise HalsteadS2 [44] Sebastian Silas Thornhill
W [48] Miriam Constance (St. Clair) Thornhill
S [21] Edmund Arthur Thornhill
-W [21] Rikku Sorra (Wrenn) Thornhill
S/D [18] Sidney Victor Thornhill / Vera Agnes Thornhill
D [15] Josephine Blanche Thornhill
S [12] Harry Martin ThornhillD2 [44] Emma Rosamond (Thornhill) Whitwell
H [50] Hamish Ogden Whitwell
StepD [25] Pippa Cicely (Whitwell) Morrison
-H [25] Tobiah Walden Morrison
--D [3] Lux Valentine Morrison
--S [2] Ivo Prescott Morrison
--D [5mo] Maryana Cerys Morrison
StepS [23] Jedidiah Ludovic Whitwell
-W [26] Gray Fleur (Kinnison) Whitwell
--S [1] Rufus Maxfield Whitwell
D [15] Branwen Albany Whitwell
S [8] Stellan Balthazar WhitwellS3 [40] Sawyer Oskar Thornhill
H [37] Angus Rupert Woollard
S [7] Lachlan Euan Thornhill-Wollard
D/D [5] Poppy Anwen Thornhill-Wollard / Bryony Clementine Thornhill-Wollard
S [3] Hugh Gregor Thornhill-Wollard
vote up1
H [76] Tristan Wolf
W [73] Serafina Aurora
S1 [50] Axel Holden
W [36] Selah Amity
S [14] Clement Jonas "CJ"
D [11] Theodosia Lydia "Teddy"
D [9] Mercy Electra
S [5] Josiah Ezekiel
S [2] Seth Levi D1 [47] Mercy Viviette
H [48] Graham Isaiah
D [24] Francesca Christine
-W [25] Molly Dominique
--S [2] Cal Eben
--D [nb] Annie Mae
S [22] Malcolm Nicholas
-Gf [21] Lorelei Alana
--S [8mo] Zeb Theo
D [19] Georgia Charlotte
D [16] Alexandra Antonia "Allie"S2 [44] Sebastian Silas "Seb"
W [48] Miriam Imogen "Miri"
S [21] Edmund Arthur
-W [21] Lara Rynn
S/D [18] Frederick Raymond "Freddy" / Harriet Clara
D [15] Josephine Dora "Josie"
S [12] Theodore Martin "Teddy"D2 [44] Rosamond Emma
H [50] Leonides Webb "Leo"
StepD [25] Lucienne Cicely
-H [25] Lorcan Tobiah
--D [3] Katherina Valentine
--S [2] Malachy Prescott
--D [5mo] Cerys Verena
StepS [23] Gerrit Casimir
-W [26] Ambrosia Corin
--S [1] Maxfield Isidore "Max"
D [15] Branwen Elspeth
S [8] Stellan Piers S3 [40] Quintus Valentino "Quin"
H [37] Callum Felix
S [7] Lachlan Rhys
D/D [5] Amelie Annabel / Catriona Eva
S [3] Leo Augustine
vote up1
H [76] -- Caspar Septimus Haden
W [73] -- Aurora Serafina [Ingle] Haden*****S1 [50] -- Atticus Edward Haden
W [36] -- Cornelia Henrietta [Rawsthorn] HadenS [14] -- Jonas Benaiah Haden
D [11] -- Lydia Theodosia Haden
D [9] -- Keziah Temperance Haden
S [5] -- Emanuel Rufus Haden
S [2] -- Seth Zaccheus Haden*****D1 [47] -- Fleur Guinevere [Haden] Kinnison
H [48] -- Elias Graham KinnisonD [24] -- Francesca Harriet Kinnison Bishop
-W [25] -- June Coralia Kinnison Bishop
--S [2] -- Ike Eben Kinnison Bishop
--D [nb] -- Mae Annie Kinnison BishopS [22] -- Malcolm Nicholas Kinnison
-Gf [21] -- Miranda Azalea Todd
--S [8mo] -- Zeb Theo KinnisonD [19] -- Clementine Justine Kinnison
D [16] -- Philippa Louise Kinnison*****S2 [44] -- Silas Melchior Haden
W [48] -- Adelia Constance [Mackenzie] Haden

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DH: {76} Tristan Lemuel Elliott
DW: {73} Aurora Lux {Ingle} ElliottDS1: {50} Holden Edward Elliott
- DW: {36} Henrietta Primrose {Barrell} Elliott
- DS: {14} Jared Clement Elliott
- DD: {11} Phoebe Lydia Elliott
- DD: {9} Susanna Hester Elliott
- DS: {5} Josiah Amos Elliott
- DS: {2} Seth Abraham ElliottDD1: {47} Guinevere Pilar {Elliott} Bens
- DH: {48} Miles Graham Bens
- DD: {24} Josephine Harriet Bens
-- DW: {25} Molly Pearl Coleman
-- DS: {2} Tad Eben Bens-Coleman
-- DD: {nb} Melia Kay Bens-Coleman
- DS: {22} Gabriel Wyatt Elliott
-- Dgf: {21} Alana Lorelei Briden
-- DS: {8m} Theo Lige Elliott
- DD: {19} Justine Georgia Elliott
- DD: {16} Alexandra Louise ElliottDS2: {44} Sebastian Taft Elliott
- DW: {48} Miriam Imogen {Flynn} Elliott
- DS: {21} Edwin Louis Elliott
-- DW: {21} Kairi Rinoa {Rees} Elliott
- DS/DD: {18} Walter Raymond Elliott / Wilhelmina Helen Elliott
- DD: {15} Mabel Cornelia Elliott
- DS: {12} Alfred Seymour ElliottDD2: {44} Emma Rosamond {Elliott} Oakley
- DH: {50} Leonides Oberon Oakley
- SDD: {25} Cicely Lucienne {Oakley} Lucas
-- DH: {25} Tobiah Walden Lucas
-- DD: {3} Katherina Ondine Lucas
-- DS: {2} Prescott Malachy Lucas
-- DD: {5m} Leonie Maryana Lucas
- SDS: {23} Jedidiah Gerrit Oakley
-- DW: {26} Gray Ambrosia {Bryant} Oakley
-- DS: {1} Vaughn Griffith Oakley
- DS: {15} Sinead Elspeth Oakley
- DS: {8} Piers Stellan OakleyDS: {40} Sawyer Rhett Elliott
- DH: {37} Felix Lenon Ashton
- DS: {7} Rhys Duncan Elliott-Ashton
- DD/DD: {5} Amelie Iona Elliott-Ashton / Ailsa Gwendolyn Elliott-Ashton
- DS: {3} Finlay Gregor Elliott-Ashton
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H [76] Tristan Cody Millet
W [73] Serafina Lux (Riley) Millet "Sera"
S1 [50] Holden Edward Millet
W [36] Selah Prudence (Grimsey) Millet
S [14] Jonas Eleazer Millet
D [11] Phoebe Tabitha Millet
D [9] Keziah Hester Millet
S [5] Asa Rufus Millet
S [2] Levi Abraham Millet D1 [47] Blue Guinevere (Millet) Dagnell
H [48] Elias Graham Dagnell "Eli"
D [24] Harriet Olivia Dagnell "Hattie"
-W [25] Molly Ariel Hopkins
--S [2] Eben Cal Hopkins-Dagnell
--D [nb] Melia Bess Hopkins-Dagnell
S [22] Asher Malcolm Dagnell "Ash"
-Gf [21] Lorelei Oceane Bryant "Rory"
--S [8mo] Kiah Theo Bryant-Dagnell
D [19] Georgia Nicole Dagnell "Gigi"
D [16] Alexandra Louise Dagnell "Andie"S2 [44] Silas Taft Millet "Sy"
W [48] Miriam Imogen (O'Neill) Millet "Miri"
S [21] Edmund Arthur Millet "Eddie"
-W [21] Selphie Kairi Quistis Shion Taki Rinoa Lara Rynn Rikku Sora
S/D [18] Walter Frederick Millet/Vera Helen Millet
D [15] Josephine Etta Millet "Josie"
S [12] Harry Calvin MilletD2 [44] Romola Scout (Millet) Houghton
H [50] Sayer Hamish Houghton
StepD [25] Kiernan Pippa (Houghton) Day
-H [25] Tobiah Lorcan Day
--D [3] Cyra Ondine Day
--S [2] Malachy Park Day
--D [5mo] Toril Verena Day "Tori"
StepS [23] Cosmo Jedidiah Houghton
-W [26] Gray Carmelita (Bagshaw) Houghton
--S [1] Maxfield Vaughn Houghton "Max"
D [15] Branwen Tessie Houghton
S [8] Stellan Piers Houghton S3 [40] Cullen Sawyer Millet
H [37] Felix Callum Lucas
S [7] Rhys Duncan Millet-Lucas
D/D [5] Poppy Annabel Millet-Lucas/Ailsa Beatrix Millet-Lucas
S [3] Jasper Finaly Millet-Lucas
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H [76] Caspar Septimus Gilbert
W [73] Aurora Charity Gilbert {nee Sheppard}Caspar & Aurora Gilbert; Ned, Fleur, Seb, Romy and Oskar. S1 [50] Edward Orlando Gilbert
W [36] Henrietta Primrose Gilbert {nee Flynn}
S [14] Jonas Clement Benaiah Gilbert
D [11] Tabitha Phoebe Lydia Gilbert
D [9] Rosanna Mercy Keturah Gilbert
S [5] Asa Ezekiel Rufus Gilbert
S [2] Hosea Levi Abraham GilbertNed & Hetty Gilbert; Jonas, Tabitha, Rosie, Asa and Hosea. D1 [47] Fleur Guinevere Bailey {nee Gilbert}
H [48] George Elias Bailey
D [24] Josephine Harriet Bailey
-W [25] Pearl Diana Alexander
--S [2] Eben Mose Alexander-Bailey
--D [nb] Mae Betsy Alexander-Bailey
S [22] Nicholas Gabriel Bailey
-Gf [21] Oona Lorelei Fraser
--S [8mo] Theo Zeb Fraser Bailey
D [19] Theodora Charlotte Bailey
D [16] Philippa Augusta BaileyFleur & George Bailey; Josie, Nick, Theda and Pip.
Josie Bailey & Pearl Alexander; Eben and Mae.
Nick Bailey & Oona Fraser; Theo.
S2 [44] Sebastian Melchior Gilbert
W [48] Miriam Flora Gilbert {nee Riley}
S [21] Arthur Edmund Gilbert
-W [21] Sora Kairi Gilbert {nee Tisdall}
S/D [18] Sidney Eugene Gilbert / Wilhelmina Helen Gilbert
D [15] Lucinda Mabel Gilbert
S [12] Alfred Martin GilbertSeb & Miriam Gilbert; Arthur, Sid, Mina, Cinda and Alfie.
Arthur & Sora Gilbert.
D2 [44] Romola Hermione Mackenzie {nee Gilbert}
H [50] Hamish Godfrey Mackenzie
StepD [25] Lucienne Cicely Mackenzie Thornhill
-H [25] Tobiah Percival Thornhill
--D [3] Henrietta Valentine Lux Thornhill
--S [2] Malachy Tiberius Ivo Thornhill
--D [5mo] Cerys Hester Blanche Thornhill
StepS [23] Ludovic Cosmo Mackenzie
-W [26] Electra Philomena Mackenzie {nee Kay}
--S [1] Maxfield Day Mackenzie
D [15] Branwen Cornelia Mackenzie
S [8] Stellan Barnabas MackenzieRomy & Hamish Mackenzie; Lucie, Ludo, Branwen and Stellan.
Lucie & Tobiah Thornhill; Hetty, Malachy and Cerys.
Ludo & Electra Mackenzie; Max.
S3 [40] Oskar Quintus Gilbert
H [37] Felix Conall Rosso
S [7] Lachlan Rhys Gilbert-Rosso
D/D [5] Anwen Cressida Gilbert-Rosso / Beatrix Matilda Gilbert-Rosso
S [3] Hugh Finlay Gilbert-RossoOskar Gilbert & Felix Rosso; Lachlan, Anwen, Beatrix and Hugh.
vote up1